[01:42:12] [1/2] is there anyway of getting rid of this category? [01:42:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1321291879786217533/EpJmLZI.png?ex=676cb474&is=676b62f4&hm=ae925f3c7b63635fc67c34d2ebd749bf3355c04b5445a150f539abaa4496c644& [01:42:16] or atleast hiding it [01:45:17] Go to the category page, and write `HIDDENCAT` on it [01:45:39] thcx [01:45:51] i love magic words that fix all my problems [02:14:06] magic words, are quite magical 😉 [02:35:01] [1/3] I’ll help first 5 people interested on how to start earning $2k- $90k+ within a week . But you’ll reimburse me 10% of your profits when you receive it. N/B: Only serious minded people should apply, drop a message let’s get started by asking me (HOW) via telegram username below ⬇️Or contact via [02:35:01] [2/3] Whatsapp: +1 (225) 220‑3459 [02:35:02] [3/3] Telegram: @Markpro24 [04:13:40] Can you guys publish maintenance messages..... [04:24:16] Will do so going forward, publishing the previous messages at this point would be misleading [05:53:11] Real quick question cuz I got an email back from the trust and safety team but my follow up question is so minor that I could just ask here [05:53:37] If something does not have a clear assigned license, would it not be protected by copyright [05:56:26] All content on your wiki is released under one license unless you explicitly state otherwise [05:57:52] Wait I should rephrase, by article I meant a third party one that I'm directly referencing in a wiki article [05:58:53] [1/2] So what I do is I archive community made ideas and paraphrase it into a wiki article, and T&S said: [05:58:53] [2/2] "... the source document is credited, is publicly available to anyone with the link, and does not have a clear assigned license..." [05:59:49] Under this context, is the source document in question (a file from google documents) not protected by copyright? [06:01:23] that’s an extremely grey area [06:01:51] Since it has no license, the person might retain full copyright control over the document [06:03:13] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1321357566655070228/remix-f61e910d-c134-42ff-9291-fb1f173ca6d6.png?ex=676cf1a1&is=676ba021&hm=47c0434f52eb5ed2d8b12057527434a24d133ca08cfb4b25717a09a2b6d38d89& [06:03:42] does anyone know how to add something like that to a wikipedia-like infobox template? [06:17:21] Actually wait a minute the person in question is here, @notaracham do you mind if you can provide some insight on this [06:46:13] Another outage? [06:46:26] Indonesian:moonch: :moonch: :moonch: [06:48:49] Hmmm thats weird [06:49:03] All the other page is functional [06:49:16] Why cant I "open" This one [07:20:29] I have been summoned from holiday festivities. 😄 [07:20:53] Alright, guidance isn't much different than what I said in the email. [07:21:01] I was about to email you back lol but if we can just talk about it here real quick that'd be faster [07:21:57] [1/4] In short: [07:21:57] [2/4] * We're not experts [07:21:58] [3/4] * The original document you boshed into a wiki article is under very grey territory regarding licensing [07:21:58] [4/4] * The article has some light paraphrasing, but is essentially a lift from that document into a more digestible form, yes? [07:22:18] Yes to the 3rd bullet point [07:23:57] I was gonna discuss it out with the author and try to reach a compromise anyways but since I feel like this issue might be something I might encounter again down the road (as in someone wanting to take down their work) I was curious on how much this puts my wiki at risk should I not budge on it [07:24:53] It could pose a future risk if you go hardline, but until a specific complaint, request and rationale is provided by the OG author, it's hard to say what impacts would happen for sure. Most likely removal of the article if there's a solid case to be made. [07:25:17] Your plan forward seems sound, this really seems like something that could be solved by a discussion with the author [07:25:21] Especially since as the entire thing is community made ideas, so in the crudest sense people are copying from each other past a certain point [07:26:40] And as the spirit of this whole thing is community powered and it seems like you're essentially doing the service of collating and simplifying review, acting in good faith and removing what is clearly that one author's work if a compromise can't be reached seems like the best path forward following the 'don't be a jerk' rule [07:27:27] Of course [07:28:12] Which, for sure isn't copyright law, but at least keeps all things good in passionate communities. 🙂 [07:29:20] (I'm assuming this situation is probably a pretty strong rarity in your time so far, and that most have just been thrilled or indifferent that their ideas are part of the bigger collection.) [07:31:01] It is a rarity, the few individuals who want nothing to do with it would at most just leave me to my own devices [07:31:33] In a whole "I'm not giving you the satisfaction of handing you my work for free, so you can leave it or copy my work by hand for all I'd care" [07:32:26] I appreciate the response in any case, Merry XMas to you and the whole Miraheze team 🙏 [07:33:26] Sounds about right. I did a similar thing with a city builder wiki I maintain, lots of folks were absolutely stoked to have their city layout templates shared broadly with accreditation, some folks didn't really care either way, and a tiny handful openly refused. Which, no loss, I just didn't add it and moved on. [07:34:06] Thanks! We always appreciate folks doing their due diligence and asking ahead of time before small problems become big problems. 😄 [07:34:32] 🫡 [09:15:31] This isn't grey at all, copyright is automatic so if no license is declared then all rights reserved applies. [09:15:36] Cc @notaracham [09:15:53] Although if you're just referencing it, fair use probably applies [09:18:13] Also merry Christmas [10:28:38] So what I do is that I paraphrase the work of said document/article into a universally readable format [10:29:01] Referencing might not be the best term here cuz its not like I'm writing an academic article and quoting bits and pieces of another piece of text [10:29:51] 100% of all the ideas is from the author themselves, who took inspiration from other documents/articles [10:57:50] I think fair use applies [10:59:20] Dumb question but what does fair use mean exactly here again [10:59:43] [1/2] Cuz based on the definition here, I'm safe(?) [10:59:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1321432179989020762/62d00ae94f9d4249c33ad77cbfa06e59.png?ex=676d371e&is=676be59e&hm=91704ac9d98688766ae1852f65dde10062e9c98d477dda1fe12258f68006b340& [11:00:01] Since this is in a way close to me being a student showing it in a presentation making zero profit [11:00:23] Only difference is that I'm not a student (I mean I am but this wiki isn't school work) [11:00:59] It is also educational I suppose [11:01:56] (I'm still going to do this for the record so this is just me wanting to know more about the rough process of things instead of going back on it) [11:03:14] Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows the use of copyrighted work without seeking permission [11:03:54] Exactly what it is and how it applies to specifics is something we won't rule on because that's a matter for the courts [11:04:23] But I think claiming you fell under the fair use doctrine would be absolutely safe [11:04:29] Ah I gotcha [11:04:41] So I'm just safe in general in this context [11:05:05] Just that I should either reach a compromise with said author and/or delete the article because it is the right thing to do morally [11:07:54] If the author is objecting, they are within the rights to make a claim under the DCMA (may have the letters wrong way round), should they do that. You need to remove the article. [11:07:59] You may make a counter claim [11:08:18] But they are then well within their rights to take it to court [11:08:55] It should be removed pending an agreement being reached though if there's a dispute to limit any legal risk [11:09:06] (NOT LEGAL ADVICE) [11:09:26] The document itself is so low stakes that I doubt it'd actually reach DCMA/Court, think the most they'd do is report it to Miraheze staff [11:09:49] If they reported it to us, they'd have to make a DCMA claim [11:09:55] Or DMCA [11:09:59] It's one of them [11:10:37] In which case, we're legally required to remove it unless a counter claim is made unless the claim is obviously invalid. [11:11:10] If a counter claim is made, you would have to provide your real life details so the matter could be taken to court as the next step if it can't be agreed. [11:11:15] Ah right yeah heavily doubt that's happening in that case, I interacted with the author before and it mostly might just come down to "I want it gone cuz I don't want Sublime featuring my work and they aren't listening to me" [11:11:49] Ye they can argue that with Stewards but Trust & Safety would only accept a formal claim. [11:12:05] Generally, claims by the author should be filed formally [11:12:14] Claims by anyone else are a community matter [11:14:19] Do stewards call the shots or is it the T&S team who does in situations like these? [11:15:06] Trust & Safety have the final call as they carry the delegated authority from the Board [11:15:14] Ah gotcha [11:15:24] You learn something new every day with Miraheze [11:15:32] But they'll generally only respond to claims where someone has formal standing [11:15:50] Which is generally the author (or possibly a publisher etc) [11:16:27] As T&S' remit is dealing with things from a perspective of the law [11:17:22] With articles as vague as just proposing ideas where the progenitor of the idea is almost impossible to trace back to, would it be a difficult thing to get a successful claim? [11:18:10] Although this is getting heavily into the what ifs xde [11:18:33] That's a matter to be proven in court [11:18:58] As long as they have a reasonable claim they have standing, we're not going to get that deep [11:19:07] I see [11:20:00] As long as a reasonable person would believe they have a prospect of having the standing to bring a claim, we'd treat it as they do [11:20:41] Burden of proof is on the person using the work to show your use is compliant not them to show how it isn't [11:21:51] Fair enough, so in this context, I'd have to show how I'm writing said wiki page is lawful [11:22:19] Rather than the author finding proof demonstrating how I'm not doing it legally [11:22:36] Yes [11:22:58] Because the law requires permission by default [11:23:05] Small correction [11:23:09] Go on [11:23:22] There are strijkt rules for Fair Use [11:24:20] Hang on... I'll take my laptop instead [11:25:10] This types faster than on my tablet 😄 [11:26:12] The first thing is, that Fair use has to be an educational purpose, or has to explain the context of the article. Such as a Film poster about a movie. [11:27:07] Then there are requirements, about the quality of the image. [11:27:27] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use [11:29:00] [1/6] Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringem [11:29:00] [2/6] ent of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include: [11:29:00] [3/6] *the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; [11:29:01] [4/6] *the nature of the copyrighted work; [11:29:01] [5/6] *the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and [11:29:01] [6/6] * the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. [11:30:13] These 4 points are the limitations of what is Fair Use [11:31:20] The article explains it more thorough [11:33:37] So you might want to read this article on Wikipedia first [11:45:30] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Non-free_content is another good source btw [12:27:47] Appreciate it [13:10:28] Is there a way to specify data that can be referenced on multiple pages at once but without making a template [13:10:55] :ThinkerMH: [13:11:42] I'm thinking Cargo but I haven't used it, it's kinda scary lol [13:11:58] I very much rely on templates [13:12:38] like "On this day" stuff, some sets of icons that need to be together on several pages [13:39:10] Merry Christmas everyone!! 🎄 [14:08:54] And happy Hanukkah! [14:22:54] @serverlessharej how’s the fundraiser going? Think we’re on track for 100% by 25? :slingshot_woah: [14:44:16] Is there a way to shut down your Wiki? [14:44:26] Merry Christmas [14:44:34] and merry xmas! [14:44:43] The crat can mark it closed [14:44:50] Eventually it'll be deleted [14:45:00] where's the setting for this? [14:45:04] You can request a quicker deletion if needed [14:45:15] Special:ManageWiki [14:45:33] oh I see. [14:45:39] If you select 'private' it means only you can see it right? [14:46:10] correct, and users you give right to [14:48:18] so that means on google search nbody can see it. [14:48:28] does selecting private immediately make it private?or after some time? [14:50:53] immediately [15:08:21] But it won't remove any existing google search result or archive.org cache etc [15:23:13] So I'm trying to create a table template for my wiki, is there a way to make it so that instead of the table being a 7x2 with all the headers at the top in a row, the table is a 2x7 with all the headers in a column? [15:23:27] [1/2] this is how it looks rn [15:23:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1321498552186437632/Default.png?ex=676d74ef&is=676c236f&hm=92fe30ba2530c6a13bddb04a53913047c666f11dd24c5fa10590de220032fe29& [15:24:11] [1/9] ``` [15:24:11] [2/9] {| [15:24:11] [3/9] !Name [15:24:12] [4/9] |{{{name}}} [15:24:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bname [15:24:12] [5/9] |- [15:24:12] [6/9] !Author [15:24:13] [7/9] |{{{author}}} [15:24:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bauthor [15:24:13] [8/9] |} [15:24:13] [9/9] ``` [15:24:14] etc etc [15:24:17] i might be misunderstanding your question tho [15:26:40] That seems to work, thank you! [15:38:19] Interesting [15:39:26] is there any way to check redirect pages with no pages linking to it [15:40:24] tried orphan pages? [15:40:31] or something like that [15:40:44] it's in first section of Special:SpecialPages [15:41:29] Special:LonelyPages just showspages [15:41:31] no redirects [15:42:36] hmm [16:08:42] man is it me [16:08:55] or infoboxes template have parameters [16:09:06] inside their menus [16:09:47] what [16:09:51] are you talking about templatedata? [16:10:09] i think there was something called broken redirects when i used to use fandom [16:10:15] i think [16:10:17] so [16:12:30] that leaks to non existent redirect pages 🤕 [16:12:46] hi [16:12:49] ooh [16:13:20] what is limitations miraheze [16:16:35] ? [16:18:32] [1/2] Trya ask in #support [16:18:32] [2/2] Things get clustered real fast on this channel [16:22:11] so miraheze wikis features and limits is it same as host on mylocal [16:23:48] Any hosting service will never give you the same amount of power as self hosting [16:24:00] will there be any difference compared to my local [16:24:02] But we are IMO the least restrictive of all the hosts [16:24:10] It depends really on what you want [16:24:30] You won’t be able to directly edit config settings, but we have [[ManageWiki]], and if needed you can make a PR [16:24:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/ManageWiki [16:24:31] [16:24:37] But we have things we don’t accept for security reasons [16:25:17] I mean, you won't have direct access to server and stuff, but there are plenty of features and settings available from graphic UI kind of thing + you can ask tech team (who work w/ servers) to do something additionally, within hostings rules etc [16:25:41] ah pix already said [16:28:28] thanks i am newbie to mediawiki. cat i bind miraheze wiki to my domain [16:28:38] can [16:30:08] Yes [16:30:12] [[Custom domains]] [16:30:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [16:30:13] [16:33:22] indeed! [17:07:42] hey yall ik for a nsfw wiki u need to make a dismissable site notice but although i found the mediawiki page for it, I really couldn't understand how to set it up and im wondering if someone could explain it in a simpleish way if possible [17:13:59] if you found the mediawiki page for it, you need only write the notice and that's basically it [17:14:21] you could style it etc but that's something with more steps to get into and it's not necessary to do the basics [17:19:00] you could try https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:UnusedRedirects which seems to be available on miraheze [18:42:23] How do you use div style with an if statement?