[03:32:33] [1/3] I'm trying to sort out some file names and I need to make sure I have some arranged correctly. [03:32:33] [2/3] Trying to search files for similarly named images is proving futile since nothing shows up in the actual search results, even if there's multiple file names filled in when typing a file name. [03:32:33] [3/3] Eg if I search for "File:PromoClearFile" then nothing shows up, even though at least 100 images have that as the start of their file name and plenty file names show up in the auto-fill whilst typing. Anything I can do to make results show up, or is this something that'll have to be put on the backburner of things to look into? [03:40:57] have you tried Special:AllPages? [03:41:11] also maybe CirrusSearch will make search better [05:43:41] just to make sure - are you clicking the "multimedia" optiom in the search results? [05:43:52] MW wont return files by default, it returns mainspace only iirc [05:43:56] Yep. And then I did everything. [05:44:04] advanced search doesnt work? [05:45:02] It didn't, no. [05:45:16] is your wiki public? :o can i take a look if it is [05:45:23] Yea [05:50:07] [1/2] Cuz RN it's just me and one other person adding files. She adds the files and anything she doesn't name in-line with the pre-existing ones in the same naming scheme I need to change so it's all sorted, like a library. [05:50:07] [2/2] It's a 50/50 thing. I have detailed naming scheme rules mostly for myself to follow. There was some conflicting naming on the Ichiban Prize image files so I wanted them all in one place to check but just searching for "IchibanKuji" brought up nothing, even though at least a dozen files use that in their name in some capacity. [05:50:52] can i have a link [05:51:31] You can't find the wiki? Hold on [05:51:43] https://herotvdatabase.miraheze.org/wiki/Tiger_%26_Bunny_Wiki [05:54:55] [1/2] https://herotvdatabase.miraheze.org/w/index.php?search=File%3APromoClearFile*&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns6=1 [05:54:56] [2/2] We need to use a wildcard (*) since it looks like MW normally matches whole word only [05:55:16] On our wiki we use spaced names (I.e. File_Name_Here.png) which seems to mitigate this issue [05:55:30] Ahhh, thank you! [05:57:15] No problem :} [07:28:54] My wiki was approved with no issues. [07:28:57] Impressive. [07:29:28] I sent the request yesterday. And they've already gone through 3 pages of wikis before reaching mine. [09:29:28] [1/3] Why css is not applying to the `ns` class [09:29:29] [2/3] Like into ns-2, ns-8 etc [09:29:29] [3/3] `Skin: Minerva ` [09:29:59] @CSS/JS Support Volunteers [09:31:39] is it possible for adding sound effects yet? [09:36:29] [1/2] I tried by clear cache even clear data, used different device, used incognito but none of them work in Minerva [09:36:29] [2/2] Note: it's working on vector [09:36:56] its probably still because cache [09:37:25] which wiki is it [09:42:43] wdym? [09:42:53] Can you check https://minepedia.miraheze.org/wiki/%E0%A6%AE%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%A1%E0%A6%BF%E0%A6%AF%E0%A6%BC%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%89%E0%A6%87%E0%A6%95%E0%A6%BF:Common.css?mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop [09:45:19] Hah a thing happened I make the color of the background black it applied properly and now I reloaded it now it becomes white again [09:45:53] _sees if he can kick the edge cache_ [09:45:54] [1/5] oh thats bc minerva has different css, [09:45:54] [2/5] ``` [09:45:55] [3/5] .ns-8 { [09:45:55] [4/5] --background-color-base: black; [09:45:55] [5/5] }```do this [09:46:27] Now it aging changed to black [09:46:54] do your change and if you think cache i will purge edge too [09:47:13] Again white [09:47:55] [1/2] hello, how do I change the color of these colored lines? [09:47:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1301482779187351574/image.png?ex=6724a3ca&is=6723524a&hm=8da9adf09d021c8d6d08604d287cd1a5874a0f1b1f7ffa17fde4aee5164330d2& [09:49:42] [1/2] these are like separate 3 elements [09:49:43] [2/2] the usual process of changing anything in the skin is poking around the page w/ element inspector and adding changes to element's styling in skin specific CSS page, in this case MediaWiki:Timeless.css [09:50:57] [1/2] if if it's your first time poking HTML/CSS I suggest to learn basics first [09:50:57] [2/2] there are examples on other wikis but blindly copying the code doesn't always work [09:52:22] Most irritating part it doesn't change live huh. [09:52:36] alr thanks! I just changed the wiki background and was planning to also change the color but my friend doesnt know how to change it so i had to ask here [09:52:39] You can't confirm if the have been applied or not [09:53:06] wiki gambling [09:53:44] Ah [09:53:45] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1301484246191570954/Screenshot_20241031_155330_Chrome.png?ex=6724a528&is=672353a8&hm=0e2f08a4b2f7ea83d943d898242784838238a69fd66231ebbf138c067fa0c3e0& [09:53:48] See [09:53:51] this lol, sometimes it takes awhile to properly load. this was the trouble i had with font changing cuz it takes awhile to properly apply and suddenly it reverts back lol [09:54:03] it might take time in Common/skin, but in personal CSS changes work right away, which is better for testing [09:54:24] Lemme try [09:54:54] for example `User:.../vector.css` [09:57:04] [1/2] according to my mods, the classes are [09:57:05] [2/2] `.color-left, .color-middle, .color-right` lol [09:57:24] Ig common.css will better for all skin [09:58:02] only for elements that are same across all skins, like OOUI [09:58:17] otherwise skins have different layouts, classes, id's, etc [09:58:30] Yeah that's right [09:58:44] keeping everything in Common isn't groovy, will affect loading too [09:59:11] fonts and imports had to be in Common, however [09:59:29] not really imo, It took me awhile to realize that I had to edit in my skin css to be able to change the header font and other stuff to apply properly [09:59:53] but for general stuff, yeah common css is your go to [10:02:56] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1301486558817419264/Screenshot_20241031_160229_Chrome.png?ex=6724a750&is=672355d0&hm=b9d2cd50c34383fc7019318bc4cd3c4b9789ce773505d00d1caa6cb4fd460adc& [10:02:56] Ahhh worked [10:04:10] If we can use CSS variable in this sanitized css [10:06:25] vars work in MediaWiki css [10:06:53] sanitized CSS is in TemplateStyles (there's an extender tho) and CSS extensions [10:42:38] sound files [10:44:25] [1/2] if you want to get support you need to add more details lol [10:44:25] [2/2] there's TimedMediaHandler extension flr audio and video, audio files are uploaded and added to pages like images (`[[File:...]]`, ``) [10:44:25] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:... [10:45:20] been a thing for a ages too [11:00:23] whats the diff betwene normal css and sanitized css [11:00:59] limits on some stuff like selectors [11:01:59] people used CSS extension to alter CSS of the entire skin per page but apparently it's sanitizer was broken and after the fix it became like TemplateStyles [11:02:49] there's TemplateStylesExtender now, it allows some more stuff, but TS subpages still have to be in "Sanitized CSS" page model [11:04:01] templatestylesextender allows variables right [11:04:10] I don't remember tbh [11:05:18] [1/2] I don't use vars [11:05:19] [2/2] if will get something like Themes extension, this will let us to make at least custom Light/Dark modes, so that's where they'll get handy [11:08:49] k I see [11:37:39] <.vxrtex.> hii [11:42:18] <.vxrtex.> is there a "info box"? [11:45:03] [1/6] infobox is a type of template, it has to be created from scratch or taken from another wiki (and for the safety of your nerves not Wikipedia) [11:45:03] [2/6] you can check this guide [11:45:03] [3/6] [[Infoboxes]] [11:45:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [11:45:04] [4/6] we usually advise fresh wiki admins to create them w/ PortableInfobox extension, explained here [11:45:04] [5/6] alternatively you might find some ready infobox in our Dev Wiki, and exported them (also explained in the guide) [11:45:04] [6/6] [[dev:Category:Infobox templates]] [11:45:04] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev:Category:Infobox_templates [11:45:05] [1/2] [11:45:05] [2/2] [11:47:41] <.vxrtex., replying to theoneandonlylegroom> oh! thank you! [13:32:43] Are there any extensions which would allow for a field of text that is displayed on a wiki's page to be randomly altered whenever the page is opened? For instance, a random quotes section which selects between a number of different quote options referenced within a portal. [13:33:20] Essentially something which will enable a