[04:31:40] [1/4] Im trying to achieve a similar effect to the second image. Whats the best / recommended / standard way of doing things like removing the borders between certain cells, doing lists (im just using ul tag rn), make the background of the first and second collumn the same etc... [04:31:40] [2/4] [Here is the infobox code](https://iyrinworldbuilding.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_Polity?action=edit) [04:31:41] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324233628481490964/image.png?ex=6777682c&is=677616ac&hm=b39379defff7f9d8de3ff1cbc529e35eceb37143d2f76e95ca12fcdb0fe3ee68& [04:31:41] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324233628909043752/image.png?ex=6777682c&is=677616ac&hm=a84ef8af0978c8b4af5a194dadbd12f935f77bb8960a1484b8339a3b6639c6ad& [04:55:25] im very confused on where the localsettings.php is even if i read the wiki about it [04:56:30] im trying to install an extension [05:20:29] when i go to special:managewiki/extensions it just brings me to the wiki core settings, is it normal? [05:27:06] are the team accepting any wikis atm or are they on a holiday break [05:33:29] Might just be a lull in activity, yeah — have you made a request? [05:49:35] yeah i made one a few days ago [05:49:40] but i dont mind waiting so i was just wondering [06:11:13] Still on low availability from holidays, but folks should start returning to greater activity soon [07:34:33] tables are so wonky lol [07:57:07] is there any way to link a live feed of a discord channel in a page? [07:57:18] or not-so-live [07:57:27] but like, maybe updating every 30 minutes [07:58:15] [1/2] and can someone tell me how the heckity heck they made their wiki look like this [07:58:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324285615956688969/image.png?ex=67779896&is=67764716&hm=95b0ded890419db1a9313d7610807547e6ea204a6be11b9a02990b1fe5eaf7db& [07:58:29] I want my wiki to have some sort of custom look like this as well [08:01:09] LOTS of css [08:10:03] thats gonna be [08:10:14] a pain because thats a lotta css 💀 [08:10:29] you can check their css in [08:10:44] give them some proper credit too [08:12:24] is there anyone I can hire to make and design css...es? [08:12:54] its recommended to just diy [08:12:57] fiddle around with inspect [08:13:04] and who knows you might make pretty stuff with it [08:13:12] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1312421184096305223/1312681174585311252/image.png?ex=67651c1c&is=6763ca9c&hm=9c4a2efdb077f8f9b8c769e1c12879738be3ac6dda7d43e735a7115d1be8afff& [08:13:32] [1/2] also, this wiki (not sure if it's miraheze or not) has the headshots of minecraft players before they're linked in a page [08:13:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324289463261724693/image.png?ex=67779c2c&is=67764aac&hm=3075a865311ce3bb25132e3b2c6d57e8f84ba5a7fd26a13e590b4c7a39bac181& [08:13:35] how do they do that? [08:14:27] [1/2] they use a link to get their headshot [08:14:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324289695055876106/image0.jpg?ex=67779c63&is=67764ae3&hm=eff3eacc9d723f2320f2a2d65917fc9455ac41dc3e20474d4c1ff04b848133bc& [08:16:15] how would I make such a thing? [08:16:26] and what is a template, and how do I use them [08:17:04] [[mw:Help:Templates#Basic_usage]] [08:17:04] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Templates#Basic_usage [08:17:05] [08:18:52] they use a unique link to get a headshot, you can copy their code if your topic is about the minecraft community. if not, an alternative is to upload files [08:19:21] they use a `{{User}}` template followed by minecraft username [08:19:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:User [08:20:20] could I use a link from mc-heads.net? [08:22:05] if so is it possible to get it to automatically use the right username in the link depending on what the username is in the hyperlink on the page? [08:25:32] not sure :shrug: theyre just links which redirect to a unique image link [08:29:43] can't use external images [08:30:00] gotta be uploaded from file or url [08:30:11] external resources need security review [08:40:42] not an external url? [08:48:10] [1/2] external, but it's upload on wiki [08:48:10] [2/2] embedding, w/o upload, isn't recommended [08:58:17] the one in minecraft online has something after the sh? [08:58:18] what does it mean? [08:58:38] its their own image url [08:59:13] theyre not hosted by miraheze so they have full creative control [08:59:14] if you go to say minecraftonline.com/cgi-bin/getplayerhead.sh?Notch it shows an image of notch, so is it adding the username with that code after the sh? [08:59:33] yes [09:00:35] so I can't use mc-heads.net? any way I could submit it for review or is my best option to just download the images from mc-heads.net and upload them to the wiki every time [09:01:29] huge majority of game wikis upload stuff by themselves, regardless of hosting [09:36:02] so I should upload the images to the wiki myself? how do I make sure they display in the right size, as in text-sized [09:40:52] [1/7] there's image syntax, idk how in visual editor [09:40:52] [2/7] for example [09:40:52] [3/7] [`[File:Example.png|20px|link=Example page]`] [09:40:53] [4/7] I suggest to learn and understand wiki text, lots of advantages in it [09:40:53] [5/7] [[mw:Help:Formatting]] [09:40:53] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Formatting [09:40:53] [6/7] [[mw:Help:Links]] [09:40:53] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Links [09:40:54] [7/7] [[mw:Help:Images]] [09:40:54] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images [09:40:54] [1/3] [09:40:54] [2/3] [09:40:54] [3/3] [10:17:14] 9997 # wikis on miraheze 👀 [10:17:34] According to wikistats [11:19:25] I see i hope they have had a good holiday [11:21:30] Hi Sammy how was your new yeaaaars [11:22:49] Morning @pixldev [11:22:58] Morning [11:23:00] I want to sleep more [11:23:11] So does everyone [11:24:01] Verdade [11:24:18] My head [11:25:20] Why [11:25:29] It hurts [11:25:31] Idk y [11:27:37] We're getting freezing rain [11:27:53] It can't just be freezing or rainy in Britain, both at the same time [11:28:10] I assume it's like probably warmer than a British summers day for you @pixldev [11:28:11] Im at the bottom of the uk and it's sunny here [11:28:40] I'm on the south coast too, it's sunny but cold [11:28:45] Fair [11:28:55] It's supposed to get colder tomorrow [11:29:15] Tbh I say the bottom of the uk cuz I cba to aurge about the official title of it lol [11:29:54] I'm as south as you can get [11:30:01] The sea is the end of my street [11:30:09] Well I'm in cornwall (not England) [11:30:22] Cornwall is England [11:30:28] Nope [11:30:46] Yes it is, it's not in its own country [11:30:46] It's a celtic nation and it never signed an act of union [11:30:46] [1/2] British enough for you? [11:30:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324339092200099870/image.png?ex=6777ca64&is=677678e4&hm=2eeca621809b6ce2c888872007cbffb45921c7440908bb6ed61784d499ae0318& [11:30:47] We still have our own culture and language too [11:30:54] Also [11:31:08] The government is in talks with us rn to give us the same official title as wales and Scotland [11:31:23] So legally soon it won't be England full stop [11:31:55] Language yes, culture England is full of [11:32:08] Our culture is cornish not English [11:32:22] We are also recognised as a national minority [11:32:26] Same as the other celts [11:33:23] Until that happens, everywhere still recognises you as part of England [11:33:32] Agree to disagree [11:33:34] Recognition by others is mostly what matters for being a country [11:33:58] I won't be able to convince you of my stance and vice versa so let's move on [11:34:06] The definition of a country is quite complex cause well no one really agrees on a single list of countries [11:34:27] TIL Cornwall isn’t just the name of a duchy [11:34:43] Yeah it's a celtic nation [11:34:56] I have absolutely no issue with you having the same devolutionary powers as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland [11:35:36] Tbh that's a little confusing [11:35:39] But as of now, you don't and I don't know of any country that formally recognises you as a country. [11:35:46] As they all have different levels of autonomy [11:35:53] Well as any of them [11:35:53] So I'm not sure what you would agree too [11:36:03] I really don't foresee the attempts to convince someone to abandon their national identity going in any particularly productive direction, and this has at any rate become off-topic for the channel. [11:36:11] if you want more devolved powers similar to any of the 3, that's fine [11:36:22] @octavia_of_minrathous does anyone actually want help? [11:36:27] Yeah good idea [11:36:33] This channel goes off topic all the time [11:37:13] I might be asking some questions regarding making spoiler templates function properly later on today, if I find the time to further work on my wiki. 🤞🏻 [11:37:20] cool [11:37:29] I'll probably still be here [11:37:35] I'm off to the butchers fairly soon [12:12:07] anyone know how to replicate this ^^ [12:21:13] fellow half life universe fan? [12:24:02] i think this is a template? [12:24:21] div style float right [12:25:03] i should really learn css [12:28:15] no not that [12:28:17] the shortcuts' [12:28:24] ok i shouldve metioned it oof [12:28:37] then these are templates [12:28:46] hi we exist, we need hopium administered whenever theres anything about half life [12:31:54] i actually tried remaking thi [12:32:04] but i couldnt figure it out [12:32:05] so oof [12:34:17] found something similar [12:35:41] [1/2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Template_shortcut [12:35:41] [2/2] see if this helps out [12:55:01] Just when I thought this server couldn't get more interesting [13:20:30] from what I've heard, many Cornish people consider Cornwall not to be part of England. [13:26:15] [1/4] anyway... I copied this template from another wiki where it works perfectly, and I'm trying it out in my sandbox, but it's not working - about to head out but for when I get back, [13:26:15] [2/4] would anyone mind checking the code? [13:26:16] [3/4] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Retitle [13:26:16] [4/4] {{DISPLAYTITLE:{{#if:{{{2|}}}|{{NAMESPACE}}/span:/span{{{2}}}/span|{{{1|{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}}} [13:26:16] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/DISPLAYTITLE:Template:%7b%7b%23if:%7b%7b%7b2 [13:34:05] What people believe and facts are two entirely different things. [14:12:53] [1/2] uncheck this box (leave the other one checked) [14:12:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324379896071585926/image.png?ex=6777f065&is=67769ee5&hm=d7f6894806551cf0f71ce5759dfd6d7bc09ed05c6582a75894e05e6de847448a& [14:55:01] <.guardianx.> [1/3] is there a way to do something like a one time pop-up for people visiting a wiki? [14:55:01] <.guardianx.> [2/3] I wanna do something like this with a "dismiss" option (please ignore the bad CSS, it's a WIP LoL): [14:55:01] <.guardianx.> [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324390499209056377/image.png?ex=6777fa44&is=6776a8c4&hm=226218879fa1eec410098ac3f4cb3310082ccd42047087ae78dee79b672dcce7& [14:55:14] how do you make formatting not work as means to make it be copy-pasteable like how on discord you can do this ``@everyone`` and it doesnt mention anyone as it doesnt create the tag [14:55:41] using `` these doesnt seem to work [15:05:31] my wiki has been in review for 3 days 😭 [15:13:42] I mean it’s new years so most of our unpaid volunteers are probably on low activity [15:17:40] unpaid volunteers? [15:21:28] Yes. Aka literally everyone here [15:21:40] so i can accept my own wiki [15:21:56] MediaWiki:Sitenotice [15:24:51] No (apologies by everyone I meant all our people in roles, and everyone else who contributes but) wiki creators are a specific team, and to become one you have to be elected [15:24:54] [[WC]] [15:24:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WC [15:24:55] [15:25:10] It’s also bad form to approve your own request even for a WC [15:29:30] ohoh, cuz i was gonna say, i got a reply from an ai, and i thought it was accepted, but it wasnt [15:34:30] we’re trying out a AI reviewer in recommendation only mode [15:35:44] ooohh. [15:55:52] MediaWiki:Sitenotice [17:20:10] thanks sm!!! [19:19:14] omg, my wiki got accepted, tysm!! [19:19:27] have fun [20:06:44] Decently new to things, but how do I change the image of the logo that leads to the main page? [20:20:43] Special:ManageWiki/settings under the styling tab [20:21:13] (All of the logo choices will be there, we can't tell you exactly which one is the correct one without knowing which skin it is) [20:22:39] I think I figured it out by messing up a few times, just waiting for it to take effect, image I was using was too large [20:43:44] Have there been any policy changes recently? There are a lot more new xlation units that need my attention as of no [22:14:47] congrats [23:06:52] hello. [23:09:10] me and a friend have been working on our wiki (vanmourne) and both of us are kind of dumb in the field of CSS and we have two priorities, which are finding out how to add a thumbnail image on the side with the description table thing, and how to change the fonts in articles themselves. [23:09:10] Hello there! [23:09:36] Fonts are pretty easy [23:09:42] do you have a font already? [23:09:52] as in downloaded or in mind [23:17:37] Download or link [23:17:49] no [23:18:39] My friend said times new Roman, and I figured out how to change the entire wiki’s font, but not the individual articles [23:19:24] ^ [23:19:38] oh [23:20:02] You mean just the article body of all pages or select articles [23:20:13] Article body of all pages [23:20:38] We’re trying to change the courier new font that’s default for pages into times new Roman [23:21:18] Try the class .mw-parser-output [23:21:27] what [23:25:25] .mw-parser-output { font-family: "Times New Roman" } [23:25:31] Is there a way to resize an image that's inserted into the text? [23:25:53] [[File:Hello.png|250px]] [23:25:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Hello.png [23:25:59] Oh piss off [23:26:08] Does this work in a template? [23:26:12] Yup [23:26:24] Thanks [23:26:47] Templates are just regular ol wiki pages so anything that applies to a normal page applies to a template [23:31:00] this did not work [23:34:06] Hello! [23:36:49] Miraheze is doing very well! almost doubled its minimum goal 💖 [23:42:08] font problem mostly solves [23:47:31] Did we? [23:47:47] I think we met it but we certainly didn’t reach 20k in a month [23:47:59] We had around 10k before the fundraiser [23:50:03] How do I change the color of the results display on Special:Search @canyada [23:50:31] minims $7,286 --- today $12,251 [23:50:37] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Fundraiser [23:51:32] sorry, I'm not a native speaker. @pixldev [23:52:08] No problem friend [23:52:47] oh fair, i got confused since we were referring to different numbers [23:53:01] I was looking at the 10k target goal