[01:41:13] You mean the stle of text or text being centered? [01:41:59] If you mean centered then it's CSS in that part of text [02:12:40] absolute insanity [02:31:38] please be specific since I don't know what you're asking about exactly [02:33:05] The text are slightly misaligned and not properly centered [03:11:05] [1/2] I am getting sick and tired of Trashy Vyond Videos Wiki using the {{NSFW}} and {{NSFL}} tags, a {{CW}} tag exists in place of it and it's kinda mobile-_un_friendly. [03:11:05] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:NSFW [03:11:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300295748319055882/Screenshot_20241027_200842.png?ex=67205248&is=671f00c8&hm=54e89cab3555b3dc1b221f28b020e8dfb1fb6f9b0e23e606aaa76a6a43f785fb& [03:11:05] [03:11:06] [03:11:07] [03:11:47] Uh ok then. [03:15:24] wikibot sends that because of the {{ [04:00:44] when using skin per page extension and using Cosmos/skin, it says that it is "invalid or unknown", but still uses the cosmos skin anyway [04:00:58] [1/5] I was adding createwiki extension to my site - and I added the correct database i.e where the mwno_cw_wikis is located but still an internal error is being displayed [04:00:58] [2/5] Error 1046: No database selected [04:00:58] [3/5] Function: Miraheze\CreateWiki\Services\CreateWikiDataFactory::resetDatabaseLists [04:00:59] [4/5] Query: SELECT wiki_dbcluster,wiki_dbname,wiki_deleted,wiki_sitename,wiki_url FROM `cw_wikis` [04:00:59] [5/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300308302798000138/Screenshot_183.png?ex=67205df9&is=671f0c79&hm=623dff610ac62b4f7a7eee507764e84c6d8e15f4e48b8ccc7b073586fafa8f6b& [04:01:24] can anyone help me plz [04:04:05] [1/2] lol? [04:04:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300309088181424149/image0.jpg?ex=67205eb5&is=671f0d35&hm=ca2a7469955777dc9eb37689ae867584bdba87937796f279e3fede05b6829cac& [04:10:21] kudos to you [04:10:27] very few people have done so successfully [04:10:49] lol it is not successful 😭 [04:11:04] kudos for trying I should've said [04:11:39] thank you man, appreciate it ; btw can you help me out with the error? [04:13:45] CW is a mystery [04:13:56] but I think you haven't defined wgCreateWikiDatabase [04:14:17] in fact, CW seems to be rather misconfigured [04:14:27] I don't remember there being a wgCreateWikiDBName [04:14:35] or a wgCreateWikISQLFiles accepting a folder [04:14:57] oooooooooooohhhhhhh [04:15:09] i'm a lil slow [04:15:19] soooooooooo THANK YOU! [04:18:02] no problem [04:18:12] did you ask AI to help you configure it? [04:18:21] quite a few parameters mentioned there don't exist [04:48:06] nah man, i'm dyslexic 😦 [04:48:20] and i'm a little bit of hurry things up guy soooo [04:52:09] btw now the site is working but while accessing special:createwiki??? [04:52:51] and i have assigned the correct database (where the main wiki is stored) still it is displaying not accessible [06:14:12] Hello guys [06:14:49] [1/2] I have set up createwiki extension and while trying to access the Special:CreateWiki I encountered the error [06:14:50] [2/2] The interfaces for CreateWiki are only available on the global wiki. [06:15:01] Can anyone guide me how to create a global wiki here? [06:17:35] where are you people coming from lol, this is third createwiki question in the last couple of days [06:29:28] Lol I am the second - bobythehill is other one. [06:34:56] nah there was another one before xd [07:08:27] poor souls trying to set up CreateWiki [07:08:32] an almost impossible task [07:16:43] lord have mercy on us :squint: [07:48:35] @astor.pastor you are probably missing a config variable [09:19:14] [1/2] Anyone know how to change/target the colors of the wiki editor syntax? E.g. editing the Timeless.css would have "border: none" have "border", the colon and "none" in different colors [09:19:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300388399462617118/image.png?ex=6720a892&is=671f5712&hm=0da64c4944f53de8bcec56b1d3938697fbb85316c3bd7dba879ae11e82b33e69& [09:20:09] thanks for reminding me, I've dropped off but my plan is basically to strip out the old tags permanently and stick to the mature/content warning one [09:20:28] it will probably be the last/only major thing I do there [09:43:07] [1/2] If anyone can give me the class of this part [09:43:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300394410315612191/Screenshot_20241028_153825_Chrome.png?ex=6720ae2b&is=671f5cab&hm=70b46222f3f730eba743df949ec40b7e03b9e151ab0242d2a4fb23602450b08b& [09:45:46] desktop, hit f12, select that part [09:45:56] regrettably no easy way on mobile that I know of [09:46:16] but something like that beats giving a class which could be anything on a site they'd have to go to and look up themselves [09:46:22] it's a header element at least [09:48:36] `page-heading` [09:55:15] Sad part I don't have pc [09:55:40] press F [09:58:45] going to need to upgrade - though not necessarily by buying something. CosmicAlpha can best advise since he can actually do code stuff from phone and it's advisable to look into it if you're at all serious with wiki business. I believe Kiwi Browser is the strongest choice on this. [09:59:04] I can view source with an extension on firefox but it's clunky and I hate doing anything more than browsing on mobile anyway [10:00:10] tablet can go partway if available, laptop would be excellent [10:00:15] Cosmic suggested Kiwi yeah, but it's chromium [10:00:57] I'm reluctant to contribute to the chromium monopoly but firefox just ain't the tool for this purpose on phone so... [11:37:08] [1/2] Imagine if miraheze can do this [11:37:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300423103163138171/Screenshot_20241028_183609_Chrome.png?ex=6720c8e4&is=671f7764&hm=a90f2cb2b1c18a046dca2638f8e59cda5e51d633e61816263602813f99e29cae& [11:37:52] relatedarticles extension [11:38:02] + cirrussearch [11:38:50] block appears by default under article ares but if you really wanna you can move it around w/ CSS/JS [11:38:54] The extension “hidesection” doesn’t work on my wikis main page. It shows the buttons but doesn’t actually collapse the section when pressed. Is there a way to fix this? I looked around online but didnt spot anything myself unfortunately [11:40:40] I didn't know Labster made it [11:41:30] which skin/s and does it happen on both desktop and mobile (and do use mobile mode)? [11:45:19] we use monobook and we dont use mobile mode [it happens on both desktop and mobile] [11:48:03] there's a task related to strange VE relation [11:49:48] can you drop a link to wiki? [11:50:45] https://vyletpony.miraheze.org/wiki/Vylet_Pony_Wiki here [11:59:13] I see no buttons or anything on sections [12:08:17] How can I give a demo of a gadget with out installing it [12:26:05] [1/2] When trying to log into my user account, I get this message: [12:26:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300435421808955402/grafik.png?ex=6720d45d&is=671f82dd&hm=cf5677116c5e4c56dffdb22453a88123712561cb0c395e891466afa4fe431bcd& [12:26:14] Any idea what I can do? [12:30:09] I disables my adblocker, tried Ctrl+F5, tried with and without checking the "Keep me logged in" box. Last login was a few weeks ago [12:33:14] try to clean cache/cookies [12:33:33] Just did that and it worked. Thanks! [12:49:07] [1/2] have been dealing with spam on some of my sites and found it was on a sole miraheze wiki too: [12:49:07] [2/2] might wanna delete that [13:01:25] I made a mediawiki gadget with eruda script :| to inspect a mediawiki page [13:01:45] Here it is https://bn.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%A6%AC%E0%A7%8D%E0%A6%AF%E0%A6%AC%E0%A6%B9%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B0%E0%A6%95%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B0%E0%A7%80:R1F4T/Inspect.js [13:05:04] #cvt [13:18:55] Do we know what extension this is? [13:19:39] I've never seen that on an MH wiki before, is it just relatedarticles and CS or is there a particular setting? [13:20:25] I've seen it since I got a wiki here, and had enabled, but it didn't work untill CirrusSearch was enabled [13:21:03] I wonder how we could make that more clear [13:21:28] Maybe a help message under the extension that says "Please request CS for additional functionalities" [13:21:34] ^ [13:22:01] it's apparently a parser function too, but I haven't tried this way [14:19:57] Why I can not edit visually [14:20:21] did u enable visual editor extension [14:20:45] What is that? [14:22:05] an extension [14:22:18] [1/2] enable it in ur wiki's extensions [14:22:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300464667252101150/image0.jpg?ex=6720ef9a&is=671f9e1a&hm=74f13e6a0b9f1189ba616e2dbcaa376bc771a4bc082ac7cdeb0247b0a4c1a3ed& [14:22:37] Miraheze wikis have a bunch of features, which admins can turn on and off on their wikis [14:41:45] Thank you [15:27:17] I requested a wiki. How do I know if the wiki has been approved? [15:27:43] <_arawynn> you get a notification if logged into your account and an email [15:28:42] How long does it take to get the first reply about the wiki? [15:28:46] Roughly. [15:29:22] <_arawynn> a couple days - depends on how much time the volunteers have [15:29:32] Oh. [15:29:55] <_arawynn> like three or four days I think [15:30:56] <_arawynn> also it may happen that they have questions about details [15:40:15] Yeah, I know about the details. [15:41:20] My wiki has reverted to my old skin even though I didn't touch anything, isn't that weird? [15:41:37] I was on Citizen and it was switched back to Timeless [15:56:37] [1/2] How do I change the white parts to black on my wiki? [15:56:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300488401094443149/Screenshot_755.png?ex=672105b4&is=671fb434&hm=4ac79479096bc9f88a919f49561a8683df64a2e1e8b3985f909b06413f2723bf& [15:57:14] [1/5] ```css [15:57:14] [2/5] body { [15:57:14] [3/5] background: black [15:57:15] [4/5] } [15:57:15] [5/5] ``` [16:00:20] [1/2] I'm not sure where to put it [16:00:20] [2/2] [16:01:00] The skin broke after the Vector update [16:03:25] Anything in logs? Or are you signed out [16:04:52] maybe in vector.css [16:17:37] The elements have changed names [16:17:58] So are you using legacy Vector? [16:32:54] Are there any plans to get SemanticMediawiki working again? Or is it a situation of wait and see when issues with SMW are fixed? [16:36:11] I'm looking to build a wiki with data that can be queried, but I'd like to avoid cargo and SWM can't currently be installed. Are there any other recommendations that would be easy to migrate to SMW if it becomes an option? [16:37:25] I'm not aware of SMW being broken, where did you see that? [16:38:37] Was my assumption, seeing that requests to enable it were put on hold. Is that not correct? [16:50:56] Oh, I wasn't aware of that. I'll see what the issue is [17:19:12] how do i prevent images being inverted in dark mode :waaaa: [17:20:17] don't use dark mode [17:22:58] but i love dark mode....... [17:35:37] it's been broke since 1.42 [17:36:25] I remember enabling it on a wiki or two relatively recently [17:36:31] 😳 [17:37:16] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12352 [18:07:29] Im still kinda surprised we haven’t fixed that [18:22:19] it says it’s stalled [18:22:26] though I don’t see why it’s stalled [18:22:58] It looks like it’s fixed in the upstream dev branch [18:25:25] yeah [18:25:41] the issue seems to be that we can’t reliably upgrade to dev branches(?) [18:27:00] it references another task that needs to be implemented [18:27:47] but that one is at PR ready so I'm Pretty Sure™️ that we could just apply that pull and that would sorta set everything in motion [18:30:05] We can pull from dev [18:30:09] But that’s a bad idea [18:30:24] There is a patch file that fixes the issue [18:30:40] But our infrastructure set up doesn’t support loading patches onto the servers [18:30:53] As I understand [18:31:16] Quick policy related question; are admin elections and policy consensus RfC's required to be held on-wiki or can they be done on an external platform (that is official to the wiki and prominent ofc)? [18:38:04] So SMW is broken right now, yeah? [20:02:22] You're welcome. ^w^ [20:06:00] No, I was connected, but for at least a few minutes, the skin changed abruptly. I had to change skin and put back the one I wanted. [20:06:17] I didn't understand. [21:02:17] how in the goddamn TemplateDate doesn't provide a link to template for full documentation lol [21:02:42] I managed to add it to my hardcore classic infobxo [21:02:53] only to see this silliness [21:22:03] How I can make infoboxes appear in the right side of articles? Mine is on the top [21:22:07] on the left side [21:25:39] `float: right;` in styling/CSS [21:26:05] Which page? [21:26:52] depends on type of infobox [21:27:18] Wikipedia-like infobox [21:27:18] if you took from wikipedia guess you add that in MediaWiki:Common.css [21:27:56] [1/2] usually `.infobox { float: right; }` [21:27:56] [2/2] ideally you should have copied css proper too [21:29:24] [1/2] Also, on my indie wiki, it looks like this [21:29:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300572149869707294/B0622B2C-E0BD-48F9-B2CF-7B7C23EDC5EB.png?ex=672153b3&is=67200233&hm=3615107250807175a7117f8587d6392d7d4e46b993bb58d56a8c19dbf8e9ca5c& [21:29:58] It's a mess [21:30:06] How I can make it look like Wikipedia, or something [21:34:07] [1/2] well, just what I said, you need to copy CSS properly from source wiki's MediaWiki:Common.css page to your [21:34:07] [2/2] this code is responsible for the look 90% of the time [21:35:01] I should sleep lol [23:24:55] are there any programs where I can create wikitables offline? [23:26:53] You could self host mediawikk [23:27:16] maybe a local parsoid sandbox is possible but i havent seen smt like that [23:29:49] [1/3] Usjng the Refreshed theme. [23:29:49] [2/3] How do I make the bell and inbox icons be the same color as the search icon? [23:29:49] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1300602450906058846/Screenshot_20241028_162730.png?ex=67216fec&is=67201e6c&hm=4b0177d276606de3842e75cfb5d2bfe22869b9f216d19bc428d5011f92ac6a62& [23:43:39] part of the issue is that the mediawiki parser is braindead so no one wants to implement wikitext without jumping into the Atlantic