[00:37:14] Bledhen Nowydh Da! [00:45:13] 🎉 [00:53:29] great it worked [00:53:31] thank you [01:03:07] np [01:03:19] [1/3] how's this picked? [01:03:19] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323818805167657040/image.png?ex=6775e5d6&is=67749456&hm=deacbd2856c8b33652b9ffb5f718f497ef63a80a99bffdd399b907b410bf7f32& [01:03:19] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323818805406859315/image.png?ex=6775e5d6&is=67749456&hm=ff4d6137610397148a0907db25f56c8bcd0a63a4bd28bfa4ad294cf01baead0f& [01:21:13] I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year 🎊🎆 [02:11:39] [1/3] The current subdomain for my wiki is stinkysmp [02:11:39] [2/3] https://stinkysmp.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [02:11:40] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323836004888608870/image.png?ex=6775f5db&is=6774a45b&hm=fc8d3493068ef5ff246eace3c16e0c1fcd2e06f237cd30440466d9c4a7e42d5d& [02:23:59] add wiki to the end [02:24:12] stinkysmpwiki [02:24:16] tysm [02:38:20] if my wiki is approved i can set my own domain right? [02:51:48] iNext [03:21:18] Is there a way to see the different pages between two wikis? [03:26:29] click view history, top right [03:26:37] yea [03:27:10] No like I want a list of pages for the fandom wiki and the miraheze one so I know what I have to start writing [03:28:35] i guess you open up the fandom wiki?? [03:32:53] Trying to think of like [03:32:58] the most sane way to actually do this [03:45:30] also Stackd, someone mentioned like a roblox indie wiki discord or something in that vein, are you in that? [03:54:10] yes [03:54:15] grah! [03:56:36] theres an indie wiki discord for roblox wikis? [03:56:37] cool [03:56:47] I heard about one [03:56:55] could you toss me an invite in dms? [03:58:04] summon stackd [03:58:16] nvm he's dead (offline) [03:59:26] loss [04:02:27] That’s not stackd’s call [04:02:34] Moon is the gatekeeper I believe [04:02:36] @mooncloud [04:02:45] ohh [04:02:46] Hi [04:02:52] or if they could ask for me [04:03:02] You caught me right as I was finishing up my lemon pig [04:03:14] Your [04:03:15] what [04:03:20] omg lemon pig [04:03:20] Lemon pig [04:03:23] lemon, pig [04:03:27] Yearly tradition for new years [04:03:34] Make a little pig out of a lemon and some stuff [04:03:47] i need a picture [04:03:55] If you spend all of your time dwelling on your negative thoughts then you’ll have spent all of your time dwelling on your negative thoughts and nothing will have changed [04:04:02] Wrong paste [04:05:11] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323864575912706190/IMG_1054.jpg?ex=67761077&is=6774bef7&hm=4631572a92334cf807dffd16cbfa466c42b90636a9bcd1e924d73485c695632a& [04:05:34] huuuuh… [04:05:47] https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/lemon-pigs-new-year [04:07:53] I don’t do the foil tail [04:08:13] I just cut a little ear shape on the butt area instead [04:08:28] My one from last year is fully dried out and prederged [04:08:43] Dms [04:09:30] They seem super cute, but I could never leave one out around the cats [04:40:57] looks cute and terrifying and the same time lmao [04:40:59] oh happy new years [04:41:01] epic [05:21:23] [1/2] 2025 is 3 hours away from my timezone wow [05:21:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323883753893789867/mgws-Nc2O6MtoIqM.mp4?ex=67762253&is=6774d0d3&hm=fa3be9260259826a9d28c4d26ff052ce2497eb8c251e7f38f2d3fdd7002a9de2& [05:33:10] Happy New Year! It is now 2025. [06:44:49] Yay [06:56:30] whats the code for flex? [06:56:47] [1/2] like this [06:56:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323907758579388496/image.png?ex=677638ae&is=6774e72e&hm=16726dd7432925ea4777a56b6d0dac5fc417d8ab8c21490e1b83f67863db54f3& [06:57:51] dang, got 2700 instead, new year miracle [06:58:25] new deadline on orthodox christmas lol [07:15:56] [1/2] how do i create text here and sort them [07:15:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323912578312699924/image.png?ex=67763d2b&is=6774ebab&hm=5ee6760ebbb58b6b04918de6a72168b4c05e13c221e4e594b35a8217d593f1f1& [07:20:01] You can use Tables [07:20:24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Table [07:20:49] I hope that this is what you are looking for [07:23:21] I normally do that in a spreadsheet program, like Excel, and then let https://excel2wiki.toolforge.org/ do the conversion to Wikitables. [07:24:47] does it only convert text? [07:25:20] And when it is, I will be, truly, happy [07:25:38] Been waiting for something like this for ages [07:37:46] is there an aproximate limit to how many images i can upload at a time with msupload? i have a lot (9838 to be precise) of images to upload, and trying to drag them all in crashes the webpage [07:44:32] No it also can be adjusted to add or remove borders for example. Just play a bit with it. [07:48:09] how do i configure the width of it in the wiki? [07:48:16] the color as well [07:52:20] how do i configure the width of it in the wiki? [07:53:23] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Table#Width [07:53:35] thanks [07:55:27] [1/2] how can i do this in the table? i tried it and it didnt work [07:55:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323922524664369193/image.png?ex=6776466f&is=6774f4ef&hm=197cef28cb051f7109de83234b41b6b353d2dc56f036178f113b04722e8a948c& [07:57:31] [1/7] new line [07:57:31] [2/7] ``` [07:57:32] [3/7] {| [07:57:32] [4/7] | [07:57:32] [5/7] * aaa [07:57:33] [6/7] * bbb [07:57:33] [7/7] |}``` [07:57:56] dude, read the help page [07:59:09] while I don't have such information I suggest to do batches, to not get confused what was sent and what wasn't, you can cut/paste selected images after dropping into another folder [08:06:24] individual table box color? [08:08:00] nvm [08:25:42] [1/2] how do i move the gray table beside the yellow one? [08:25:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323930137137516574/image.png?ex=67764d86&is=6774fc06&hm=f0990b4f839b87789739b6c44ab42b72bc54ec059f903c20f15a76bf88a4aa69& [08:32:03] you probably screwed up with the layout of the css but i cant help exactly what [08:35:28] i put a new table, the new table is below the yellow one. and then i put margin: auto and that happened [08:35:42] put all the tables in a table [08:35:50] who doesnt love nesting [08:35:54] so one big table? [08:36:18] ya and all on one row [08:36:26] alr [08:38:30] how do i configure the colors if its like [08:38:36] Voxelbug !! Burrowclan [08:38:58] style [08:39:03] [1/9] u dont have to do it like that [08:39:03] [2/9] ``` [08:39:03] [3/9] {| [08:39:04] [4/9] !title 1 [08:39:04] [5/9] !title 2 [08:39:04] [6/9] |- [08:39:04] [7/9] | [08:39:05] [8/9] | [08:39:05] [9/9] |}``` [08:39:07] oh [08:39:20] tyhanks [08:40:08] [1/2] how do you replicate this [08:40:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323933769069236304/image.png?ex=677650e8&is=6774ff68&hm=dcea0935ba4fc219d365e7615a4e8ecab18889b8be0ac367fa3cc3b2f5224403& [08:41:00] [1/2] and also these custom icons placed at the top right of a paged (combine overwiki) [08:41:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323933986052898898/image.png?ex=6776511b&is=6774ff9b&hm=667bcc70996dfebfb34d83db133a327a84f95f1af852cd8b9bc5bd030c0a7c3a& [08:41:12] this is kinda similar to how wikipedia does it [08:42:17] in ```! style="color:white; background-color:#7373eb"|Blockling``` , how do i change the white into a hex code? it doesnt work when i replace it [08:52:15] image syntax supports linking [08:52:30] you just need icons to be lined nicely [08:52:55] first, I assume, is just a small div w/ float: right [08:58:06] also what i noticed is that when you hover over them, it like displays stuff [08:58:49] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323938470434963489/image.png?ex=67765548&is=677503c8&hm=bfe4836a6fb7bdc298e75a5decdb7d8c560c835c006f31a6124651791ece1093& [09:13:55] This stuff is likely image caption when you insert images [09:14:48] something like ```[[file:example.png|300px|Image caption]]``` [09:14:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/file:example.png [09:26:57] [1/2] its funny because someone used to upload an alternate version of that picture before someone reverted back to the 2006 one [09:26:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323945551661764699/image.png?ex=67765be1&is=67750a61&hm=20f920b369e0852093cd66b8cbeb8d9fc2700f2f87ea1a8a1b474325c77c65dd& [09:28:24] this is good old basic tooltip, w/ `title` inside a span, div, etc tag [09:28:44] This seems real overkill [09:28:49] Just flex them into rows [09:28:52] Problem solved [09:35:57] 🤷‍♂️ tables are more beginner friendly i think [09:36:30] is there an html tag called ? [09:36:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323948002796376095/image.png?ex=67765e29&is=67750ca9&hm=1b07c9ce0aacc8e9d9c2480875f9c379b457dd0f40a0ece77caa3f22653d7021& [09:37:35] hey does anyone know the media wiki link to edit wiki settings [09:40:41] its in administration [09:40:42] bro [09:40:56] [1/2] cant believe its 2025... [09:40:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323949069068013623/video0_1.mp4?ex=67765f27&is=67750da7&hm=0b670385656c1587f11615b63673b31e6274b7f1ee0a8ef6dc685eb40fd5e431& [09:41:31] i setup my own media wiki [09:41:37] so i didnt know if it would be alike [09:43:12] [1/2] its on the right of your screen brah, its right here [09:43:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323949639740690502/image.png?ex=67765faf&is=67750e2f&hm=3181597827c5d82164d18325cd7891c4842d8bbd6084ae205ae621c6f3b9c55b& [09:43:38] i dont see that [09:43:50] which theme are you on [09:43:52] [1/2] im logged into my admina ccount [09:43:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323949808049848340/image.png?ex=67765fd8&is=67750e58&hm=b43adcba4816a9bc7372aadb9407bba308fccd3bdb557981452e3a6618d7f96b& [09:43:54] if you are hosting the wiki yourself you can use LocalSettings.php [09:44:04] oh [09:44:05] nvm [09:44:12] im using a site called ionos to host media wiki [09:44:19] maybe you can install the ManageWiki extension but I'm not sure if it just works on its own [09:44:31] im not sure where i can find extentions tbh [09:45:09] [1/2] this discord is solely for Miraheze wikis, not self-hosted MediaWiki instances [09:45:10] [2/2] also the settings thing is an extension, called ManageWiki, created by Miraheze for Miraheze - you can try it too, but it's very very hard to make it work [09:45:19] we got confused [09:45:26] HORRIBLY [09:45:28] playing around with it [09:45:30] 😭😭 [09:45:56] its all just media wiki so i thought to ask here but alright [09:46:54] [1/3] yeah, but you are self hosting [09:46:55] [2/3] and Miraheze is a wiki farm [09:46:55] [3/3] a lot of things are run differently [09:47:11] https://tenor.com/view/yakuza-gif-18148683 [09:47:13] ah in my mind i assumed it was just all the same lol [09:47:14] ok im trying to move the icons up [09:47:14] bros selfhosting... [09:47:22] [1/2] too low.. [09:47:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323950689373917264/image.png?ex=677660aa&is=67750f2a&hm=8943b348fb314bdf822d06015390b6e30daae0253844fc44e40b9332d344baa5& [09:48:51] there's an unofficial mediawiki discord server where self hosting folks usually go for help, but overall everything, documentations and instructions, is on mediawiki.org [09:49:21] ah i see [09:49:29] tbh i was just testing out this ionos site [09:49:43] since im still waititng to hear from miraheze i just tried thisout [09:51:35] ok im unable to figure this out 💀 [09:55:09] the icons at the top right of the page are probably position absolute and top:-20px or something [09:55:35] im checking wikipedia if they have anything useful on this [09:57:24] getting somewhere with thia [09:58:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323953509619728414/image.png?ex=6776634a&is=677511ca&hm=41929f724fa165068c416792548e454555f7f8c364537ae61a0c8a4cb07cff50& [09:59:38] ok i have basically figured this out [10:00:02] i just need to make it so that when it's `{{ArticleIcons|good}}`, this checkmark icon appears [10:00:02] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:ArticleIcons [10:00:18] otherwise if you type something else, something else will appear [10:00:26] only problem i forgot how to do this haha [10:01:22] #switch parser [10:03:15] how do you use this again 😅 [10:03:38] [1/2] grarrrr read the docs [10:03:39] [2/2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions##switch [10:04:51] ok lol [10:11:10] yup, understood this [10:11:21] oh yeah and this [10:14:24] [1/2] not I know of, but definitely not for MediaWiki [10:14:24] [2/2] bear in mind that what you see in element inspector is the final output of various parsers or whatever [10:19:03] i think im just gonna wait for miraheze lol [10:19:07] this self hosting is confusing [10:19:13] i managed to lock myself out of admin 😂 [10:19:36] [say whaaaaaaaaaaaat](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1309897209294360586.png?size=160&name=say+whaaaaaaaaaaaat) [10:19:43] wait how?? [10:20:05] i have no idea i messed up the install so no admin account was made somehow and the sql wont accept any commands [10:20:15] at most the site sees me as just another editor [10:22:24] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323959507482837083/image.png?ex=677668e0&is=67751760&hm=3ddae527816971cb6a720be4abd348bb814a492cc305ff62696e790e518c86b8& [10:22:33] [1/2] Hello, I am experiencing an issue where I cannot see any bullet points. The wiki uses the Pivot skin [10:22:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323959541515292672/image.png?ex=677668e8&is=67751768&hm=bf8f5d281eb38687c319179f8fc19a2073e0ef5f7cf5f22543ae8201b71f72df& [10:23:09] visual editor moment [10:23:48] This screenshot was taken to show the issue. I always use visual editor [10:23:58] guys its officially 2025 🥳 [10:24:02] Theres nothing wrong with visual editors [10:24:15] as someone whos hella dyslexic visual editior helps me sm [10:24:48] It is 🥳 [10:24:51] I wanted to show the problem while clarifying that I am using the bullet list :( [10:25:03] i mean i made a template that made my visual editor unusable in the main page so i mainly use classic editor [10:25:56] Same with me [10:26:45] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting#Level_6 [10:27:04] use classic editor then [10:27:42] No, the issue is that the bullet points just don't appear in the article [10:27:47] ohh i got it have u tried clearing cache? [10:27:52] Yes [10:28:13] hmm does the bullets appear in other pages? [10:28:17] Nope [10:28:43] Maybe it's a CSS screw-up, considering that I am the only person in charge of any coding [10:29:54] ohh make sense try reviewing the code [10:31:25] The only instance of "*" is just a small note, which shouldn't affect it [10:31:30] / import! / [10:31:56] does this happen even after saving [10:32:03] Yes [10:32:17] he said its site wide [10:32:25] *she [10:32:28] send a page [10:32:30] https://gloomybear.miraheze.org/wiki/Tomoji [10:32:31] my bad [10:33:10] ooh pretty css [10:33:29] Really? Thank you, I worked very hard on it [10:34:08] [1/2] There are some issues, but it is made with love [10:34:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323962457575784479/image.png?ex=67766b9f&is=67751a1f&hm=fb27af8a568e916d24fb35219a83a9d4a243776102f4b68c9f6c967a9fb2353b& [10:35:49] guys it seems my mac address is blocked? [10:36:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323963071068241991/Screenshot_2025-01-01_at_16-34-18_Log_in_-_Gloomy_Bear.png?ex=67766c32&is=67751ab2&hm=e08d49bdd1a874a9ff7e04f30e24c8864db08df55c296753a873d0f1436daccd& [10:36:41] globally? [10:36:59] Might be a VPN problem [10:37:15] well i dont use one 🤔 [10:37:28] Maybe an ISP issue, I have had that happen [10:37:34] [1/2] this is ur problem in common.css [10:37:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323963318100299939/image.png?ex=67766c6d&is=67751aed&hm=47e8ba92fb69f2135229f3731b56c2bae55601ad7c171934329bf30349dac9a4& [10:37:41] Tysm [10:38:38] Thank you for telling me [10:40:16] For some reason, I had an issue awhile back where the media on one of our wikis just wouldn't appear unless I used a VPN [10:40:37] I could edit without one, but it's definitely a pain to not see any images [10:40:43] But it has been fixed [10:40:45] ohh [10:40:59] i will try making a appeal [10:41:09] [1/2] Looked like this [10:41:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323964226322169878/image.png?ex=67766d45&is=67751bc5&hm=1219797e4741f12d89d5410e2ad764c7f747b69607f2d68410ec011681d88dc8& [10:41:45] that happened with me as well [10:41:57] [1/3] is this code correct to change this box color? [10:41:57] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323964426231091252/image.png?ex=67766d75&is=67751bf5&hm=919c272639907d050ffb64387319fdddbc75aeb090d11bb69907c540e48af90d& [10:41:58] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323964426432544769/image.png?ex=67766d75&is=67751bf5&hm=3d276420f70f2afd47d0f9986c62d81e5b5a9958903d619fd7acef34fb27f33d& [10:42:01] [1/2] Couldn't see the silly mushroom sadly [10:42:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323964440751640617/image.png?ex=67766d78&is=67751bf8&hm=bd96d63588408e04721d51e04528fcdfa8d5d6a153a590c8e82dcf0ec9eb4047& [10:42:37] inspect element showed class="thumb" [10:42:38] if it works then it is [10:43:17] first few days of wiki up [10:44:03] figuring this one out [10:44:57] The wiki had been up for awhile, but I guess it was just not having it 😂 [10:45:24] I still feel very happy whenever I look at the wiki because I chose the background [10:45:58] For awhile, it just had the MonoBook bg but now we have a bg to match the logo [10:46:17] nostalgic skins [10:46:46] [1/2] I wanted to reflect that with a tile bg [10:46:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323965637009346611/image.png?ex=67766e95&is=67751d15&hm=a0f65ab4e0100eb87f3c5fa9e741c85183ef9984b62fbbd2bb39538242f53a6f& [10:46:52] reminds me of old internet well cuz it is [10:46:53] It kinda reminds me of Mega Man [10:47:24] Which the wiki covers, of course https://keitaiwiki.com/wiki/Category:Rockman [10:47:25] tbh looks cool actually [10:47:38] atleast better than ours [10:48:25] Depending on your theming, you could easily make a tile bg [10:48:32] Or even use a stock bg [10:48:41] hmm i see [10:48:59] I think my favorite wiki design would be the Kirby wiki [10:49:07] ohh man our bg story is wild [10:49:29] one of our community artist said she will make one [10:49:31] [1/2] I was brought to tears because it looked so lovely [10:49:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323966327353905152/GXDEz0TWIAUKXiq.png?ex=67766f3a&is=67751dba&hm=69d332dc77a430a10d38eed661b1e6989adecf5fcf5e71f84f0479e15a8ca599& [10:50:49] but she has adhd and schizophrenia and the day later she had to be admitted to mental hospital [10:50:55] Oh my goodness [10:50:56] for a few days [10:51:12] Well, mental health should always come first [10:51:50] You could always make a vector placeholder logo [10:51:50] Hey what happened to Momato? [10:51:52] [1/2] how can i put the text in the center? [10:51:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323966921615343666/image.png?ex=67766fc8&is=67751e48&hm=e63723795a32673b0d04a7727b068f5e120b25704616472a7520003f3b4f7f41& [10:52:18]
Context/center [10:52:19] align class? [10:52:20] Umm
/center [10:52:27] better ig [10:52:46] Hey can anyone please explain to me why Mamoto is gone? [10:52:57] Who? [10:53:09] In the css, you can edit the alignment [10:53:09] sorry im inexperienced where do i put
/center [10:53:16] WIKITIDE! [10:53:27] Its no longer in the Special Pages [10:53:40] Source editing, after the filename (separated with |) [10:53:45] ... [10:53:48] ok thanks [10:54:00] Like icon.png|
Description/center [10:54:21] can i change the size as well? [10:54:48] of the text? [10:54:55] yes [10:54:56] Hey please anawesr me also images from my wiki are no longer working on Firefox 52.0.9 ESR on Windows XP [10:55:27] you can increase increment of text with /big [10:55:29] Might be an ISP issue [10:55:50] ... It was working on Stepmeber [10:55:53] But I don't know who this Mamoto is, so I can't help you [10:56:07] XP fella? [10:56:09] Litho: matomo? [10:56:20] ah, as in Special:Analytics? [10:56:27] Yes [10:56:31] Its gone! [10:56:32] Ohh gotcha [10:56:35] or use font-size what u wish [10:56:42] What happened to it!? [10:56:46] are you asking why you got permission denied? [10:56:52] The message said Mamoto so I got confused [10:57:09] also i saw this in the rain world wiki source. `````` what is this? [10:57:18] No its not in the Special Pages anymore... [10:57:26] Might I suggest that you first read https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Editing_Wikitext to understand what you are doing? We gladly help you out, but it would be easier for you if you understand what you are doing. [10:57:38] That is a Translation Tag [10:57:47] ok [10:57:50] weird, i see it down here: https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Special:SpecialPages#mw-specialpagesgroup-other [10:58:11] Well its not on my site [10:58:16] link? [10:58:28] Everything between `` is hidden from the page, but are useful notes for editors [10:58:31] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:SpecialPages [10:58:51] oh, i see why [10:59:13] basically, everyone no longer has the viewanalytics right anymore (why, i don't know, i'm not even sure if it was intentional) [10:59:14] Okay why is that? [10:59:32] but that means that bureaucrats would have to manually add back the viewanalytics right to the groups where they want them [10:59:42] Okay [11:00:04] Thx that clears up everything why did that happen!? [11:00:19] yeah... i don't know actually ^^; [11:00:59] Okay also open a virtual machine install Windows XP in the VM and inside the Windows XP VM install Firefox 52 ESR [11:01:11] and you will see that the site kinda looks broken [11:01:21] interesting demands but i just so happen to have a windows xp vm [11:01:26] so i'll do that right now [11:01:39] why is the site chnaging without my permission like the backend is being messed with [11:01:49] @BlankEclair thx [11:01:54] analytics had a big update recently [11:02:05] Yeah I could see that [11:02:29] wether the view right was there before or not I can't tell but now yeah, it's a thing for real [11:02:57] you can make only admins to see them, or only registered users, or everyone [11:03:33] That's inteneting before or prior to this everyone had access to thios [11:03:36] information [11:03:40] yeah, it changed for some reason [11:03:45] i don't know if it was intentional >_> [11:03:59] Can you please help me get back my old account I'm trying to chnage the email of it [11:04:12] cajuse I forgot the password to the OG Email [11:04:40] the answer is unlikely [11:04:51] How come? [11:04:55] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Reset_lost_credentials [11:05:42] Damn [11:06:19] Did you see how broken the wiki is on Windows XP with Firefox 52.0.9 ESR? [11:06:34] no man [11:06:49] I had to install win 10 to keep steam working [11:06:59] Its very easy to create a Virtual Machine [11:07:16] I don't wanna? [11:07:20] Litho: https://files.catbox.moe/13npe4.png [11:07:21] and don't need that [11:07:25] i don't see anything wrong [11:07:41] of Windows XP just get an iso [11:07:43] XP was cool, I think everyone agree w/ that, but common [11:07:45] its not that hard [11:07:55] let it go [11:07:57] BlankEclair click on the first link [11:08:31] oh, the images? [11:09:17] hey, is there a breakdown somewhere of all the namespaces that come with the wiki? Idk what 'gantt' or 'mermaid' or any of this stuff means tbh [11:09:31] (like, outside the very basics) [11:09:48] BlankEclair Yes [11:10:06] They are broken something happened on the backend didn't it? [11:10:41] hmm, looks like TLS 1.2 is not available? [11:10:44] i think there is a more modern browser for xp [11:11:18] KMeleon, pale mone i think basilisk is support? [11:11:52] and chromium supermium? [11:11:56] Yes but I need a browser for XP and Superium us hard coded with a Windows 10! Yes a Windows 10 OS user agnet at the lostewset [11:12:08] It should report the OS as XP if I'm on XP [11:12:13] not 10 [11:12:38] Litho: we don't support windows XP [11:12:45] i kinda love how legroom is like "let it go", and i'm like "no no, they have a point" [11:12:52] BlankEclair: I haven't killed TLS1.2 yet [11:12:56] huh [11:13:02] I suspect it's TLS algorithms [11:13:08] Not spec versions [11:13:09] > curl https://static.wikitide.net --tls-max 1.2 --tlsv1.2 [11:13:10] curl: (35) TLS connect error: error:0A00042E:SSL routines::tlsv1 alert protocol version [11:13:24] RhinosF1 why don't you support Windows XP its like the best Windows OS man [11:13:44] BlankEclair: I'll look [11:13:49] I want to keep Retro/Classic/Legacy OSes alive [11:14:02] can respect that [11:14:06] kinda interesting how cf-lb.miraheze.org is unaffected but static.wikitide.net is? [11:14:21] Yeah [11:14:46] https://i.imgur.com/2kCcMrm.png [11:15:01] omg 94%!! nice!!! [11:15:20] BlankEclair: you have a valid point [11:15:23] I will fix that [11:15:29] Cause we ain't killing it yet [11:15:31] wait, what was the cause? [11:15:46] Actually [11:15:49] Do I fix that [11:15:54] Works great on Windows 7 with Firefox 115 ESR [11:15:57] Cause I want to kill it in a weeks time anyway [11:16:08] oh rip [11:16:22] Why? [11:16:51] It is what I think it is [11:16:55] oh btw i am dualbooting linux with win 7 [11:17:00] But I want to kill TLS1.2 anyway [11:17:16] I use Windows 10 as my Main OS for now [11:17:33] But yeah I also use those OSes as well [11:17:39] [1/3] ```.vector-sticky-header { [11:17:39] [2/3] background-color:rgba(10, 10, 10,0.5); [11:17:40] [3/3] }``` [11:17:48] Litho: you need IE11, Firefox 24 or or Chrome 28 or higher [11:18:05] For TLS1.3 [11:18:12] RhinosF1 I'm using Firefox 52 ESR [11:18:15] BlankEclair: should we fix this bug for a week? [11:18:15] i used this code to change the color of the gallery image background [11:18:20] Litho: that should work [11:18:22] sure, why not [11:18:25] How do I get TLS 1.3 on XP? [11:18:29] https://i.imgur.com/xFNZhYm.png [11:18:30] It should support TLS1.3 [11:18:50] it didnt work [11:19:02] BlankEclair: im leaning towards not [11:19:24] ? [11:19:41] Litho: which browser? [11:19:55] Firefox 52.0.9 ESR on XP [11:19:59] show [11:20:02] It should work [11:20:34] here's my install: https://files.catbox.moe/qjlrmf.png [11:20:39] Shouldn't be a problem for anything above Firefox 24 [11:21:26] My internet refuses to play with any images [11:21:36] Blame iconmera [11:21:46] Okay but how would I get TLS 1.3 on XP [11:21:56] Use a browser that works [11:22:01] BlankEclair Yeah cool [11:22:05] Alright [11:22:15] https://caniuse.com/?search=tls1.3 [11:22:18] Why is support getting cut [11:22:30] You can follow instructions in there [11:22:33] Better security [11:23:10] I had wrong thing. It's Firefox 51, Chrome 54 and not IE [11:23:11] OKay yeah [11:23:17] Edge 79+ [11:23:26] > To do so, I changed the security.tls.version.max setting from "3" to "4" in about:config, then I closed it, opened it again and I did the TLS test again without luck. [11:23:29] according to https://msfn.org/board/topic/177693-tls13-xp-and-firefox/ [11:23:34] Firefox for you says 2 Can be enabled in Firefox by setting the security.tls.version.max pref to "4" in about:config. [11:23:57] This is useful information [11:24:10] I'm pretty torn on whether we should care about XP though [11:24:20] Mediawiki doesn't support it, its grade X [11:24:46] XP is iconic it shouldn't be left behind that is like losing a piece of history! [11:25:03] Some history is fundamentally insecure [11:25:11] imo, active support would be nice, but honestly it's less realistic than fandom being unevil [11:25:23] but issues should be fixed when reported, as long as they're not a security risk [11:25:32] it sounds like it should be able to do tls v1.3 though... [11:26:05] Superium is slow on Windows XP [11:26:19] it's cool to preserve old systems but frankly using it for modern, nowadays stuff is always going to be a pain in the ass [11:26:23] It looks like it has the same problems as Firefox 52.0.9 ESR [11:26:27] least we forgot about security concerns [11:26:51] Change your Firefox configuration as described or update to Firefox 60+ [11:26:53] i support backporting .NET to windows 95 [11:27:07] For now [11:27:08] Oh no wait https://i.imgur.com/k7pclkd.png [11:27:20] It works with Superium [11:27:27] wtf it's still not working for me on firefox, even with the config change [11:27:30] BlankEclair: can you open a task cause I'm on a train which means the worlds slowest internet for making TLS support consistent [11:27:47] Either TLS1.2 dropping it from all domains or allowing TLS1.2 on static [11:27:54] Cause it should be consistent [11:28:00] Although I lean to the former [11:28:40] Lets allow TLS 1.2 to stay [11:28:51] honestly, i do feel like we should drop it >_> [11:29:01] Miraheze only officially supports Grade A browsers [11:29:03] which sucks :( [11:29:18] Why Grade A Browsers that is not fair! [11:29:29] We don't provide support for Grade C cause ManageWiki didn't use to even work well [11:29:43] that's... weird? [11:29:47] BlankEclair: Wikimedia will drop it soon [11:29:47] My site gets no support on OSes I likee [11:29:55] BlankEclair: Grade C is no JavaScript [11:30:54] question - what namespace do y'all put your wiki's policies in [11:31:03] mx.lilasekhmet: project [11:31:29] > [01/01/2025 22:29] My site gets no support on OSes I likee [11:31:34] is that one you made specially for your wiki, or is it already there? [11:31:42] it's a tradeoff between security and preservation unfortuantely >_> [11:32:04] though there are things like proxies which should provide a workaround for that [11:32:13] > [01/01/2025 22:31] is that one you made specially for your wiki, or is it already there? [11:32:17] the project namespace, so already provided [11:32:29] Damn it +_- [11:32:37] yeah :( [11:32:45] cool, thanks! Does everyone do it like that? [11:32:58] dunno, i haven't really looked [11:33:10] but imo, it'd be the most logical space since the projectspace is used for meta-related things [11:33:16] I have policy pages put in my [wiki name] namespace, just wondering if I should move them [11:33:20] metawiki uses the mainspace for them, which isn't very surprising [11:33:30] oh yeah, testwiki uses the projectspace for their own policies [11:33:34] > [01/01/2025 22:33] I have policy pages put in my [wiki name] namespace, just wondering if I should move them [11:33:38] that's the projectspace actually :p [11:34:00] ohhhh! [11:34:05] okay, nvm then! Perfect! [11:34:08] BlankEclair: we should have a task for the TLS issue [11:34:15] If someone can create one that would be good [11:34:17] oki [11:34:27] title "Fix TLS 1.2 for static.wikitide.net"? [11:34:37] Make TLS1.2 settings consistent [11:34:50] ah oki [11:34:51] I'm on a train [11:35:01] assign to you or leave it unassigned? [11:35:01] With shit internet and a rough ride [11:35:08] do i add the cloudflare tag? [11:35:12] Yes [11:35:13] Why cannot we control what kind of secirty we want on our own wikis? [11:35:22] It's a cloudflare bug [11:35:32] It is? [11:35:34] Litho: cause we're the controller and processor of the data [11:35:43] We hold the legal risk [11:35:55] And in most cases it has platform wide implications [11:36:11] assign to? [11:36:15] Okay so it cannot be wiki specific? [11:36:19] BlankEclair: why not me [11:36:23] Litho: no [11:36:23] just confirming [11:36:35] DAMN [11:39:02] task: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13045 [11:39:49] [1/2] the white box [11:39:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323978988439474227/image.png?ex=67767b05&is=67752985&hm=effa934fa605613044d0a0f578f74f25bf7216326ddda482851d139df4e29a8e& [11:40:59] Look at my sweet Windows 7 VM it has Firefox 115 ESR is way more up to date than Firefox 52 ESR on Windows XP and my site works winders on it https://i.imgur.com/Ez726YJ.png and https://i.imgur.com/ZHeOAwP.png [11:41:12] BlankEclair do you have a Windows 7 VM [11:41:18] no :( [11:41:23] i'm kinda uh [11:41:26] strapped for disk space atm [11:41:31] Please just use supported OSes [11:41:31] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on [11:41:32] /dev/mapper/root 300G 297G 3.6G 99% / [11:41:38] Windows 10 will die this year [11:41:44] I can say that now [11:42:17] alright chat, do you think it's possible to write a tls 1.3 browser for the ti-nspire cx cas? /hj [11:42:23] RhinosF1 Windows 10 sucks and Windows 11 is no better I would rather use Ubuntu [11:42:44] as a (fellow?) linux user, windows is not the only option btw :p [11:42:50] I agree [11:42:59] I'm a MacBook or Linux use [11:43:00] 9 months after this for Windows 10 I like Ubuntu [11:43:13] I only use windows for corporate stuff [11:43:16] Oh Fedora as well [11:43:19] Cause work say I have to [11:43:24] and KDE Neon [11:43:37] even though thats not supposed to be a Distro apperantly [11:44:05] huh, i always thought kde neon was a distro [11:44:22] Apperently the KDE Team says its not [11:44:31] oh oki then [11:44:33] Also here is anither Screeshot https://i.imgur.com/wd0j4Sl.png [11:44:41] I'm using Windows 10 right now [11:44:44] It sucks [11:44:57] i hate windows 10 too :( [11:45:09] I don't care if it only has 9 months to live I used to like Windows 10 bleh [11:45:15] i have a windows 10 vm (on my windows 11 partition), and i dislike it too >_> [11:45:27] Windows 8 sucked more [11:45:41] I find it to be the worst OS Windows 8.1 is better just slap Open Shell [11:45:42] i agree, but that doesn't mean i like windows 10 more [11:45:48] s/more$/ [11:46:04] Windows 8.1 is not awsome by any means but still better than Shitblows 10 and Crapdows 11 [11:46:19] i think u could change that in the source editor [11:46:28] I prefer Windows 7 otherwise its Ubuntu for me [11:46:50] My taste in Linux Distros do chnage from time to time [11:46:57] i love playing obscure games that don't fully support the OSes they were made for xD [11:47:01] It was Zorin at one point [11:47:08] the shangri-la second demo doesn't size properly under windows xp [11:47:13] ? [11:47:41] BlankEclair Yeah I feel if these older version of Windows where Open Soruce they would be better [11:47:45] which theme? [11:47:53] windows xp source le- [11:48:30] @kingplaysateion Windows 7 Aero [11:48:32] hmm like u want to set a background on that box u can do that within the page [11:49:02] Windows 10 looks like shit and somebody took a dumb and vomited all over my screen [11:49:44] uhh the firefox theme? [11:49:50] Windows 10 is ugly Windows 7 looks better Windows 11 looks only slightly better than 10 even though its still shit with its UX and its unejoyable to use [11:50:27] @kingplaystation Strata Firefox 14-28 [11:50:41] on Firefox 115 ESR with Elechon Project [11:50:52] ahh elechon [11:51:22] while searching i found this https://github.com/clifford269/FrutigerFX [11:51:29] Cool [11:52:05] [1/2] i found out .thumb isnt the right one but this is. [11:52:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323982073257529386/image.png?ex=67767de4&is=67752c64&hm=c71ef63948fc5cd5b538b32c29f931657569fa214efebee076c72edff9577920& [11:52:29] glad u found out [11:52:39] Discord doesn't work for me can you please use Postimage.org? [11:52:49] so it is .li.gallerybox? or .li-gallerybox [11:53:04] what about the catboxes :3 [11:53:13] its .li.gallerybox [11:53:15] found out [11:53:19] works now [11:53:24] congrats [11:53:26] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323982416955576421/image.png?ex=67767e36&is=67752cb6&hm=05a88b8e37bade1ec1720b1f84638731d48ff2e9c3ed1b3deb0d1c4b2e4f930e& [11:53:30] seems to be a nice lil website tho [11:58:45] Okay MyPal seems to work https://i.imgur.com/0b4WuEX.png [11:59:06] [1/2] ??????????? [11:59:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323983841320374404/image.png?ex=67767f8a&is=67752e0a&hm=739d9d5145a70a1dab4c38b13edf66c5e1137a259cc0917f8414c4af2b6b2abb& [11:59:08] So that would work great on Windows XP since its based on Firefox 68 I think? [11:59:39] god i feel nostalgic now [11:59:46] Try Mypal [12:00:08] holy shit is this windows 7> [12:00:13] yes [12:00:14] BlankEclair I have it installed on XP I always default to Firefox [12:00:23] i fucking love windows 7 [12:00:32] the linux games on windows 7.... [12:00:33] ye kya jhol hain [12:00:45] @prabhasxd Yeah its a real Windows 7 way better than Winshit 10 [12:00:48] i dualboot it with linux [12:00:50] and Shitblows 11 [12:00:59] you speak hindi? [12:01:04] lol [12:01:14] bro i am bangladeshi ofc i know hindi [12:01:15] Windows 7 needs to become FOSS [12:01:21] epic [12:01:26] ok can anyone help [12:01:31] i fucking love FOSS software [12:01:32] source code le- [12:01:34] whatever this is [12:01:50] @prabhasxd Yeah Windows 7 is the best I like it more than Windows XP [12:01:53] what u want to upload? [12:01:59] XP is still my top 2 [12:02:02] maybe its a encrypted link [12:02:09] an svg [12:02:14] Windows 11 is F Tier [12:02:16] like i exported it as an svg from photoshop [12:02:28] because when i converted it from a png to a svg it looked horrible [12:02:37] ITs made by people who don;t use Windows and who don't know how to make an OS [12:02:53] windows 7 was my first experience with windows [12:02:59] Windows 7 however is made by people who knew what they were doing\ [12:03:00] altho i remember using vista [12:03:20] try uploading again [12:03:40] my first os was win 98 [12:03:44] somehow [12:03:53] i used [12:03:57] [1/2] its just a void when i convert it from png to svg [12:03:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323985059933585408/image.png?ex=677680ac&is=67752f2c&hm=57473d5900f22161a801758fffbe5a20e4246ce76451f5b2ef9bad15e2ec2021& [12:04:06] this is like my 3rd time trying [12:04:09] 7 > XP > Vista (SP 2) > 8.1 > 10 > Vista without an SP > 8 > 11 [12:04:25] did u make sure the file is corrupted or not? [12:04:27] @prabhasxd this is my ranking [12:04:43] im not even sure as to how it would even be corrupted [12:04:47] poggers ranking [12:05:02] Indeed and Shitblows 11 sucks [12:05:09] for me its 7 > 10 > 11 > vista (i barely remember vista) [12:05:13] i like windows 11 [12:05:13] begware [12:05:14] but [12:05:16] too much bloarware [12:05:21] eq [12:05:28] had to really customize this [12:05:35] i didnt even buy a stupid 13k rupees license [12:05:44] Indeed but its just a worse version of Windows 10 [12:05:46] i just used a funny powershell cmd [12:05:51] I would rather die and use Windows 8 istead [12:05:58] i pirat- [12:06:02] NAHHHHHH WINDOWS 8 IS LITERALLY [12:06:09] im gonna barf omg windows 8 was yuck [12:06:12] but WINDOWS 8.1 [12:06:13] yes. [12:06:15] Windows 11 throws UWP Shell BUllshit on the Desktop [12:06:28] atleast with 8 its limted to the Scrat Screen [12:06:32] I hate WIndows 8 [12:06:35] [1/2] this is what shows up when i directly exported this as an svg from photoshop [12:06:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323985725271707688/image.png?ex=6776814b&is=67752fcb&hm=a95b60bd1568f003192aa949784ddc1fc1066fd59a7aedc6bd8327db51c1ebb6& [12:06:51] void? what was it originally [12:06:58] ^^ [12:07:00] ohh [12:07:27] [1/2] why tf was it scaled [12:07:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323985941731348480/image.png?ex=6776817e&is=67752ffe&hm=213efdd0ff55c69a5f23c10da2a7352dd917bd143ae47498c46116ad1adedeca& [12:07:31] I LITERALLY CONVERTED THIS SVG [12:07:32] Windows 11 is the worse AI Crap [12:07:33] INTO A SVG [12:07:35] Spyware [12:07:37] HOW DID IT SCALE??????? [12:07:45] Even more Spyware its slow af [12:08:03] well i cant upload it [12:08:05] cool [thumbs](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/975787871086731324.webp?size=48&name=thumbs) [12:08:07] Can we not catch a break here Windows 10 is way better than Windows 11 [12:08:21] I refuse to upgrade to that shitty version [12:08:28] That I agree with [12:08:29] windows 10 LTSC [12:08:34] Yes [12:08:44] Although sadly 10 ends support unless you pay extra this year [12:08:54] Also Windows 7 is still better than Windows 10 even Windows 8.1 [12:09:00] ltsc is supported til 2032 [12:09:02] thats the only reason i switched to windows 11 [12:09:18] im not planning on using linux because, i have no fucking clue about it HAHAAHAHAH [12:09:24] You still got 10 months [12:09:33] I will wait until October to upgrade [12:09:34] altho there are good distros like pop os and linux mint [12:09:42] Windows 11 is made by stupid people [12:10:00] ok i need help on smth else [12:10:13] now it seems weird the file is fine [12:10:20] but isnt uploading? [12:10:39] i made this like article icons thing, and it works fine, only thing is i cant use multiple as they stack over each other, and they dont align properly [12:10:49] this was partly taken from combine overwiki [12:10:52] nope [12:10:55] https://jbcstudios.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:ArticleIcons [12:11:09] man combine overwiki is so cool... [12:11:16] it would be nice if windows rants wouldn't interfere w/ wiki support things [12:11:21] Linux > Windows 11 [12:11:33] MacOS > Windows 11 [12:11:43] Windows 11 > ChromeOS [12:11:43] yo litho u may wanna stop lol [12:11:50] Okay [12:12:37] maybe i try? [12:12:45] sure [12:12:56] send svg [12:13:09] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323987374471909486/good_article.svg?ex=677682d4&is=67753154&hm=d6e9c8074acb49163ff4441a96105f1b81ff440b317c9bbaf2d6f5295cfd1d9f& [12:13:16] oh wow thanks!!! [12:13:26] you are still working on these small icons or? [12:13:39] still working on them [12:13:57] we can proceed with offtopic discussion in #miraheze-offtopic btw (i'm currently talking to someone else though) [12:14:07] either im stupid or i did not expect this [12:14:29] I’d suggest giving it a try, you can burn it onto a USB pretty easy [12:14:43] Found href to unsafe data: URI target??!??!? [12:15:08] [1/2] why is this black???? [12:15:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323987874298859652/image.png?ex=6776834b&is=677531cb&hm=81a7b81b51b73d69cd1b78feb82445be044c95f56b9a6f1ad43c7a8451f0c19d& [12:15:09] saying w3.org is unsafe [12:15:17] huh?? [12:15:39] how is it unsafe... [12:15:55] [1/2] full error [12:15:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323988071917686895/Screenshot_2025-01-01_at_18-15-34_Upload_file_-_JBC_Studios_Wiki.png?ex=6776837a&is=677531fa&hm=da15f06d32ae7ef67e36b4a1d6bb054700183bd27e5bbf832e12b675ea429ef9& [12:16:27] brother i dont even know at this point. this file is cursed [12:16:41] _uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh_ [12:16:43] wow ok [12:16:47] shall i send the png [12:16:48] of this [12:16:52] okay [12:17:00] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1323988347579793408/good_article.png?ex=677683bc&is=6775323c&hm=ec6dc787904a87d5553a56f8841526d9a5891f099e7f7441e8e2cbcf9cf3511d& [12:17:06] 2 people tried at this point [12:17:11] Love how you suggest Chrome is in league with any of the others [12:17:23] Or for that matter an actual useable operating system [12:17:59] works as expected [12:18:09] man there is something wrong with the svg [12:18:19] ok im scared [12:18:22] cursed file... [12:18:28] scary... [12:18:44] wait photoshop conversion to svg? [12:19:00] i dont know alot of adobe after CS's [12:19:20] maybe try illustrator to convert it [12:19:28] i dont have That [12:19:39] nor am i gonna risk pirating it (i already pirated this) [12:19:51] inkscape is free [12:20:02] wait [12:20:28] It is morally right to pirate stuff from Adobe [12:20:39] because they be 💵 [12:20:49] its possible [12:21:01] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkP4W7n8O24 [12:21:08] well i do the opposite [12:21:13] svg to png [12:21:22] anyways try something else [12:21:38] maybe pirated photoshop did some stuff [12:22:26] @prabhasxd send updates if worked [12:22:35] aight [12:32:23] im using opera gx browser and press ctrl+f5 and the wiki background went dark blue. [12:32:27] how do i undo this [12:35:58] Do it again. Normally it's an on and off switch IIRC [12:36:35] it didnt work [12:37:36] Can you check the preferences in your browser? [12:38:11] nvm i think it was the background url that couldnt load [12:38:18] anymore [12:41:45] yeah it was [12:42:19] what code do i use to set the background to a file i uploaded to my wiki? [12:42:22] in css [13:11:16] my .li.gallerybox css code stopped working [13:11:18] idk why [13:12:34] remove the dot before li [13:19:18] didnt work or its too slow [13:19:45] [1/3] ```li.gallerybox { [13:19:46] [2/3] color:rgba(0, 0, 0,0.2); [13:19:46] [3/3] }``` [13:22:32] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324004835867099188/image.png?ex=67769317&is=67754197&hm=40cbe0470b720381915f085aa0218627e330700b7ab175a7991066f8411cd559& [13:32:04] because li is not a class, it's an element [13:32:23] as always, wait it for it or kicke cache hard [13:35:43] or have development tested through user css [13:35:48] I need to make an essay on that eventually [13:50:37] <9021007, replying to avengers9309> Was this ever resolved? [13:56:09] something would be very off if it hasn't been by now [13:56:33] although if no actions were taken in the meantime then it may well have gone inactive again, I forget how long it takes exactly [13:57:15] it always takes a bit for inactivity to flush out of cache, but it should inevitably happen before too long and always same day if not within a couple hours at most iirc [14:00:22] <9021007, replying to raidarr> Well I am having the same issue so I was wondering lol [14:00:32] <9021007> I made edits like 12h ago and it's still there [14:00:54] <9021007> i'll wait a day i guess [14:02:42] so, right off the bat I visited recent changes and the banner did indeed vanish there [14:02:52] I'm inclined to say caching is your culprit perhaps with a dash of cloudflare [14:03:14] <9021007, replying to raidarr> ugh things are always cloudflare lmao [14:03:17] I'd give it more time and if it does happen after a day, perhaps ping rhinos in the support channel [14:03:20] <9021007> 👍 [14:03:23] <9021007> thank you! [14:03:30] yeah, cloudflare's an easy target with that kind of thing [14:03:45] I get the logged out test experience since I had not visited the wiki before and forgot to visit in a logged out container [14:05:37] Cloud flare isn't even doing any caching anymore [14:06:02] Cloudflare is probably not the issue [14:06:12] Unless it's a captcha when loading the page [14:07:29] interesting [14:07:35] normal cache problem then [14:07:53] Yup [14:07:56] Blame Varnish now [14:08:43] Simple test to see if it is is to just purge the page which will evict it from Varnish [14:10:04] Hey @originalauthority, happy new year [14:12:04] Happy new year 🎉 (would be happier if the rain would kindly go away) [14:13:45] a purge did indeed drop the inactivity banner, note for @9021007 as well [14:14:00] I'll drop it in my userpage notes which may or may not be useful for people but at least it'll be there [14:14:03] <9021007, replying to raidarr> Thank you! [14:14:15] oh right, I need to log in again [14:15:13] And delayed trains [15:09:46] @originalauthority you had any flooding? [15:14:27] my wiki background doesnt move with the screen on mobile [15:14:31] how can i fix this [15:15:09] on different mobile devices the background doesnt even show up [15:17:49] [1/2] how can i stop the box from overstepping the category bellow? [15:17:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324033848346021969/Screenshot_2025-01-01_220413.png?ex=6776ae1c&is=67755c9c&hm=b2ef8bf495d38e8a663a2e3ddf7e3e2ef1bbeeea8d9ccbc26b413f49b6d38f1b& [15:26:15] \ [15:28:40] o/ [15:29:06] ey| [15:34:34] whaaaat [15:46:58] What's a good file type for animated images/videos without sound? Gifs don't play when Resized and gimp can't make animated pngs [15:48:17] I've seen dota2 wiki using mp4 but the quality... [15:49:19] hard to tell from screenshot what's going on, better link [15:58:27] resized gifs that don't play aren't resized correctly, there are online tools that should do it correctly [15:58:35] not sure of offline ones that do it [15:58:53] No they play just fine [15:59:01] there is no other format that is as ubiquitous as gif that does that job, I think there's one or the other that does the job but they're a bit obscure [15:59:09] But only if they are put on the wiki in full size [15:59:13] i can supply you an old cracked easy gif animator lol [15:59:21] If I put them in thumb they stop playing [15:59:28] Not personally but its pretty bad round my mums end [15:59:54] the answer on that might be to try and address the thumbnail behavior but I'm not sure where I'd start there [15:59:54] that usually means they're too big in resolution [15:59:55] but it's probably easier to explore that route than trying to find another file format [16:00:14] we have this happening on pizza tower wiki w/ animated game backgrounds [16:00:34] It's 800by 600 pixels [16:00:36] Not exactly huge [16:00:46] 20 frames [16:00:49] 500kb [16:00:58] hm [16:01:11] I've optimised it as much as I could with gimp [16:02:12] Any direction how [16:02:24] my friend was editing a page and i was editing as well. i saved the changes earlier than him and his progress was gone. how can i solve this [16:02:30] I'd be looking up the thumbnailing system in mediawiki docs basically [16:02:40] It should warn you about conflicts [16:02:45] it's gone unless he still has the screen that warns about conflicts [16:02:58] Which to resolve is pretty painful sometimes [16:02:59] if that screen is still there or you can press back in browser to reach it, the content will be recoverable [16:03:31] I'd just copy that text out, find my addition(s), then start over gluing those additions back in (hopefully they're in clear enough chunks to do that or it will be painful) [16:04:00] can i choose which edit is to be saved? [16:04:00] I might be able to do some of that looking up for thumbnailing but I'm in the weeds really deep on mediawiki permissions right now and I'm already muddled [16:04:34] his edit doesnt appear in the view history [16:07:31] I've only found a few people on a few different wikis complaining about this but no helpful answers [16:09:38] he is going to need to see if he can recover the text and reconcile it, or if you have that screen on your end and can find the conflicting edit there [16:10:16] if either of you can find that comparison page then you can choose which version to publish and save the conflicting text to reconcile it [16:10:45] if that comparison page is unreachable then the other edit is probably plain gone [16:10:59] comparison page? [16:11:33] that should have been offered to whoever was trying to publish the edit while, I assume you made the published edit first [16:11:45] if your edit went through then the other guy would have gotten it [16:11:59] if he can't find it or closed it then he is screwed because that's where it would have been presented [16:12:23] his edit might also be in his local cache if he didn't leave completely [16:19:28] Regular wikimedia gifs do work in thumb [16:20:05] No idea what I did wrong with mine [16:22:45] the simplest step may be to #verify, where you could then link the gifs and the affected wiki [16:22:58] I'm looking but I might be on the wrong track, so will check back soon [16:23:25] tbh I'm not the best person to look anyway but until someone more techy does here we are [16:24:54] I thought it might be related to `Max Animated Gif Area ($wgMaxAnimatedGifArea)` but 20 frames at 800x600 doesn't meet the default for that [16:25:19] if I'm mathing right that's 9600000 vs 12500000 [16:26:36] I forgot that webp does do gifs so if you do want to pursue the alternative file format idea that might be one to try [16:27:44] my brute force troubleshooting idea would be to scale it down to something way way smaller just to rule out it complaining about size for some reason and try that, but the webp track is probably more sensible first [16:41:04] man i think i am cooked [16:41:21] i cant even edit on a wiki which i requested to create [16:41:35] web host or open proxies error ig [16:42:47] did you log in? [16:43:11] yes it still persists [16:43:33] that might be the account attachment problem [16:44:13] not tor? [16:44:30] because tor is especially limited w/ a permission [16:45:30] i mean i dont use any proxies [16:45:33] nor vpn [16:45:36] as of now [16:45:37] ah [16:45:39] can't spot you in auth logs for some reason, what is your on wiki account name? [16:45:50] PS2Comrade [16:46:00] did not think to reverse those, i c [16:46:46] so there is a workaround that I will ping the appropriate parties to do, otherwise I'd recommend messaging the stewards email with information including the IP so they can look into it if it is indeed a false positive (not a vpn/proxy) [16:47:08] it could be a false positive or your connection is being proxied with an extension or something network level that you are not aware of, or it is through a network commonly used as a proxy [16:47:45] i see [16:48:29] ...and which wiki are you trying to edit, actually [16:48:44] the wiki mentioned in my username [16:48:52] then it's not what I thought it might be [16:49:07] if you are logged in and have that issue then the only answer I can think of is that the range is hardblocked which should not be happening [16:49:29] sounds scary [16:50:09] I would definitely email stewards@ (possibly cvt@ if you trust non nda volunteers with the IP) mentioning the full details and screenshotting the issue that comes up when you try to edit [16:50:46] so i should send the screenshot? [16:51:18] since it includes sensitive info I'd send to stewards@ preferably, but yes it will be needed for the right people to look into it [16:51:31] a copy of the text as well might make it simpler [16:51:58] We’re very trust worthy™️ [16:51:58] okay so i will send it to your dm's [16:52:18] (But yes with sensitive info you’d prefer non NDA people not see stewards) [16:52:27] Raidarr isn’t a steward anymore [16:52:42] 🤔 [16:52:55] technically I have an NDA still and can just forward it but yes, preferably to the stewards@ email [16:53:22] did the issue just start now/today [16:53:28] I see you have edits as of jan 1st [16:53:40] yes today [16:54:17] no global blocks have been issued since december 25th [16:54:38] this would make sense if you just ended up being logged out but if it shows you as logged in then that's a strange problem [16:55:05] wait i send the issue texts [16:56:03] wait what!? [16:56:09] i dont understand [16:56:20] like the moment before i came here [16:56:41] it was showing an issue like my ip is blocked with open proxy or web host [16:56:43] so it started working out of nowhere again [16:56:50] I love it when that happens [16:56:52] yeah basically [16:57:14] what I'm going to guess is that your login session got wonky and was in a weird in between for a little bit [16:57:20] sometimes addressing errors magically fixes the errors [16:57:24] new year new shenanigans [16:57:24] Do you have a dynamic IP from your ISP? [16:57:40] Yes [16:57:53] I was beginning to think that I should just tell you to clear session/log out and then attempt again in case it was something on those lines [16:58:10] but if it resolved itself then I'd just keep that step in memory for the future [16:58:43] thanks man [16:58:55] sorry for the trouble, login can be a real pita sometimes [16:59:11] its no problem ive seen worse [16:59:51] centralauth has a few real issues and at first I was wondering if you were attaching to a newly requested wiki, where that can definitely happen if your IP is in a blocked range [17:00:17] like in one cases signing up works but login does not [17:00:34] if you still have that screenshot then what I might suggest instead is sending it to tech@, and that can be on their back burner in case it's something (it could be nothing but, safe vs sorry) [17:01:01] ahh i see and thanks for letting me know [17:01:21] np, hopefully it's not a new year sign >.< [17:02:15] man every years (atleast for me) starts roughly but becomes stable [17:02:46] (and ends terribly)  [18:04:56] is there a way to make the whole wiki to fill up the space on the screen more? [18:05:10] like i see wikipedia fills up the screen quite a bit more even in normal mode [18:11:35] [1/2] If I wanted to change the bullet point image, would this be the correct way to do so? (This is in Pivot.css) [18:11:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324077580130713610/image.png?ex=6776d6d7&is=67758557&hm=758864499515df8e5cece3008efdd2f819df287686105c4cf65f4bb20814e866& [18:11:45] What skin do you use? [18:13:09] i dont have any skin [18:14:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Skins [18:16:01] im trying to make my skin look as much like wikipedia thats why i dont have any skins [18:16:04] but ill check these out [18:16:08] thank you [18:16:31] there is a skin there automatically - ik there is one that copies wikipedia pretty closely (which is probably hte one you already have installed) [18:16:36] (like, automatically) [18:16:39] yes [18:17:09] is it possible to somehow make it be bigger because rn for me the page fills up like 1/3 of the width of my screen [18:17:13] but wikipedia does more liek 1/2 [18:18:17] [1/6] default skin is called Vector 2022 [18:18:17] [2/6] the more traditional wiki skins are (legacy) Vector and Monobook, I suggest to try them [18:18:18] [3/6] you can check them out by adding in URL [18:18:18] [4/6] `?useskin=vector` [18:18:18] [5/6] or [18:18:19] [6/6] `?useskin=monobook` [18:19:24] [1/2] all these skin are hard coded into mediawiki, so they exist just in wiki's Styling settings [18:19:24] [2/2] more skins are available via extensions, Skins tab [18:20:26] vector seems the best but it still goes to both corners [18:20:34] is it possible to yourself scale the page [18:20:57] wdym by both corners [18:21:10] it's only sidebar on the left [18:21:12] its not horrible by any means it would just make readibility by having it go across more of the screen but not to each corner [18:21:39] well, skins can be modified w/ custom CSS and JS [18:22:00] i see [18:22:03] wheres the place to modify it [18:22:35] [1/2] if you really want to, you can make more space like that [18:22:35] [2/2] I can image it's possible to be make sidebar on Vector collapsible, but I don't have such example [18:22:57] [1/2] Nvm, I updated it [18:22:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324080438897279046/image.png?ex=6776d980&is=67758800&hm=de50a21ca227600b43e242cdc2628bbdb56de1ca110e2b81eaffe43200cd8634& [18:23:17] Not sure if this is correct but I put this in common.css [18:23:34] MediaWiki:Vector.css, for example [18:24:20] i see [18:24:26] where would i also edit like the general font size [18:24:29] is it the same place [18:24:45] question - how do y'all use subpages and tabs differently? Are there certain situations where it's better to use one rather than the other? [18:24:48] [1/2] disable this setting and click on the zoom button in the bottom right corner [18:24:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324080903730892820/image.png?ex=6776d9ef&is=6775886f&hm=1688b03ab48ebedc391a1238afd4cab2744743187baec7e6914a3b6c7f9c5325& [18:24:55] oh, I did htat - I can send you the code if you want, gimme a sex [18:24:59] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324080949079707648/image.png?ex=6776d9fa&is=6775887a&hm=84401d88c9706edfc4234b76562fcf73a5f71bc30bd407d25d1f2d5dc99e606e& [18:24:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324080949339881544/image.png?ex=6776d9fa&is=6775887a&hm=7b9262ae3613a7cda40b8f2b4b07dec5c36a191c4a7b789ceb02a055787a4659& [18:25:29] no like this is good but i was wondering if it can just be made a tad wider [18:25:31] [1/3] you can edit just the skin css and put this in: body { [18:25:32] [2/3] font-size:16px; [18:25:32] [3/3] } [18:25:33] [1/2] correct [18:25:33] [2/2] but first you need to make old Vector the default skin, that's done via Additional settings admin menu, Styling tab [18:25:42] (or a different font size) [18:25:46] its not the end of the world if users need to like make the page bigger with control zoom [18:25:51] or do it for the wiki at large - put it in commons [18:25:57] indeed [18:26:26] still, nice to have the default readable! [18:26:44] yeah [18:26:53] [1/3] idk man, I suppose make smaller margin w/ same CSS [18:26:53] [2/3] please bear in mind that screens size differ and different users might prefer different views [18:26:53] [3/3] also mobile devices [18:27:33] sorry, probably shouldn't have asked this in the middle of a conversation huh [18:28:39] yeah it might also be that i have quite a big screen i probably wont mess with it [18:28:43] ill just increase font size atad [18:29:57] [1/3] tabber you mean? [18:29:57] [2/3] if their content is not large then yeah [18:29:58] [3/3] otherwise it's better to go w/ page linking over huge page (or embedding bug pages into tabber, that will affect loading negatively) [18:31:53] [1/3] ye [18:31:53] [2/3] Ah, I see, that makes sense - do you know roughly how big a page will start to noticeably affect loading time? [18:31:53] [3/3] Or how to see the size of a page [18:36:47] [1/5] I can't tell, honestly [18:36:48] [2/5] my game wiki used to have tabber on character pages, w/ like 7 tabs, each is a big page on its own, and it was noticeable hard to load [18:36:48] [3/5] I since then created a "fake" tabber, where each "tab" is newly loaded separate page [18:36:48] [4/5] but my case is very specific, I assume yours is that tabber is an addition to a proper article, if there is not a huge gallery or loads of audio files you'll be fine [18:36:49] [5/5] my personal issue w/ tabber is its syntax and that it's hard to edit its content in source code [18:46:36] i also need to ask is there a similar template on miraheze as on wikipedia with the {{clear}} [18:46:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:clear [18:46:36] [18:48:03] does it somehow need to be added [18:52:54] you'll have copy/import/create by yourself [18:53:15] Is there a way to view all pages using a particular interwiki prefix? [18:53:40] where is the code for it [18:57:50] [1/4] templates are pages starting w/ "Template:" prefix in their names [18:57:50] [2/4] in your case "Template:Clear" [18:57:50] [3/4] we have it on Dev Wiki [18:57:51] [4/4] [[dev:Template:Clear]] [18:57:51] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev:Template:Clear [18:57:51] [18:58:10] it's a very simple template code wise [18:59:31] what do i put in the page [18:59:35] i cant find the code for the template [19:00:20] oh i see its a different link now [19:03:32] ok works now thanks [19:04:41] to copy the code you can click edit or view source button, and literally copy it [19:04:51] then paste on the same page on your wiki [19:05:09] which wouldn't exist at first, naturally [19:05:15] yes [19:05:16] i see now [19:05:26] thanks for the help [19:05:43] and now it makes sense to me [20:13:52] what do you do in this game [21:35:02] What do I put in the "API" field for adding an interwiki prefix?