[00:09:43] Looks good! [00:10:14] thank you! [00:10:27] I can edit it if I think of anything else right? [00:11:25] Provided it doesn't reset or remove votes, should be fine [00:12:11] thank you! [00:16:21] To note, this should be done on the local wiki [00:16:38] oh [00:16:41] If there’s no RfP Or Community Portal, Talk:Main Page or equivalent [00:16:55] uhh [00:17:02] the local election is for the local community to vote [00:17:08] not the meta community [00:17:35] will one of the miraheze admins see it there? [00:18:00] Obviously the template wouldn’t exist so youd need to copy and replace source or substitute it [00:18:05] I'll help the first 15 people interested on how to start earning $90k within 72hours, but you will reimburse me 10% of your profits when you receive it. Ask me how!! [00:18:09] I can ask someone to add a site notice [00:18:14] How do I remove it [00:18:23] Sigh [00:18:27] be right back [00:18:27] pretty sure I posted it in the wrong place [00:19:33] Welp that’s done [00:19:51] Remove it and put on your target wiki and give me a link [00:20:10] Once enough time has passed, ask on SR/P to close [00:20:31] how do I remove it? [00:20:40] do I just blank it? [00:22:29] what page is it on [00:22:44] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Meta:Requests_for_permissions [00:24:10] yeah revert the edit/blank [00:25:02] ok It's gone [00:25:08] will go move that to the main page [00:26:23] Well main page talk [00:27:58] [1/2] like this? [00:27:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312575885966315560/image.png?ex=674cff0d&is=674bad8d&hm=e9b2f951c6ed56aae547ede1d75ab91232277a48ea34844bcd7fafa632811f72& [00:28:20] Looks good [00:30:07] https://regretevator.miraheze.org/wiki/Talk:Main_Page [00:30:14] link here [00:49:50] 🤐 [01:13:43] <.labster> [1/2] What the heck is going on here with date sorting. Did histories get merged or something? [01:13:44] <.labster> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312587403139219466/image.png?ex=674d09c7&is=674bb847&hm=c5f1693a54320becc3d23722c5044bbc7bdb4f9778875b3fd98070e91d95f41f& [01:14:57] <.labster> [1/2] What the heck is going on here? Did page histories get merged or something? [01:14:57] <.labster> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312587712150372484/image.png?ex=674d0a11&is=674bb891&hm=6c582b08796788664c48156fccd61a5b44875d5aba637c737d80c1859c664763& [01:17:12] miraheze is a pity [01:17:45] cant get infinite abandoned wikis, very pity [01:18:52] <.labster> Wiki Farm of Babel. We even have the infinite hexagons of Borges. [01:21:49] donate enough and pay me full time to worry about this shit daily and I might just do it though [01:22:01] might tone down saucy raidarr by 5% [01:54:48] I will find your Secrets [01:54:58] Mr Krabs [01:57:45] 🤫 [01:58:35] Is that you Mr krabs [02:44:50] hey uh, whats this called again? i want to add it to my wiki [03:13:50] previews [04:15:17] How does one add preview [04:16:11] :moonch: :moonch: :moonch: also is it possible to change my wiki name [04:16:29] Just realize how ass it sound... [04:16:54] theonewhoeatmountain: yeah, Special:ManageWiki and you can change the display name [04:17:00] to change the url/database name, ask on phorge [04:17:20] :ThinkerMH: interesting feature [04:17:25] Okay thanks [04:17:56] What of preview? [04:18:43] as in the extension? [04:18:59] Special:ManageWiki/extensions [04:54:53] [YOU](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1312283256426598532.png?size=160&name=YOU) [05:09:16] how do i disable pure black mode [05:09:27] not sure what the class is [06:04:27] lemme check actually [06:06:29] `#skin-client-prefs-citizen-feature-pure-black` [06:09:09] i cant find a way to disable [06:09:20] like it has a value assigned to it [06:09:23] which i dont know what it is [06:11:00] `###skin-client-prefs-citizen-feature-pure-black > .citizen-menucontent > .citizen-menucontent-list > .mw-list-item-js.mw-list-item > div > form > div.citizen-client-prefs-radio > .citizen-client-prefs-radio__label` found this by goofing around [06:11:28] i wonder how do i change the background of a Wiki [06:11:47] `background-image` [06:11:49] fiddling with the Common.css page but no visible changes yet [06:11:59] or do you want to change the background color? [06:12:21] yeah i wanna change the background image but i can't seem to make it work [06:12:30] so i decided to first test with changing the background color [06:12:38] [1/4] here's what i wrote [06:12:39] [2/4] body { [06:12:39] [3/4] background-color: green; [06:12:39] [4/4] } [06:12:45] so you're applying background color to background image? [06:12:45] no changes whatsoever [06:13:48] [1/2] what does that mean? [06:13:49] [2/2] i thought a background image would receive higher priority than a background color [06:16:08] oh wow [06:16:10] nvm it worked [06:16:15] and now to test with the background image [06:16:19] yeah, it does have a higher priority [06:16:28] i mean you can also add a background color to a background image [06:16:31] wonder if it will work this time [06:16:39] how big must the background image be> [06:17:22] that [06:17:23] depends [06:17:41] would a 1920x1080 picture work [06:21:15] Yeah [06:22:47] [1/5] okay so [06:22:47] [2/5] body { [06:22:47] [3/5] background-image: url('https://yuushaseries.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Test.jpg'); [06:22:48] [4/5] } [06:22:48] [5/5] this is what I wrote [06:22:50] no changes so far [06:30:15] Remove the inverted commas [06:30:56] @haitenshon_yuuritsu [06:31:29] okay [06:32:03] it sure takes a while for it to load [06:32:10] probably gonna take 5 minutes [06:32:39] Pretty sure [06:32:50] Or you can spam ctrl shift r [06:42:57] i used a 1280x720 picture instead [06:43:05] tried reloading for a few times [06:43:09] still nothing happened [06:43:23] must it precisely be a 1920x1080 [06:47:33] No it doesnt [06:47:46] Huh [06:47:48] Weird [06:48:01] Remove "-image" And try [06:55:26] ok testing [06:56:55] It should work.... [07:01:21] 5 minutes passed [07:01:23] nothing yet [07:01:28] wonder what's the issue [07:04:07] Whay [07:04:33] [1/2] it needs to be the static url (open in new tab) [07:04:33] [2/2] https://static.wikitide.net/yuushaserieswiki/b/bd/Test.jpg [07:05:00] Oh wait shit I forgot it had to be that 💀💀💀💀💀💀 [07:05:29] ooh damn lmao [07:05:31] thanks a lot [07:06:19] [1/6] also add [07:06:20] [2/6] ``` [07:06:20] [3/6] #mw-content-container { [07:06:20] [4/6] background:unset; [07:06:21] [5/6] }``` [07:06:21] [6/6] this is the grey bg on timeless, otherwise the grey still covers the bg [07:06:28] does it have to be background-image or just background [07:07:59] oh hey it worked!!!! [07:08:01] beautiful [07:11:07] long ass list for what 💔 [07:14:49] the funny [08:16:34] Preview [10:04:27] help i'm still stuck with these white borders again [10:04:33] even though everything is labelled frameless [10:05:38] I’m trying to log into my miraheze account, but it stops me from creating a local account because my ip is blocked due to a proxy? I’ve never encountered this issue before when logging in [10:06:26] it's a new thing with the 1.42 upgrade, see https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Noticeboard#GlobalBlocking_affecting_account_autocreation [10:07:05] Stewards and Global Admins can create a local account for you if you tell them the wiki [10:07:58] well, I can as well, if you tell me the wiki and your username I'll create a local account for you there [10:08:57] Mooncloud on https://dreamsphere.miraheze.org/ [10:11:01] @mooncloud done, you should be able to login there now [10:11:07] Thank you! [11:14:32] [1/3] hi everyone, im experiencing this thing which i want to prevent: [11:14:32] [2/3] - i add {{displaytitle}} in a page, and add colour to it [11:14:32] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:displaytitle [11:14:32] [3/3] - links to the page add colour, with no way to remove it [11:14:32] [11:33:46] Is it possible to change thr database name [11:39:10] phorge [11:41:21] What [11:54:23] i think u need to [[phorge]] [11:54:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phorge [11:54:24] [11:54:26] to change it [11:58:01] yeah you do [11:58:16] actually i think its issue-tracker [11:58:16] but [11:58:22] im guessing this and phorge are same [11:58:25] i dunno kill ME!... [11:58:28] it is [11:58:36] anyways my ass is trying to add colored text to display title [11:58:43] and i am Not having a fun Time. [11:58:48] why is this so painful 💔 [11:58:56] is this a taylor swift reference [11:59:01] huh [11:59:02] dont [11:59:03] i dont [11:59:11] i dont listen to tailor swif [11:59:44] holy shit an a$ap rocky reference what th hell???????????????? [12:00:17] anyways uhh [12:00:27] @snowstacked did you figure out how to kill pure black mode [12:00:39] ask claire i have No Clue [12:00:48] uhhh claire are you awake [12:00:54] reply with a fish if so ~thanks [12:01:05] i have a sister named claire i can ask her if shes awake [12:01:38] is it BlankEclaire [12:01:45] no but her name is claire [12:02:00] n o . [12:03:16] > [01/12/2024 23:00] reply with a fish if so ~thanks [12:03:20] prabhasxd: 🐟 [12:03:41] hi claire [12:03:47] how to kill pure black mode [12:03:58] holy shit [12:04:13] its a fricking 🐟 [12:04:15] what happens when you blank citizen-feature-pure-black-name [12:04:34] uhhhh nothing i think (this was 6 hours ago or smth) [12:04:40] oh okay [12:05:39] #skin-client-prefs-citizen-feature-pure-black { display: none !important; } [12:05:39] name will not be there but buttons will [12:05:44] oh okay [12:05:51] guess they got rid of the auto-hiding feature [12:05:53] is there a way to disable it in special pages [12:05:56] 💔 [12:06:07] css should apply in most special pages [12:06:16] not in prefs [12:06:19] 💔💔💔 [12:06:21] yeah, security reasons [12:07:03] [1/2] YOOO POGGERS [12:07:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312751816395460649/image.png?ex=674da2e6&is=674c5166&hm=589c9db09ace12f1f19f3395aaa9a60ea56e76d369b8b09c93a01959d3a85db3& [12:07:11] tanks clai re [12:07:18] yw [12:07:26] Also, if you break css, having prefs to fix is very good [12:07:39] you can also have this fox: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6249571 [12:08:28] human fox [12:08:52] mhm? [12:08:58] we also have a fox here [12:09:56] is there a way to add like. custom themes in the menu like beside the light and dark buttons [12:10:10] or is the only way just gadgets [12:10:17] gadgets? [12:10:20] what are gadgets? [12:10:27] also this would be cool [12:10:32] additional optional stuff [12:10:34] because i plan on making custom themes for users to use [12:10:38] ah [12:11:25] claire respond with chair if alive [12:11:33] sorry i'm in bed with my blahaj rn [12:11:45] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Theme [12:11:48] this is interesting though [12:11:54] bhahaj? [12:11:56] widqwehfqweufhreuge huh [12:12:00] what? [12:12:01] oooohohohohohohohoh [12:12:07] whats a [12:12:09] blahaj [12:12:15] [[w:blahaj]] [12:12:15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/blahaj [12:12:16] or am i stupid [12:12:28] >>> To add a new theme for a custom skin, register a module for each theme in the skin's main setup file (skin.json). The naming convention is themeloader.skins.skinname-in-lowercase.themename-in-lowercase; for example, the module name of the AutumnLeaf theme for the BlueCloud skin would be themeloader.skins.bluecloud.autumnleaf. [12:12:35] oh darn [12:12:37] where is my skin.json 🧍 [12:12:40] probably a bit overkill for you then [12:12:43] holy shit a shark [12:12:49] sharks are cool........................................................................................................ [12:12:50] in that case, yeah probably requires javascript [12:12:55] hell yeah [12:13:00] does anyone like javascript [12:13:20] like genuinely i used to SUFFER with js while making discord bots [12:13:22] personally, i disable the overuse of them, but in this case you need js for the theme selector anyway [12:13:27] s/disable/dislike. [12:13:32] ugh i can't regex right [12:13:34] s/\.$/\/ [12:14:00] > [01/12/2024 23:12] sharks are cool........................................................................................................ [12:14:09] get a blahaj at your nearest ikea :3 [12:14:16] bonus points if you get one for a trans friend [12:14:24] i was thinking of like adding a button in the menu where you can change the theme [12:14:39] to fill up the spot for the auto theme [12:14:48] for a custom one [12:14:49] ykwim [12:14:53] i only like sharks because [12:14:53] ye [12:14:59] i had a shark addiction when i was young as hell [12:15:05] hell yeah jaws is cool.......... [12:15:24] btw, no one told me that blahaj works really well as a body pillow [12:18:42] that Would be Epic. [12:19:01] i would like to do this!!!!!!!!! [12:19:24] like i have themes planned out [12:20:35] im just not sure how to make it easy to like allow users to use them [12:38:46] gadgets ig [12:45:55] do you know how to use em [12:45:55] yes [12:45:55] pretty sure theres a guide on it [12:51:43] it's back it seems [12:51:45] find a random image [12:52:50] YES ITS BACK!!!!!!! [12:52:50] ! [12:52:50] images. [12:52:51] YAYY [12:52:51] [1/2] this is Funny. [12:52:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312763269995565097/image.png?ex=674dad91&is=674c5c11&hm=1882f229033bec67ff8ea1a64baf26cbc3f0a0eafb24f9ef6959ae3c37e817dd& [12:52:52] It's still dead for me [12:52:58] seeing that #global-wiki-feed abruptly stopped... [12:53:00] Wait nvm [12:53:01] it's down again [12:53:19] uhh it isnt for me [12:53:28] it's up again [12:53:29] servers aren't happy I guess [12:54:01] [1/2] @snowstacked what now [12:54:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312763618991018035/image.png?ex=674dade4&is=674c5c64&hm=5fd019051ecf1a81b3f897d4939fae002e45c003a9ec440b023875b86cf13388& [12:54:07] Submit [12:54:21] and then you identify its ID in the url [12:54:34] what [12:54:38] oh [12:54:40] its `8` [12:54:47] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Namespace the id can also be found on this handy page [12:54:48] [1/2] you mean dis [12:54:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312763832036229130/image.png?ex=674dae17&is=674c5c97&hm=01fafd75148703a9e0c1ccf272d2cbc9e9060db20a566dd04eb9d8616ed783e5& [12:55:00] yeah the MediaWiki namespace is 8 [12:55:07] ah' [12:55:14] also if youre gonna add a "last update" in the header you should prob remove the "last modified" in the footer [12:55:17] just my opiniin [12:56:14] [1/2] this looks flash [12:56:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312764194810105948/image.png?ex=674dae6e&is=674c5cee&hm=6e5ed43c947a8a9c81bf51894fbf08774d69871b64f14e5e19b19f418a393b14& [12:56:35] oh right [12:56:55] how do i remove it [skunked](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1215318818533019648.webp?size=48&name=skunked) [13:09:13] can you access php stuff on miraheze? [13:09:31] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312767537838035105/image.png?ex=674db18b&is=674c600b&hm=f5ec87ff336ce44f4511807e13e8f044e71ce8bae649ec97584f7795ba203828& [13:09:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312767606704308335/image.png?ex=674db19b&is=674c601b&hm=529c5c452f5f3d38faf1591a95e1017845fbb9b17ddeb62483752f5b23405cf0& [13:09:51] i do not understand [13:09:54] what i am doing wrong [13:13:02] wut [13:18:02] more or less, our mediawiki config (excluding passwords) is public at https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config [13:18:23] ah [13:18:54] also uh btw @bluemoon0332 , do you have any experience with the Citizen skin? [13:19:03] no [13:19:07] ah [13:19:09] ok then [13:23:51] [1/2] @snowstacked what's this lol [13:23:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312771143299629196/image.png?ex=674db4e6&is=674c6366&hm=1e56483ae68e6292efc98511f56c6da825a3be70556511ce7704940a55c8fa32& [13:25:50] I’m asking for help [13:26:10] i dont even understand your problem [13:26:23] something something https://youtu.be/jxi0ETwDvws [13:26:24] ah [13:26:30] its a bug in javascript [13:26:51] welp unfortunately for me, i forgot javascript (life has been much better) [13:26:53] trying to insert an element into body but the inerhtml keeps returning undefined [13:27:13] I suspect it is related to how MW loads stuff [13:30:00] testing stuff [13:30:44] when someone asks for something here anyone can answer, its not directed to you [13:30:44] yeah i can see that [13:30:57] inspect element [13:31:04] that i know, im just saying that i didnt understand [13:31:10] #footer-info-lastmod i think [13:31:16] display:hidden doesnt work 💔 [13:31:43] display: none 😇 [13:32:16] wait [13:32:21] am i [13:32:22] am i [13:32:36] fucking stupid........ WAS IT NONE THE WHOLE TIME AND IT WAS ME BEING AN IDIOT [13:32:42] OH MY `god` [13:32:48] # i HATE `this` [13:33:11] [1/2] yeah also whats this horizontal scroll bar [13:33:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312773492810453042/image.png?ex=674db716&is=674c6596&hm=23bfb7b055dd79fa21b4e91a92b982a2e7ea6b1db2bec1d6b45e04c67395a7aa& [13:33:27] [1/2] also this is out of viewport, just bringing this up to u [13:33:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312773560045146213/image.png?ex=674db726&is=674c65a6&hm=d2b07853c006a62f9aea7d9699e5d58f95f5f336264634149811307632199cb5& [13:35:56] intentional [13:36:09] a thing [13:36:26] what... [13:36:28] you should prob do this in my wiki server [13:36:53] aight [14:05:20] Who put our flag in the annoucement lol [14:06:09] we should put trans flags in our announcements /hj [14:07:17] i should start a GRAH movement in announcements [14:15:53] Any stewards active? [14:16:14] What do you need [14:17:51] dm'd you [14:26:19] time to put mine [15:06:29] Since my request for OpenBadges was declined - does anyone know of any other extension/way to add badges that wouldn't reveal any personal information? [15:09:37] I know has a badges js thing but it’d probably be hell to convert [15:18:35] It was declined cause of the privacy risks. Do feel free to ask the extension author to be more privacy sensitive. [15:19:47] I understand that - I was just wondering if there were any more privacy-friendly alternatives. It would be a great pain to manually make badges and add them on to every user's page each time someone earns one 😭 [15:21:27] the great empire of mirahezia [15:22:00] I mean that's what WikiLove does but talk pages [15:22:30] Is there a way to use WikiLove to give custom badges? [15:22:53] I think you can add more [15:23:02] Ooh, I'll look into that then - thank you! [15:25:17] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/407537962553966603/1172221696388907171/A8CBB465-9E48-4589-BA5C-A0FEA07CA2D2.gif?ex=655f8787&is=654d1287&hm=bb9854289dee930bbb7b5613d77da5e345830b7fd6aa418e6cb688418900dd55& [15:25:26] I have a miraheze logo flag but can’t find it [15:25:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1208571827623043113/1263537368485597318/GbcEQH1.gif [15:34:12] Since when was :pixdevl: a thing [15:38:18] Not Thai server [15:38:32] From the Roblox wiki cabal [15:38:38] I’m not sure why they made this an emoji [15:38:48] :PixDeVl: [15:38:52] But it’s pretty funny [15:39:09] It is funny [15:40:15] I think moon made it [16:13:50] Anyone have any idea how to remove the title from the Main Page [16:18:06] [1/2] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12945 [16:18:06] [2/2] This is very confusing [16:19:18] I think [[Mediawiki:Mainpage-title [16:19:32] Private task? [16:20:53] What exactly do I do with this? [16:25:11] How [16:35:42] Pages in the mediawiki mainspace define interface text [16:36:02] Whatever is on that page on your wiki is used as the title for the main page [16:55:45] just make it blank [16:59:56] Yeah sorry I'm not following at all [17:08:31] Oh right, I found the MediaWiki:Mainpage-title page [17:08:35] There's only a hyphen on there [17:08:41] I deleted it and the title is still there though [17:11:41] Ok I needed to bypass $wgRestrictDisplayTitle so edited MediaWiki:Mainpage-title-loggedin instead [17:31:49] Sorry for the bother but did this happen? [17:33:07] Nay [17:49:12] Could you let me know when it does? [17:49:27] It's not actually part of standard procedure, but I am working on it as a courtesy [17:51:15] Thank you, and sorry for the bother, I’m still not too sure how all of this works [17:51:34] No worries, the fastest way to find out is to ask questions, we've got a big community. 🙂 [17:52:01] it takes some to update w/ MediaWiki: pages [17:52:09] I couldn’t run a wiki host this big lol [17:52:11] Or at all [17:55:44] Well no one person probably would, it is only because there are multiple people running things that it works at all (and even then, more people would certainly be nice to have still), and then the community at large helping out where they can in addition to that as well [17:57:14] Oh, thought it was [17:57:50] Once the election does start, how long does it stay open for? [17:58:53] minimum 7 days, you started it yesterday by placing it [17:59:14] We can do it if nobody else locally can, but it's not a strict requirement [17:59:29] Ah [18:00:10] notice is live [18:00:50] Ohh ok [18:00:53] Thank you! [18:01:10] Hopefully once this is over i can be out of your hair [18:01:39] Wishing you success, don't hesitate to reach out with more questions - MediaWiki has a bit of a learning curve, but we're here to help. [18:02:05] Will do! Hoping I’ll be able to find people willing to work on it too lol [18:02:51] Also, for uploading images, can i use the wayback link for that, or do i need to download that to my pc to upload [18:03:47] If it’s the latter then I’ll leave my computer to download them onto a flash drive while I’m at school/work [18:04:34] We don't support any direct upload via URL as far as I'm aware, esp for individual image files. If the wayback link goes to a package file like a .zip folder with all the images, a [[phorge]] ticket asking for import with the URL could work. [18:04:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phorge [18:04:35] [18:04:51] I think it does [18:05:33] https://archive.org/details/wiki-regretevator.fandom.com-20241118 [18:06:53] Wow, yep, that's the image file alright. [18:08:42] I remember i started downloading it before i realized it was gonna take hours [18:08:57] Definitely gonna have to clean those once they’re up [20:41:21] its either a deployed extension or not [20:41:30] What if I make a new wiki and work on it but then all of a sudden miraheze decide to stop their service what will happen to my wiki and hard work? [20:41:31] its tagged with deployed extension tags and the ticket says its not deployed [20:42:24] Move the column it's it then [20:42:42] There are regular public and externally hosted backups [20:43:01] how do you join the private leaderboard thingy on advent of code [20:43:07] this ux is terrible [20:43:13] Code is pinned in #tech [20:43:24] The UI/UX is poor [20:43:26] think i found it now [20:43:33] couldn't find where you put the code in but i have now [20:43:40] Took me like 4 attempts to join work's [20:44:38] you'd hopefully have half a year at least to pull the wiki and hard work and rehost [20:44:54] it is rather improbable that the platform would simply shut down then and there, in which case everyone would be SOL [20:45:06] but that would be a very dick thing to do and I would hope beyond any tech here [20:45:19] I mean the backups would be on archive.org forever [20:45:26] as long as archive.org is alive, anyway [20:45:38] but that's true as a worst case scenario [20:45:39] Assuming something catastrophic [20:45:44] and assuming the wiki is not private [20:46:08] Like heck too much bad PR [20:46:33] MH is no stranger to dubious at best PR [20:46:47] but even when they all run into each other, its volunteers generally have the platform's best interests in mind [20:49:05] Hush /lh [21:28:30] tbf, with some of the recent events, it sadly feels like that might be more likely to shut down, than MH (But neither is very likely ofc in the first place) [21:29:27] I wouldn’t use the breach as sole indication [21:30:13] If you’re referring to legal trouble, then that’s more likely unfortunately [21:30:30] Yeah I was mostly thinking of the legal stuff [21:31:53] Yep. Both platforms are on relatively stable financial footing, even the breach on Archive.org is meh-ish for me (everybody gets compromised eventually), legal woes are what occasionally give me the spooks too. [21:49:49] Running a functioning web archive is extremely hard to do long-term and the Internet Archive has a track record of doing it for multiple decades, something no other provider has done that I am aware of. [21:50:11] Putting up a server and web crawlers is the easy part. Having it then work over the next 25 years is the hard part [23:01:55] [1/2] has someone donated yet [23:01:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312916618669588511/Screenshot_20241201-200131.png?ex=674e3c62&is=674ceae2&hm=164e1a59ed71270055b002e7c30fca0924c3bf4f62568b4634594cb5da2f70fe& [23:09:48] It was confirmed yesterday, that the bar is manually updated [23:16:51] We have seen donations yet [23:39:39] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1312926114359939133/makesweet-k9ex1v.gif?ex=674e453a&is=674cf3ba&hm=3ee026d572e52b45f562d6c599d7509b6a2e585bd69f6d47be5b8ee45f919783& [23:44:13] :nutmoji: [23:44:15] nuh uh [23:56:15] Yep, big thank you to the early-bird donors. Re-launch (and publish of 2025 budget) will likely be later today or tomorrow. [23:57:40] [[mediawiki:Extension:NoTitle]] pretty good for that [23:57:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/mediawiki:Extension:NoTitle [23:57:40] [23:57:51] aughhh [23:58:26] [[mw:Extension:NoTitle]] [23:58:26] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:NoTitle [23:58:26]