[00:01:02] being a regular enough participant, helpful and relevant community support (not necessarily sniping in any answer just to answer), engaging in platform discussion, aiding in building up the platform in some way through either venue are all aspects that people who aspire for roles have fulfilled to some degree [00:03:03] Although that trend has kinda been broken with SWF [00:05:56] perhaps as a one off thing based on your recommendation and following an assessment from all of us [00:06:21] but I would hope that the lack of WCs is fixed soon with the implementation of AI [00:11:09] even swf made themselves somewhat distinctive in attitude and when being pitched for the position, despite being unusually fast tracked [00:11:30] i hope the AI can help with The Backlog and we get more wiki creators in a way to let us keep eyes on new wikis and help with the things that need a human toucj [00:11:33] how so [00:11:50] what's SWF? [00:12:16] User:Subwayfares [00:12:34] Who seems to be coming up a lot in these conversations [00:12:42] this is like the third time in 2 days [00:12:59] i read that as sub woofer lmao [00:13:19] lmao [00:13:42] what has happened with them? [00:14:04] harder to explain the first bit, frankly there are people who conduct themselves in ways that are immediately evident to be appropriate and then there are ways of holding yourself that make it pretty obvious you're in no position to advance, and of course a large in between [00:14:21] Became a WC with little previous involvement in meta and such [00:14:28] but all was made clearer when swf aced the actual request portion, which was necessarily stricter in questioning than usual [00:14:40] definitely, I believe that happened with NA somewhat? [00:14:54] it was obvious NA was candidate material right out of the gate, yes [00:15:05] i feel like ive did more mistakes than helps to others [00:15:19] We all feel that wau [00:15:24] people tend to start their journey fucking up/learning the hard way and that's life [00:15:32] it is the growth then that is key [00:23:49] yep [00:23:59] but at least it’ll help get most of the queue addressed [00:59:30] is there a way to get a list of recent edits/contributions? and is there a way to get a list of all red links? [01:00:29] [[Special:Contributions]] [01:00:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions [01:00:30] [01:01:24] [[Special:WantedLinks]] [01:01:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:WantedLinks [01:01:25] [01:06:25] https://digdug.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Main anyone can tell why this isn’t working? [01:13:51] Special:Version [01:17:25] the page's content model is wrong [01:17:45] you can change it here: https://digdug.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ChangeContentModel/Template:Main [01:17:54] Ohhh [01:17:57] I forgot about that [01:19:07] Which model do I change it to [01:21:37] To answer the earlier question, all versions of installed extensions and MW can be seen on the Special:Version page for your wiki. [01:25:24] hmmm, where did you find that template from? [01:30:52] I was trying out Mario Wiki’s (I can’t link it here for some reason) but neither CSS or JavaScript are working here [01:37:20] #verify to post links [01:37:54] is there a way to add hyperlinks in an infobox? [01:39:35] https://www.mariowiki.com/Template:Main [01:39:37] There [01:47:08] okay well that is wikitext so you can change the content model back to that [01:48:42] [1/2] how do I fix this in an infobox? [01:48:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324917393419669515/image.png?ex=6779e4fa&is=6778937a&hm=795f0453c68025288df3a6d9f9c7438ffb59309301eef91579da61b61b5517ce& [01:55:11] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324919022659178647/image.png?ex=6779e67e&is=677894fe&hm=f3f9f60f451178fc969891938a0ca25875f0c8252767b23ae5c8c337022ab17e& [01:56:01] Is there a way to display the amount of recent contributions? [01:58:28] could you please send the link to the info box? [01:58:36] https://wiki.stinkysmp.net/wiki/Template:Team [01:58:59] what about the example in the screenshot? can you link to that? [01:59:34] https://wiki.stinkysmp.net/wiki/Aquatic_Alliance [01:59:54] also how do I get it to display the image in the infobox in an embed? [02:00:01] instead of the wiki's icon [02:01:24] try WantedPages [02:09:32] [1/2] are you sure that’s not just because of your screen size/resolution? this is what it appears to me as: [02:09:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324922633279766618/IMG_4346.png?ex=6779e9db&is=6778985b&hm=0e5fb51b13f97e3eab75880c279ed0760c4ca7aa306f86b5127779ba3a905d10& [02:10:03] (i know it’s worse, i’m on a phone) [02:24:21] https://wiki.stinkysmp.net/wiki/Special:WantedPages [02:24:40] Any way to display the number of wanted pages? [02:26:42] also, how do i create a page that only redirects to another page? for alternate spelling and such [02:43:23] this is only for specific users [02:43:27] is there a way to get it from all users? [02:49:02] [[Special:RecentChanges]] [02:49:02] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges [02:49:03] [02:49:23] ignore the link [02:57:34] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Redirects [03:42:13] is it possible to embed a live feed of a discord channel? [03:43:51] I want to show recent announcements in my wiki's main page [03:50:52] no(?) [03:51:00] i dont think so [05:27:05] How do I update Special:WantedPages? [05:35:34] it updates every 3 days [05:36:22] [1/6] if you want it to update instantly put this in ur css [05:36:22] [2/6] ``` [05:36:22] [3/6] body.page-Special_WantedPages li:has(del) { [05:36:23] [4/6] display: none; [05:36:23] [5/6] } [05:36:23] [6/6] ``` [05:47:01] how do i access my css? [05:52:55] [1/2] User CSS: User:Stackd/.css (if you have useusercss enabled in Special:ManageWiki/permissions) [05:52:55] [2/2] Skin CSS: MediaWiki:.css [06:03:41] [1/2] is this the correct kind of code i put in template:infobox [06:03:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324981561774309477/image.png?ex=677a20bd&is=6778cf3d&hm=93aa6d628b389be639b9a7e595613c4df45dd7a0c0a842142c6b796673843b27& [06:18:30] hey [06:18:37] is there anyway i can send changes on my wiki to a discord [06:26:22] additional settings > recent changes [06:26:32] if theres a parameter in infobox called Disclaimer than yeah [06:26:43] ty [06:27:24] then what do i put in my wiki page if the template name is template:infobox [06:27:39] wait [06:27:54] this should be on a normal wiki page [06:27:55] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/407537962553966603/1324981561774309477/image.png?ex=677a20bd&is=6778cf3d&hm=93aa6d628b389be639b9a7e595613c4df45dd7a0c0a842142c6b796673843b27& [06:28:02] what [06:28:46] [1/7] in Template:Infobox, [06:28:46] [2/7] do something like [06:28:46] [3/7] ``` [06:28:46] [4/7]
[06:28:47] [5/7] {{{Disclaimer}}} [06:28:47] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bDisclaimer [06:28:47] [6/7] /div [06:28:47] [7/7] ``` [06:28:51] css? [06:28:54] no [06:28:56] in ur template [06:29:03] ok [06:29:10] you can change the border and border radiuses and whatever [06:29:14] im just giving an example [06:29:29] put that div in Template:Infobox [06:29:40] then do this in a normal wiki page https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/407537962553966603/1324981561774309477/image.png?ex=677a20bd&is=6778cf3d&hm=93aa6d628b389be639b9a7e595613c4df45dd7a0c0a842142c6b796673843b27& [06:30:07] so if im not wrong whatever shows up in template:infobox will show up if i put {{template:infobox}} in a page? [06:30:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/template:Template:infobox [06:30:09] [06:31:03] also to put the infobox on the right is margin: right? [06:31:28] no, float: right [06:31:36] yeah just {{infobox}} [06:31:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:infobox [06:31:37] [06:31:45] no template, got it [06:45:18] [1/2] why did this random picture show on my wiki [06:45:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324992036243374152/image.png?ex=677a2a7e&is=6778d8fe&hm=e67edab870e7e588e79338fc4675382fb4f041feb8673c14ca354a8d292c772d& [06:45:22] ive never uploaded that ETA [06:45:36] its miraheze commons [06:45:42] oh [06:45:47] search "commons" in Special:ManageWiki/settings to disable it [06:45:58] oh okay thanks [06:52:21] can i ask a question idk how to explain it but my wiki has information like the main page i want to write more about someone but what i want to do is when someone goes to my wiki and press that word/name it takes u to a website [06:52:28] i think it turns blue [06:53:35] links? [06:54:45] like on wikipedia if u press on a movie and it lists the actors who is on the movie if u press they names it will take them to they wikipedia page about the actor [06:55:21] but instead to another page must it go to another website [06:55:24] yes you can, but you'll have to use `{{!}}` instead of `|` in nested table - or code it in HTML (nested or both) [06:55:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [06:56:26] [1/2] like #global-wiki-feed ? [06:56:26] [2/2] you need to set up @Wiki-Bot [06:56:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324994920360185896/image.png?ex=677a2d2e&is=6778dbae&hm=392a6a6f9fcc48be736e8dbda9dcf751b145352cdef129b9167372d57c501325& [06:56:52] huh [06:58:29] [1/2] ok, here's mine for example [06:58:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1324995353610686504/IMG_20250104_095745.jpg?ex=677a2d95&is=6778dc15&hm=63faf9a86374d9369f8c47272aa8d79548f6f28ab90cd8c94e3491477be97160& [06:58:55] yeah thats what we want but also when new pages are made [06:59:04] this also counts in there [06:59:22] I just showed a portion of my wiki's lmao [06:59:44] fair [07:11:12] Leg can u help me [07:13:10] @serverlessharej sorry for the ping but just want to ask [07:14:02] [1/2] maybe read ? might help [07:14:02] [2/2] -# let him play his game bruh 😭 [07:16:39] Indeed. It is not usually nice to ping random people who aren't actively helping [07:17:39] I think you indeed mean a link (for example, [[Example]]). If you want to link to a Wikipedia article, you can use the format of `[[w:
]]` such as [[w:Taylor Swift]], and so on. [07:17:39] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%3carticle_name%3e https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift [07:17:40] [1/2] [07:17:40] [2/2] [07:18:00] why is wm-bot not ignoring the relay [07:18:42] not like that like um [07:19:14] i want to mention someone on my wiki called Marc but when someone press his name it goes to his spigot page [07:20:44] you can try the format of `[https:// ]` [07:21:59] like `[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Willard_Marriott Mr. Marriott]` would take you to the Wikipedia page on J. Willard Marriott. You can swap the links and names as you please [07:36:45] [1/3] is it possible to turn it into a group if `type` parameter is filled out? tried using if statements but is still turned into a group no matter what [07:36:46] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325004982495481947/image0.jpg?ex=677a368d&is=6778e50d&hm=d25d6a2364b8a8ca10f538977cc71e2cd4f78c1dd793f12ec185563b3dff0e1d& [07:36:46] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325004982784757841/image1.jpg?ex=677a368d&is=6778e50d&hm=3fe1610bb7d7549686d2fe35ce833779110cec1ac566fb87fb2f42ab9ccf2c32& [07:50:00] https://wiki.stinkysmp.net/wiki/Aquatic_Alliance how do I get it to display the image of the infobox instead of the wiki icon? [07:52:06] [1/3] - enable wikiseo and pageimages [07:52:06] [2/3] - check this: [07:52:07] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325008844925177970/image0.jpg?ex=677a3a26&is=6778e8a6&hm=5416d37808bb3fdcaa3f1a64ab526d1ae5b144f1e5f362172f76631907b563b1& [07:52:36] [1/2] then in your infobox template, do this [07:52:37] [2/2] `{{#seo:|image={{{logo}}}}}` [07:52:37] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23seo:Template: [08:15:46] oooo whats dis [08:15:54] an infobox [08:16:00] damn [08:16:17] the most ive seen someone put effort into an infobox [08:17:39] yeah its quite messy [08:17:40] i haven't seen the replied-to message, but i am reminded of the horrors that is [[mh:rainverse:Template:Pagebox]] [08:17:40] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/rainverse:Template:Pagebox [08:18:02] me when mh.wikipedia.org [08:18:27] fucking madlad who first wrote it did it entirely with wikitext [08:18:34] like, how tf do you read _that_ [08:18:39] [1/2] is there a way to make like a slider of sorts? [08:18:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325015525943672852/image.png?ex=677a405e&is=6778eede&hm=cf5a7948cc845bfbb5a302224bb53e6bb1068a33abac71c362a7842aefb41782& [08:18:48] like a scroller? [08:18:50] tryna make this thing work for mobile devices [08:18:57] this is the image: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/407537962553966603/1325004982495481947/image0.jpg?ex=677a368d&is=6778e50d&hm=d25d6a2364b8a8ca10f538977cc71e2cd4f78c1dd793f12ec185563b3dff0e1d& [08:19:05] basically yeah, i dont wanna use `scroll` [08:19:05] i think i could rework it with switch [08:19:06] oh ty [08:19:23] like with arrows on the side [08:19:43] might(?) be challenging [08:20:07] might as well make use scroll [08:41:43] can anyone give values for making @media display stuff different for mobile and tablets [08:42:28] 800px for mobile [08:42:30] 1000px for tablet [08:42:41] at least thats what i use [08:44:27] im not really sure when to use max-width and min-width so uh can you tell me stackd [08:45:07] also i cant even purge on my wiki's main page [08:45:15] the menu for that is literally hidden [08:45:55] [1/2] just showing me this when im using `ctrl+f5` [08:45:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325022386931892226/image.png?ex=677a46c2&is=6778f542&hm=fbea52a7ad97380508d37e399a61fee50ec48a1f9b4746b6f0e6181d4860ab6c& [08:46:08] [1/2] like its hidden like huh?????? [08:46:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325022443311468644/image.png?ex=677a46d0&is=6778f550&hm=820f01fdafbd9cabf5a7e72700a10a98369536ddba4e1f2dea425e46d9800a29& [08:47:46] omg i was able to purge [08:48:17] [08:49:32] sick thanks [08:57:04] also @kingplaystation i finally got to upload an svg lol [08:57:25] ohh what was the problem then? [08:57:35] but congrats [08:57:43] literally no clue [08:57:45] [huh](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1318913619035160636.png?size=160&name=huh) [08:58:04] how was it fixed then? [08:58:10] new svg or another app? [08:58:16] [1/2] ok what [08:58:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325025494365634620/image.png?ex=677a49a7&is=6778f827&hm=522149134ea28cabc9c050c3f701ebd1e4a6c97ea6578e1d2aa9b348ceb2738a& [08:58:20] [1/2] ????????????? [08:58:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325025512560787489/image.png?ex=677a49ab&is=6778f82b&hm=6de8543143053f276fb1299b56204d26c55ff91a0bbcafaa8f10db94363d5aa9& [08:58:31] i used another svg converter [08:58:33] tick the ignore any warnings [08:58:45] ohh inkscape? [08:58:49] [1/2] pfft HAHAHA [08:58:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325025635147714570/image.png?ex=677a49c9&is=6778f849&hm=f77f424c09abf121b797a6383a6f625a0743be43fe336ea1c368f3861b0af3fc& [08:58:54] https://pixelied.com/convert/png-converter/png-to-svg [08:58:58] ahh i see [08:59:24] remove the old the then lol [08:59:28] [1/2] ok?.... [08:59:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325025798377443339/image.png?ex=677a49f0&is=6778f870&hm=b4d1f15839a638693bfe71f947c4169149239466b0934a26a76b0720f1cfa033& [09:00:18] i think im gonna rage [09:01:01] bro what [09:01:26] [1/2] BRO WHAT [09:01:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325026291661013116/image.png?ex=677a4a65&is=6778f8e5&hm=a554f955d83fc773e5918b8cb6cd8d8bca0cd9779cb4623ab5405b6cad51344d& [09:01:29] I JUST UPLOADED THE NEW ONE [09:01:35] WHY IS IT JUST BLANK? [09:01:39] HUHEHEHEUEUH????????? [09:01:52] [1/2] https://static.wikitide.net/jbcstudioswiki/0/0d/Good_article.svg [09:01:53] [2/2] LIKE IT DISPLAYS IT [09:02:21] [1/2] it aint even showing up here [09:02:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325026524943880232/image.png?ex=677a4a9d&is=6778f91d&hm=cf91edb84c0d82b2049a9859ba78f09c5868b52937bcb43b3ce70849965850b6& [09:05:56] this file cursed holy shit [09:11:36] Shortdescription extension seems to be limited to ~75 calls per page, is it possible to increase that? Their documention doesnt mention this [09:13:38] I need 250 rn, maybe more later [09:33:04] try putting the #if inside the quotations? if that doesnt work then idk [09:41:46] https://jbcstudios.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:ArticleIcons how do i make these icons display side by side [09:43:28] [1/2] @kingplaystation lol [09:43:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325036869700030484/waterfox_Ejpp6q9mK7.gif?ex=677a543f&is=677902bf&hm=8abfa16b6611f06b10d4e79c33a256e3fa781f8575a5fa82d50255496fad3844& [09:43:53] put em in. a flexbox i guess [09:44:12] LMAO [09:44:25] my wiki hates this file [09:44:29] its tryna gatekeep it fr fr [09:45:02] i fucking HATE pngs for ridiculously small files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [09:45:06] why!!!!!!!!!!! [09:46:01] atleast it shows now [09:46:22] it doesnt [09:46:29] ?? [09:46:38] only shown in media viewer and when you view it in another tab [09:46:45] not On the actual wiki [09:47:15] i found something [09:47:32] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325037892934045737/Screenshot_2025-01-04_at_15-47-06_User_PrabhasXD_Sandbox_2_-_JBC_Studios_Wiki.png?ex=677a5533&is=677903b3&hm=e57b60c8b2938c837e49468010817497b2adf15e0f1cee3948da869da31f06c5& [09:47:33] @prabhasxd [09:47:47] [NOWAY](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1314751845771513908.webp?size=48&name=NOWAY) [09:48:06] what on god's green Earth [09:48:07] heh? [09:48:08] huh? [09:48:11] why? [09:48:13] how? [09:48:19] Glory to Firefox 🦊🔥 [09:48:26] i use waterfox... [09:48:33] :ThinkingHardMH: [09:48:51] https://www.waterfox.net/ [09:48:53] clear cache then [09:49:10] i know its firefox based but it showed for me but not u? [09:49:11] ok [09:49:14] also but like [09:49:25] theres another svg i uploaded [09:49:29] how come that works [09:49:30] [skunked](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1215318818533019648.webp?size=48&name=skunked) [09:49:54] [1/2] RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' [09:49:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325038489040846879/image.png?ex=677a55c1&is=67790441&hm=38d1a31b71f32c0d31b5ccd148801efed1a70836edb59a861b7567a0a4e9a887& [09:50:17] NO [09:50:18] IM SO [09:50:22] PERPLEXED [09:50:35] uhh [09:50:45] if it's that one version of waterfox that's stuck in the esr ages that might be iffy [09:50:46] [1/2] I SEE IT [09:50:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325038706939396106/image.png?ex=677a55f5&is=67790475&hm=b8925b89181812b085946b9daf0f667dc1de9bb5c61b601802d9119170484f14& [09:50:53] it doesnt even SHOW ON FIREFOX [09:50:55] congrats 😂 [09:50:57] THIS IS ON CHROME [09:50:59] ON CHROME [09:51:07] [1/2] ooh i really like the cards when theyre hovered [09:51:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325038796051316807/image0.jpg?ex=677a560b&is=6779048b&hm=efc7c42a7c4dd1012f2682eaebcaeda67ece99528b5edf980d874099448e97f0& [09:51:18] 🤨 [09:51:19] ikr its poggers [09:51:31] @prabhasxd [09:51:43] but uh what version [09:51:45] it's pretty but the practicality is incredibly mid paired with customizing the base or going the full librewolf experience which actually has a privacy impact [09:51:53] [huh](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1318913619035160636.png?size=160&name=huh) [09:51:59] even floorp does actually novel stuff [09:52:05] ?? [09:52:16] I can't think of anything waterfox does that isn't hiding some default behaviors of firefox [09:52:36] not shoving nonsense data collection in settings is good I suppose [09:53:03] and this is why float:right is better [09:53:10] he is saying that waterfox is still based on the old version of firefox [09:53:23] oh [09:53:25] then I went on to say that waterfox period is nothing novel [09:53:30] well `shit` [09:53:36] the entire sales pitch can be done with like two modifications [09:53:44] i am going to `reset character` [09:53:57] so like [09:54:05] should i stick with firefox' [09:54:10] boblox moment [09:54:40] I honestly don't see a point to distributing yourself to a third entity unless it's one that actually has oomf behind it, and that's where I shill librewolf a bit because it takes comprehensives steps [09:55:06] on the other hand you may feel inclined to dial back on its behaviors because it does things like forget browsing history by default and takes extremely aggressive anti fingerprinting measures [09:55:35] but dialed back it behaves like firefox without having to worry about firefox upstream or worrying if waterfox is going to sell to an ad agency again [09:55:39] its your decision [09:55:40] [1/2] (lol) [09:55:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325039939339030609/image.png?ex=677a571b&is=6779059b&hm=b1a9e857c7e58152b4667c4f6a121537e11d08400b7b53888425a84d61a9fec5& [09:56:02] remove position: absolute and right and top [09:56:50] problem is [09:56:52] its too low [09:56:58] margin [09:57:22] already tried that [09:59:00] [1/2] urmm [09:59:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325040776035434548/gugu.png?ex=677a57e3&is=67790663&hm=1971414f4ef593579098c4487664a6b221d10afe946cc0ff0ed486d91cb72b97& [09:59:44] [gampy](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/926689534220046367.png?size=160&name=gampy) [09:59:52] i [09:59:53] i gi [09:59:54] give up [10:00:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325041050393383004/image0.jpg?ex=677a5824&is=677906a4&hm=3714a32d1eaf50438b2ef5c54f1f68dcb7bea9406314da942b54b29113e1bef9& [10:00:38] the svg doesnt even show up for him [10:00:44] cache ? [10:00:58] i cant tell you the amount of time i purged this [10:01:12] doesnt matter if its purged [10:01:15] purge? [10:01:24] u need to ctrl + f5 [10:01:27] have you tried going on incognito [10:01:29] to clean cache [10:01:53] k wait [10:02:01] wow it showed kill me [10:02:11] ok nvm [10:02:16] ? [10:02:18] heh what [10:02:19] nvm [10:02:24] NVM [10:02:28] what happened? [10:02:32] it showed again [10:02:41] it disappeared and appeared again [10:02:46] [LMAO](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1180730602975150170.webp?size=48&name=LMAO) [10:02:49] Ayo what [10:03:06] I did it, chat. I managed to understand lua and coded wikipedia style wiki. [10:03:18] What did it cost? 4 hours of my life and my tism acting up. [10:03:22] anyways if i wanna use more than 2 icons, i need it to be displayed side by side [10:03:28] and i doubt flex box will work [10:03:29] flexbox [10:03:32] it will [10:03:37] holy mother of jesus christ [10:03:43] Rahhhh. [10:03:55] Do not underestimate the power of 'tism. [10:03:58] its worth it. its a experience [10:04:03] nah thats insane my attention span is like 2 seconds because of the pandemic 💀 [10:04:28] and me bro i dont watch shorts i just watch hour long documentaries [10:04:34] I've weaponised math into an art form to hurt people when I was in the military. Coding is way easier. [10:04:46] i LOVE math [10:05:00] Now I know why the instructor called me "special". I'm mentally unhinged. [10:05:02] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325042296093282345/image0.jpg?ex=677a594d&is=677907cd&hm=a186a4884bd71a998a8569b2e7247a7a86ce069d1875a6e6ccfb832576ac67b0& [10:05:04] you just gave me motivation to learn css [10:05:14] Thank you. I'm glad. [10:05:49] ok, im sorry i ALREADY added `display:flex` (i forgot), you're telling all i had to do was CLEAR MY CACHE [10:05:49] you have joined the ranks of few and have evolved beyond the wikipedia essay [10:06:12] https://tenor.com/view/21st-century-brain-rot-omg-shocked-ong-gif-13309554939284230001 [10:06:21] I spent 24 hours setting up modules and templates. Nearly exploded my Computer a few times but things worked out in the end. [10:06:30] css after my python 🗣️ 🔥 [10:06:32] that checks out [10:06:38] im trying to go the wikipedia way of using templates [10:06:40] I can't code python. Unironically. [10:06:44] i like the templates they use [10:06:53] Literally have no clue how Python works. [10:07:03] python is a funny language [10:07:05] do you like the templates or do you like the gist of them that can be imported safely from dev without dependency hell [10:07:08] its pretty simple [10:07:09] its easy but [10:07:10] hard [10:07:13] lol [10:07:18] Also. The fact that a single template requires a gazillion of modules. [10:07:30] like i made a calculator in it in college because i was bored lol [10:07:36] bad engineering at that point imo [10:07:36] like the calc could do logs and stuff [10:07:48] nothing of relatively simple function should require so many calls [10:07:51] Wikipedia is truly held together with duct tapes and superglue. [10:08:06] fr LOL [10:08:12] [1/2] Template: Infobox [10:08:13] [2/2] Requirement: 20 modules. [10:08:21] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Rocket000/Useful_icon_gallery this is the greatest thing i have seen on wikimedia [10:08:28] its just icons [10:08:29] a version that is not a dependency hell that people can import as an alternative might be interesting to see [10:08:42] anyways thanks comrade and stackd [10:08:46] well, that exists, but I mean with whatever advantages people seem to get from the module stuff too [10:09:11] In their defence. All public development tends to be spaghetti code. [10:09:17] i was about to say that xd [10:09:24] Just open open-source programs or games's github. [10:09:27] wikitext jank [10:09:29] Literally spaghetti code. [10:09:40] "We have no clue how this work but it works so it works." [10:09:42] inspired by source jank, created by yours truly mr gaben newell [10:09:53] Like my sergeant always says... It ain't stupid if it works. [10:10:24] "how well do wikipedia engineers know their own code?" [10:10:52] [1/2] can someone explain why it breaks up words even though i set word wrap to normal [10:10:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325043767052603443/Screenshot_2025-01-04_at_16-10-15_Aceistani_Republic_Aceistan_-_Aceistan_Wiki.png?ex=677a5aac&is=6779092c&hm=213dd146a1a0c4cab33a09dac3df5b0c14f2f2958f3cbc8e6dcbdfd5b1d4e12f& [10:11:12] I mean. Aren't most coding is basically blindly diving into it and praying that it works? [10:11:14] expand the width of .pi-data-label [10:11:19] im not sure if its .pi-data [10:11:25] Coders are basically techpriest from Warhammer 40k. [10:11:40] We're basically praying that it works. [10:11:43] urm k thx [10:11:48] a simpler lua infobox definitely can be made, and I recall seeing such on Fandom of all places, it's just the fact that Wikipedia covers a lot of stuff [10:11:52] I have no clue how most of my code works 90% of the time. [10:11:59] does anyone here know how to make `{{Documentation}}` work on templates [10:11:59] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Documentation [10:12:04] Yes. [10:12:10] like i couldnt even figure out on how it works on fandom 💀 [10:12:14] shut up!! [10:12:20] epic [10:12:32] [[dev:Template:Simplest documentation]] [10:12:32] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev:Template:Simplest_documentation [10:12:33] [10:12:34] Although I dunno if I can teach you how. I mostly went in blind. [10:12:44] "Fuck it. If it works. It works." [10:12:47] And then it works. [10:13:16] Pretty sure if you want wiki style documentation. You need to create the module for it. [10:13:16] my mindset when i used to make discord bots in javascript [10:13:18] its literally just `{{{{PAGENAME}}/doc}}` lol [10:13:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b%7bPAGENAME [10:13:19] Then the template for it. [10:13:33] h"ey man, idk how it works, i just know it works" [10:13:42] If you want a wiki style. You need the documentation module. [10:13:48] Then the documentation template. [10:14:05] Then the [[documentation]] syntax in a bracket. [10:14:05] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/documentation [10:14:06] [10:14:15] [1/2] in between solution [10:14:16] [2/2] [[dev:Template:Simple documentation]] [10:14:16] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev:Template:Simple_documentation [10:14:16] [10:14:27] i thought it was [10:14:29] Thanks buddy. [10:14:34] Noinclude is correct. [10:14:37] My brain is mush. [10:14:44] I set up like 200 modules within 2 hours. [10:14:44] i want wiki style [10:14:51] I'm dying from mental exhaustion. [10:14:56] you must 🛌 [10:14:57] I love codes!!!!! [10:15:01] >I do not. [10:15:11] no you don't [10:15:15] No. I'm just dizzy from seeing too much codes. [10:15:18] i wish miraheze wrapped existed [10:15:19] Modules is just codes. [10:15:35] "all i know is modules" 😭 [10:15:58] I can see the codes in my head. I'm not even looking at my screen right now. [10:16:09] get some rest [10:16:13] bro became Brainiac HJAHAHAHAHAHA [10:16:14] turn off your screen [10:16:18] I coded at least 10 modules. [10:16:26] [1/2] let it go, don't blindly follow Wikipedia "style" [10:16:26] [2/2] besides, only experienced editors and admin will be looking at templates and their documentations [10:16:37] Cause y'know? It ain't wikipedia if things don't require touch-up. [10:16:45] well ok [10:16:45] the simpler the better, much less headache [10:16:47] Or you're me with severe issues. [10:16:54] Then feel free to go for it. [10:17:01] tbf i enjoy the wikipedia style [10:17:07] Same here. [10:17:10] but considering the amount of editors on my fandom wiki [10:17:18] Exactly why I decided to just study how to code it. [10:17:26] And ended up turning my wiki into wikipedia style. [10:17:27] who pretty much have almost no clue what they're doing, ill do simple [10:17:43] Actually wiki is pretty easy once all the modules are set up. [10:17:46] I don't enjoy seeing poor newbie souls rushing here w/ dependencies errors when simpler solutions exist, and then watch them abandoning their projects [10:17:52] The hard part is setting up templates and modules. [10:17:54] like half of them dont know how to even insert a template, only the more experienced ones [10:17:59] Once you get them done. [10:18:22] All the editors can do it. [10:18:22] lemme tell you this [10:18:22] i go to dev miraheze [10:18:22] i see mboxes [10:18:22] Since there wouldn't be any dependencies problems. [10:18:22] i want to import it [10:18:22] i follow the steps [10:18:22] i import them [10:18:31] proceeds to see big red text with "Error" [10:18:41] Red text jumpscare. [10:18:58] like for ANYTHING i import from the dev wiki [10:19:04] there is something that doesnt work [10:19:21] The red text usually tells you what is missing. [10:19:34] yeah see its mostly a missing module [10:19:43] even if i add the module it is doesnt work [10:19:44] Yes. So you add the module. [10:19:46] [bruh](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/946401238583509053.webp?size=48&name=bruh) [10:19:50] What. [10:20:01] How? [10:20:02] this was like [10:20:08] months and months ago i really dont know [10:20:17] wait what was i doing right now [10:20:23] article icons [10:20:30] you complained about the tick not showing up [10:20:35] even though it was tour cache [10:20:36] and then [10:20:41] you wanted wikipedia style doc [10:20:48] oh you edited the template [10:20:56] epic [10:21:11] I enabled protection subclasses and I borked all my templates. Nice. [10:21:20] alright time to work on the funny `{{#switch}}` [10:21:20] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%23switch [10:21:27] shut UP!!! [10:27:45] [1/2] am i doing something wrong [10:27:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325048015769047071/image0.jpg?ex=677a5ea1&is=67790d21&hm=0628e0c1d9162ebcfdc305638d9b8f187f697008bd78ffb9641ff103e2181feb& [10:29:23] What are you trying to achieve here? [10:31:01] [1/8] if theres a misprint origin: [10:31:01] [2/8] - if type is Misprint: misprint of misprintorigin, shortdesc, put in category [10:31:02] [3/8] - if type is B-side: b-side of misprintorigin, shortdesc, category [10:31:02] [4/8] - if not, nevermind [10:31:02] [5/8] if theres no misprint origin, normal switch: [10:31:03] [6/8] - b-side [10:31:03] [7/8] - misprint [10:31:03] [8/8] - if version parameter exists, do vip, category [10:31:04] oh wait [10:31:07] i just found my issue [10:31:14] hey how do i check what users are on my wiki [10:31:20] Special:ListUsers [10:31:22] thanks [10:31:44] When in doubt. Ban an user to see the list. [10:32:11] is there anyway to let people edit [10:32:11] Then unban them as quickly as you banned them. [10:32:17] my wiki is asking me to approve any change from anyone [10:32:29] In general. The wiki is public edit. Unless you made some changes. [10:32:42] But most pages are "Anybody can edit" until you set protection. [10:32:50] i cant remember changing it but it does ask me to approve [10:32:59] Did you make any specific changes to the wiki's permission? [10:33:05] not sure [10:33:15] did you enable the moderation extension! [10:33:20] ill check [10:33:36] yeah [10:33:43] then yea [10:33:48] Did you set up the extension properly? [10:33:55] im not sure [10:34:03] when i set most stuff up i havent slept for over a day [10:34:07] [10:34:20] > A new special page is provided (Special:Moderation). It's much like the RecentChanges page, but has "Approve", "Reject", "Approve all" and "Reject all" buttons. [10:34:21] Some extensions have an extended setting in the extensions menu. [10:34:33] Pretty sure moderation has one. [10:34:36] i see [10:34:37] well [10:34:42] if its only for new users thats okay [10:34:57] I just rely on the built-in protection system. [10:35:20] Set the essentials (templates and modules) to admin only. The rest is free game. [10:36:16] is there a way i can make a tag so i can set verfied pages [10:36:22] so one that i verify that meets standerds [10:38:03] Moderation extension tedious, people tend to drop it [10:41:18] oh i mean like [10:41:29] [1/2] like this [10:41:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325051470265192478/image.png?ex=677a61d8&is=67791058&hm=f69fc8fcdd97badd94d55bb1e08bfce74905dd028c6a4172475cb319c82a0fc2& [10:41:30] this wiki has it [10:42:50] what wiki [10:43:17] dove archives [10:45:27] looks strange [10:46:08] it's a manually added template, it seems [10:46:14] i see [10:46:17] [10:48:00] i tried adding a template yesterday [10:48:04] for WIP but it broke [10:51:05] What does the red text say? [10:53:07] one sec while i find it again [10:53:57] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325054607847850044/image.png?ex=677a64c4&is=67791344&hm=27362caf9cc6e13b252b326a1eaa737c1700f328ac8eb0079352b258abbda38c& [10:54:05] the template is called In Progress [10:55:20] it missing template called Respond [10:55:38] you should have imported w/ imcluded templates [10:55:45] i just got it off wikipedia [10:55:48] i didnt know it needed more [10:55:57] i just wanted a simple banner that said this is in progress [10:57:36] [1/3] I probably already said, but we don't advise importing/copying Wikipedia templates because of large amount of dependencies and spaghettis they utilize, and import rarely is 100% successful [10:57:36] [2/3] in infobox guide there is a section about import, it mentions the "Include templates" checkbox [10:57:37] [3/3] or did you copied the source code raw? [10:57:54] i cant remeber what i did tbh [10:57:59] i was still very tired when i did it [10:58:13] I told you to take a nap [10:58:15] lol [10:58:24] lmao i did at around 4pm [10:58:29] been there, it's gonna be more mistakes [10:58:31] but i been up since again lol [10:58:56] Copying templates from Fandom isn't a bad idea, due to low dependencies [10:59:02] indeed [10:59:14] or our Dev Wiki, but it's still cooking [10:59:15] And to each new wiki, they give a preset of utility templates with low to no dependencies [10:59:17] isnt fandom that site for wiki kids? [10:59:38] [1/2] not really lol [10:59:39] [2/2] it started as Wikia, there were a lot of serious wikis [10:59:48] oh i thought it was just a kids site [10:59:51] It's the biggest and most "popular" wiki farm [10:59:56] But yeah [11:00:24] Just a few years ago, most of the wikis where there. Now, more and more wikis are moving away from Fandom to other hosts, including Miraheze [11:01:02] it does have that vibe now after rebranding, yeah, but some fan wikis are still very well made, some try to move away, some stuck [11:01:13] Yeah [11:01:41] One of the biggest wikis I'm involved in is moving away soon [11:01:46] It's still in the works [11:01:53] Hell yes [11:01:59] Not to Miraheze though [11:02:12] Eh a wins a win [11:02:16] I started on Russian Borderlands Wiki, not long before it became Fandom, and I still regard as high quality [11:02:16] Yeah [11:02:30] Imo, the host of a wiki doesn't really matter, even Fandom [11:02:37] i cant wait for my domain to be approved [11:02:39] But if a wiki is out of Fandom, it's better [11:02:40] so i can really focus on my wiki [11:03:43] Fandom still has a ton of good wikis, they just still happen to be on Fandom [11:08:35] :100; [11:09:38] is it ncs [11:09:53] No but I wish [11:10:01] That wiki is amazing [11:10:17] Anyone familiar with short description extension? [11:10:26] me [11:11:34] I cant save the and article with {{GETSHORTDESC:Foobar}} if Foobar doesnt exist [11:11:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/GETSHORTDESC:Template:Foobar [11:11:35] [11:11:50] Which makes it impossible to use inside a template [11:12:00] With a {{{1}}} [11:12:00] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b1 [11:12:44] {{GETSHORTDESC:{{{1}}}}} returns error [11:12:44] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/GETSHORTDESC:Template:%7b%7b%7b1 [11:13:19] And i cant use #ifexist since that in an expensive parser call [11:14:20] Sorry i hope this is less confusing [11:17:00] I need that template to work on a single site 300 times as of now [11:17:46] what shortdescription does, again? need it for link/page previews? [11:17:53] How much to take Approve the wiki by admins [11:18:10] couple of days, volunteer understaffing [11:18:25] Short description that can be called on other pages yeah [11:18:47] Used on wikipedia for hovering over an article link [11:18:59] that's textextract [11:19:01] But i need it for the description part [11:19:04] w/ popups [11:19:38] Pretty sure it was advertized as that [11:19:52] But youre the expert [11:19:55] popups needs pageimages and textextract to work [11:20:23] you want descriptions to appear trough templates? [11:20:49] I didnt want to have to ask for the cargo extension just to have descriptions changed dynamically on the main overview page [11:21:39] Shortdescription works great for this i found out [11:22:00] But its now li.ited to 99 per page thsnks to my template [11:23:38] I either need a non-expensive #ifexist: or somehow fix {{GETSHORTDESC:}} to work when psge doesnt exist [11:23:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/GETSHORTDESC:Template: [11:23:39] [11:24:46] Or can i just change the expensive parser limit [11:25:52] I cant change the expensive parser limit [11:34:34] The permission shit hurts my brain holy [11:34:43] Finally [11:35:25] Mediawiki be like that [11:35:49] would yall happen to know how long domain requests take [11:39:32] A couple of days, which request? [11:39:48] i requested to use my own domain yesterday [11:39:56] i dont mind waitting but i was just wondering thats all [11:40:20] It should be in ManageWiki I think [11:40:23] Any way to see the errorlog [11:40:30] Yeah blocked [11:40:35] I cant change that [11:40:48] @ashley.cornwall if you tell me which request, I can check you've done everything correct to save you time [11:40:55] [[SR/RC]] [11:40:55] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR/RC [11:40:56] [11:41:08] oh okay how can i check which request it was [11:41:17] What's your wiki [11:41:24] https://stretwiki.miraheze.org/wiki [11:43:38] We closed the option to use our name servers yesterday night to new usages, can you use a CNAME? [11:44:02] im pretty sure i already put a cname record for something else [11:44:07] ill have a check [11:44:14] You used the NS option [11:44:34] To point nameservers at us [11:44:41] Not CNAME [11:44:47] [1/2] i def put cname [11:44:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325067399367757916/image.png?ex=677a70ae&is=67791f2e&hm=cb07e1e0aae830ce4a9966e198267690a6d6a9a4f25780d67013136d1c709d85& [11:44:48] its there [11:46:22] so should i undo nameservers and keep that cname i got [11:52:53] My favourite module. [12:13:57] Undo nameservers yes [12:14:13] You don't need both [12:14:18] Only CNAME [12:18:30] How do I mark a page as a 'stub' and how do I make a list of stubs? [12:19:55] hiya, I did it by creating a category:stub, but I also made a template that put a little sign at the start of a page that said 'stub' and automatically put it in that category. If you don't need the sign thingy, just make the category! Then, the category page will be your list of stubs! [12:20:37] (this is my template and what I mean by the sign btw: https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Stub) [12:20:55] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325076494204145704/image.png?ex=677a7926&is=677927a6&hm=9287a2894655358cbff10ae94aed207be1422583fc8e4cf14d4edd396acd5e3e& [12:21:06] but all you really need is a category! [12:26:36] hey, what rules do y'all use for when you should use external links vs citations on your wiki? [12:26:58] Where can i submit a PR to change my wiki LocalSettings.php config [12:27:14] enews: miraheze/mw-config [12:28:14] > [04/01/2025 23:26] hey, what rules do y'all use for when you should use external links vs citations on your wiki? [12:28:20] i think we basically only use citations? ^^; [12:28:45] If it's a citation, it should be a citation [12:28:53] If it's not, just link it normally [12:29:30] @mx.lilasekhmet do you know a citation actually is? [12:29:34] yeah pretty much [12:29:38] Like academically not wiki syntax [12:29:48] oh, yes [12:30:07] I am studying to become an academic so I have to lol [12:30:19] Okay, if it's a reference/citation, use the citation syntax [12:30:30] Otherwise, use an external link [12:30:34] wait how do i find my wiki in that repo claire [12:30:51] @enews every wiki is there, what you trying to do? [12:31:03] enews: most custom settings are in either LocalSettings.php (for most simple stuff) or LocalWiki.php (for more complex stuff) [12:31:09] see also: [[User:PixDeVl/TC 101]] [12:31:09] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:PixDeVl/TC_101 [12:31:21] [1/2] Maybe im on mobile but i cant find it [12:31:22] [2/2] i wanna add a link for my creative commons license since its missing [12:31:24] Ho- [12:31:26] thanks! [12:31:29] How did wiki bot [12:31:33] BY SA NC has no link to its license [12:31:35] Send before the message calling it [12:31:38] hi pix 😝😝😝 [12:31:44] Hi enews [12:31:47] magic [12:31:49] wow. We meet again. [12:31:56] I work here [12:32:04] I submitted my first ever github PR today [12:32:07] :zuka_joy: [12:32:08] i feel cool [12:32:09] Congrats [12:32:14] Hello to you stackd [12:32:17] hi [12:32:19] lurker [12:32:27] I didn’t even need to check who put the reactions [12:32:28] @enews should be https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/cddfe0dfe7a8cbe77244727a1eab6c0f227b839b/GlobalSettings.php#L703 [12:32:29] Knew it [12:32:36] 😭😭😭😭😭 [12:32:39] 🎉 [12:32:43] #stanicespice [12:32:45] its always the same [12:32:53] No cause that already has a url [12:32:54] Im a mod here [12:32:56] Is it not working? [12:33:18] weird mine doesnt link anymore [12:34:14] Yes weird [12:34:22] Do the other bits work? [12:34:36] The image and text [12:34:43] [1/2] Mediawiki and mira works [12:34:44] [2/2] I was in the process of customising them and playing around with the svgs [12:37:31] is there any way to create a dynamic display of the time since a specific date? [12:37:38] say I want to display X years and X months since X date [13:02:29] hi again chat [13:07:37] is there a way to make a toggleable dark mode and light mode for legacy vector [13:07:45] because i dont enjoy the dark mode extension [13:07:54] its really just an inverted filter [13:11:57] [[mw:Extension:ThemeToggle]] was accepted, soon to be installed so you can make your own dark/light modes [13:11:57] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ThemeToggle [13:11:58] [13:12:59] yooooooo [13:14:21] because the vector skin on my wiki is just dark mode lol [13:15:16] understandable lol [13:15:36] if I'll have energy I'll ponder light mode for my wiki [13:16:46] honestly vector is just super cool... [13:19:29] [1/2] now this is epic [13:19:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325091233097318440/image.png?ex=677a86e0&is=67793560&hm=01709fa0e5cfb280dc055be6fbdc3bd3477eccf98122a5d8c542971b14d9bc52& [13:26:35] That design goes hard [13:26:39] [1/2] is there any way to create a dynamic display of the time since a specific date? [13:26:39] [2/2] say I want to display X years and X months since X date [13:26:40] wait can this be used to me custom themes? [13:26:48] like a theme which like full on red or smth [13:27:04] [1/4] like [13:27:04] [2/4] light mode [13:27:05] [3/4] dark mode [13:27:05] [4/4] blood red mode [13:28:46] [1/2] yuuup, like Terraria Wiki on wiki.gg [13:28:46] [2/2] we wanted that on Pizza Tower Wiki cus SKL made holiday themes lol [13:29:06] and drafted dark theme [13:29:22] HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT [13:29:24] YOOO [13:29:49] now this is absolute poggers [13:30:26] that's gonna be so much CSS [13:30:44] and a lotta time [13:31:06] [1/2] is there a way to move the stuff below the copyright text [13:31:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325094157580238899/image.png?ex=677a899a&is=6779381a&hm=cd6e398844a683eee8a723e46da21c2afffa6a9ad4756029f73557ca18af9d55& [13:31:13] i wanna position them properly [13:42:26] [1/2] did you added that border to edit and copyright? [13:42:26] [2/2] have you tried to apply them to parent conteiner? [13:44:45] i figured it out [14:26:52] [1/3] How can I make the bottom text unbolded? Also, another wiki has this nice coloured sidebar. How do I add that? [14:26:52] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325108189301313699/image.png?ex=677a96ab&is=6779452b&hm=6133432bdeed952e817f0c196ae30a3206d4ea0d7f10f16c06d4559998fb251c& [14:26:52] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325108189611429958/image.png?ex=677a96ab&is=6779452b&hm=3327e94bd03a0afaa2fc4f39ca533e21e5dcbae70b05d876704153e2cf063a00& [14:27:32] and how can I make the text align left? [14:32:37] [1/4] Same way you'd do it for any other text - go to the source (I assume that's a template?) and delete the quotation marks around the bottom text/make it so they're only around the top text. [14:32:37] [2/4] I'm afraid I don't know how to do a sidebar - I'm still pretty new to all this myself - but if you go to that wiki, find a page that has that template with the sidebar, and left click anywhere on the page, hit 'inspect', then you can find out what class (I think that's what it's called) controls that sidebar, and you can copy that and paste it into your [14:32:37] [3/4] wiki's CSS - I usually use my common.css for that. [14:32:38] [4/4] In align text, in the same place (like, using the same, idk what it's called, like, the first line of code - I'll send an example in a sec), you put " text-align: left;" [14:33:36] I don't have any quotation marks. What's making it bold (and also what's giving it that box shape with the outline) is an exclamation mark at the start [14:34:08] [1/2] here's an example from my own common.css - this is for my tooltip template, but you can use it for your stub template. The thing I meant, the first line of code, is the bit of this that is blue [14:34:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325110019414425700/image.png?ex=677a985f&is=677946df&hm=5bf97563fecb31635049fe4c55fa0a18d2204dcf63cb917b4cf8a3410a65a8bf& [14:34:34] ah - then I'm not sure, sorry. [14:34:53] [1/2] what is the name of the block that has this... white area at the top of the page, looked everywhere and I can not find what is it. [14:34:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325110208019828858/image.png?ex=677a988c&is=6779470c&hm=0f5df99e1457dbc0cc44e6b42142f78a7da2b05c5af8ef77a8891e8955c04589& [14:35:13] sounds like a table, `!` makes the text a header resulting in it being bold [14:36:11] could you send me a link to your wiki? [14:36:20] If I remove the ! the outline goes away [14:36:26] sure, https://mystiasizakaya.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [14:37:10] it's only recent so I haven't done most of the changes yet [14:37:12] [1/2] strangely, if I make it 3 exclamation marks instead of 1, a second box is created [14:37:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325110792210747473/image.png?ex=677a9918&is=67794798&hm=bcf1e62cc38a9e2cba2acf6261ea2607af3952deac9d74b229d05e268846b154& [14:37:25] I wonder if I could colour in that box for the sidebar effect [14:37:40] try replacing the `!` with a `|` [14:37:54] yeah that might be a possible solution [14:38:03] But how? [14:38:07] Cool [14:38:07] Works [14:38:11] Ty! [14:38:51] now I cant make the sidebar anymore though :( [14:39:32] also, how do I make the text bigger? [14:40:23] you can set the background color of a table cell (in this case an empty one) using e.g. `|style="background-color: blue;" |` [14:40:40] you can still do that by creating an empty table cell [14:40:55] sorry, not sure [14:41:12] either with inline styles like the background color above or by making it a heading using wikitext [14:41:21] How? [14:41:52] font-size: (number)px [14:42:08] what's the default amount of px, so i know what to go for relatively [14:42:13] Just like you did with the `!` before, you can use multiple `|`'s to create empty table cells [14:42:18] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Tables [14:42:23] I htink it's usually 12? not sure though - play around in Inspect, that'll show you [14:42:51] ah that's fine [14:51:44] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325114449589178368/image.png?ex=677a9c80&is=67794b00&hm=711df318dbfb009b15ecb66abebcd256440d9e6b15bcb41159a8d69f73ea1e9e& [14:51:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325114486788718673/image.png?ex=677a9c89&is=67794b09&hm=8182e8daa07c9803c28778b9bda758fffad71580ced0c76e318618a8c3116ab3& [14:52:15] could you share a link to the wiki page? makes it easier for me to debug things [14:52:26] https://wiki.stinkysmp.net/wiki/Template:Stub [14:53:21] in that line, try moving the third `|` into a new line [14:53:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325114862157828137/image.png?ex=677a9ce2&is=67794b62&hm=78c0ece3e99d675b630be7de092a2f944eebcd601d5f947f49fe86f6838127d3& [14:53:28] like this ^ [14:53:35] [1/2] like this? [14:53:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325114915001864334/image.png?ex=677a9cef&is=67794b6f&hm=93a870763113a304ebd7a63e3a5773942df9a3a36f8b55ee97504c44e8f59c44& [14:53:45] oop [14:53:51] yes [14:53:54] TY [14:54:07] np! [14:55:19] Sorry I'm kinda clueless—where would I put that in the code? [14:56:14] that's okay - same place as all the text-align stuff [14:57:42] in common.css, under the class [15:07:24] guess what pi-data-label didnt work [15:14:09] whar [15:14:26] having infobox problem [15:14:31] ah [15:14:35] portableinfobox [15:14:49] now thats a cool infobox [15:14:59] portableinfoboxes are so cool.. [15:15:25] well i am trying to style them out but... [15:15:32] what part of it [15:16:06] [1/2] this word wrap [15:16:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325120579858202776/Screenshot_2025-01-04_at_16-10-15_Aceistani_Republic_Aceistan_-_Aceistan_Wiki.png?ex=677aa235&is=677950b5&hm=210f833f4d3289aa956fa5352a9f8f001523aa2d1a91b6e0281cd1d26f219385& [15:16:18] maybe its max-width? [15:16:21] have you inspected [15:16:22] nah what IS that 💀 [15:16:31] that wrap is `killing me` [15:16:55] cool [15:17:05] well... [15:19:40] cant figure it out [15:23:58] [1/2] :/ [15:23:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325122557896036422/image.png?ex=677aa40d&is=6779528d&hm=9cbfdfafd0d1a841b8daa5221bd5e9160a1923c8f6bd692e4a283691107a634e& [15:28:08] how do I list a subcategory as a regular page in the parent category's page? [15:29:29] [1/2] is there a way to hide this category [15:29:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325123949327024253/image.png?ex=677aa559&is=677953d9&hm=015b8029c977c0e85df651b9385c2c6f3695b1f486025957e26a75bf5b1fc739& [15:29:33] from pages [15:30:04] write HIDDENCAT in the category page [15:30:33] thanks [15:41:00] ooof [15:43:40] [1/2] errr [15:43:41] [2/2] where do I find common.css :skule: [15:45:13] How can I add a small image next to the red sidebar but before the text? And also, is it possible to make it so that clicking on the image sends you to a specific article? [15:46:02] https:// wiki name .com/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [15:46:56] MediaWiki:Common.css [15:47:19] [1/2] I went there but it's completely empty aside for this [15:47:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325128438184411166/image.png?ex=677aa987&is=67795807&hm=1961683eda66e0143c976714b28eabf771a82e7d3ec5509c67542d65e53db4ab& [15:47:53] yeah [15:47:54] it is [15:48:03] wait so [15:48:03] supposed to be empty [15:48:08] you didnt add anything to it lol [15:48:22] what am i supposed to put in there to make sure only the text I want is that size [15:48:41] [1/3] for your info [15:48:41] [2/3] only use common.css for like making custom classes [15:48:41] [3/3] use your skin's css page for skin specific customizations [15:48:42] I know I'm supposed to do something with inspect element and what 'class' controls it or smth [15:48:53] what text may i ask [15:49:08] [1/2] This text, in the stub template [15:49:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325128893857796166/image.png?ex=677aa9f4&is=67795874&hm=6d5ce9ccd28c3a578affc644d1801bd2da2bea600d98578f885969a2382d862e& [15:49:23] the bold text? [15:49:28] All the text [15:49:38] in that table [15:49:47] uh how big do you want it to be [15:49:49] like in px [15:49:52] (pixels) [15:50:29] you basically do this: [15:50:44] e.g. `[[File:example.png|80px|link=SomePage]]` [15:50:44] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:example.png [15:50:47] (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images) [15:50:54] [1/3] ```html [15:50:54] [2/3] YOUR TEXT HERE/span [15:50:55] [3/3] ``` [15:51:03] you can make it however big you want [15:51:36] so whatever I put in place of "YOUR TEXT HERE", whenever it pops up anywhere else in the wiki, will be that size? [15:51:45] no [15:51:49] no [15:52:04] you want it to be big [15:52:08] so what's specifying it to only apply to that specific template? [15:52:09] throughout the wiki? [15:52:22] the text you want to make big [15:52:23] if youre putting that span in the template [15:52:25] is inside that span tag [15:52:27] then yeah itll be bog [15:52:33] anything else not in it wont be affected [15:52:51] wait so am I putting it in the .css or the template page [15:53:00] termplate page [15:53:07] So I should use the skins css for this? [15:53:19] if you're making a custom class [15:53:22] preferably yes [15:53:23] bruh [15:53:35] its html.. [15:53:36] put the span tag in the template [15:53:45] how come the other guy told me to put it in the css [15:53:51] send this template here [15:54:06] https://wiki.stinkysmp.net/wiki/Template:Stub [15:55:04] [1/8] ```html [15:55:05] [2/8] {| class="wikitable" [15:55:05] [3/8] |- [15:55:05] [4/8] |style="background-color: red;"| [15:55:06] [5/8] |'''QUOTE HERE'''
This article is a [[:Category:Stubs|Stub]]. Help Stinky SMP Wiki by [{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} expanding it!]/span [15:55:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:SERVER https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/:Category:Stubs [15:55:06] [6/8] |- [15:55:06] [7/8] |} [15:55:07] [8/8] ``` [15:55:07] just add this [15:55:11] shut up [15:56:16] im guessing they said that because they thought you might've made a css class [15:56:17] but i dunno [15:56:20] its htmk [15:56:28] [huh](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1318913619035160636.png?size=160&name=huh) [15:57:37] [1/2] @longjawed i suggest you change the size of this [15:57:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325131026673963101/image.png?ex=677aabf0&is=67795a70&hm=43c005e15dba83237a1a92588b42ab68f89dc7259cab5b549f3326eb95fd5ecc& [15:57:49] just replace "40px" with whatever you want [15:57:52] like 20px [15:58:26] also since this is a stub, i suggest you make the bold text bigger, and the non-bold text a bit smaller [15:58:38] stubs aren't supposed to be big and distracting [15:59:42] [1/3] yeah I'm working on it [15:59:43] [2/3] also, do you know how this wiki did this? they made the image on the side centred between the two lines [15:59:43] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325131553625473095/image.png?ex=677aac6e&is=67795aee&hm=38551562dcffeff16e2229b229af95d52db42dd08d55a66636d2e5d0676b26c8& [15:59:46] https://minecraftonline.com/wiki/Template:Stub [16:00:30] they used a template called {{Ambox}} [16:00:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Ambox [16:00:31] [16:00:56] this requires a module to use [16:41:16] it's a page on your wiki - just go to the searchbar and type it in! [16:42:06] that's what I said too - in the common.css [16:45:16] they were talking about changing the size in a span 😭 [16:56:41] oh - idk how to do that rip [17:08:04] [1/2] Images are not showing at all [17:08:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325148758643572756/image.png?ex=677abc74&is=67796af4&hm=baa3d4c539b28f65b060cdd34adf9ac79390378216db6dc52af24e0609bb5de5& [17:11:08] wait [17:11:11] nvm I got it [17:15:41] you don't have to put brackets, `File:` and `|thumb` in gallery [18:12:02] I finally hit a dead end. How do I set up a featured article for my main page? [18:18:43] Bevermind. [18:18:45] Figured it out. [19:14:47] Is this a game server? [19:14:58] Is it possible to request for a wiki to be renamed [19:18:36] No [19:18:42] The URL? Yes [19:19:04] What about the name of the wiki itself [19:19:15] Oh thats ez [19:19:23] Special:ManageWiki/core [19:21:17] Where can I change the url [19:21:43] Is it accompanying a change in wiki scope [19:22:20] I'd say so? [19:22:34] The wiki used to have two settings but now it's just one [19:22:57] Settings as in places where worldbuilding is done [19:25:10] Oh [19:25:34] I mean this is my reason why I want one of my wikis to be renamed [19:25:35] Honestly I don’t think that’s big enough to be a bother, I’m wondering if that’s enough to need approval at all [19:25:48] I just want the project to be renamed [19:25:57] Since the name I used to have for it no longer makes sense [19:26:17] Hm [19:26:42] @notaracham does this need a SR/M request for scope change? [19:27:09] Check out [[Phorge]], you can sign in with your miraheze account [19:27:09] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [19:27:10] [19:27:25] Here https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/22/ [19:27:51] (Also, I checked your bio, She Ra and Arcane are amazing shows, I salute your taste amiga) [19:32:33] it keeps saying my username or password are incorrect, but i never changed them [19:35:46] You should use the mediawiki SSO sign in, rather than trying to sign in with a username or password [19:36:29] As long as you're signed in on miraheze Meta, it should take you to an oAuth screen, then let you in [19:36:45] [1/2] (This option) [19:36:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325186178168655972/image.png?ex=677adf4d&is=67798dcd&hm=35c18ff6e3ed72710566740559b1ca0510cc02eb84c693ebc39d54b7a49b7630& [19:36:46] how do I find the "sso sign in" [19:37:08] Use the button I sent a screenshot of above [19:37:20] and where is it [19:37:32] im already logged in the miraheze meta [19:38:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325186525851291850/image.png?ex=677adfa0&is=67798e20&hm=eda760bdb17ec160ceeb476eb058bad386b862897ebe9d60b86e9ede53735763& [19:39:23] this doesn't appear for me [19:40:11] Wait really? May I ask what URL you’re on( [19:40:28] This one [19:41:04] [1/2] So the flower button doesn’t appear, correct? [19:41:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1325187262098444318/image0.jpg?ex=677ae050&is=67798ed0&hm=8bc8d5bb452bfc2d35ca846532e8672efcc2eba22525c9c07c7abf03b8208bc1& [19:42:03] Wait [19:42:12] It didn't appear when I tried to log in through my laptop [19:42:22] But it appeared now that I tried to log in through my phone [19:42:55] That’s, quite odd [19:44:37] Logged in [19:44:42] Now what [19:45:19] Alrighty, that link I sent you has a template, fill in the bits of the current and desired URL and we’ll try and get it sorted soon [19:45:34] I will note all our staff are unpaid volunteers so unfortunately these can take some time [19:46:28] @notaracham can we forgo the typical scope approval seeing as it’s so minor and a tightened scope, not expanded? [19:49:27] Not required in this case, yes [19:49:39] Please proceed w/ URL change [19:49:42] :thumbsup: [19:50:07] Once someone’s back in the wiki office that it [19:52:41] [1/3] Fyi [19:52:42] [2/3] This is the current url https://thedualhorizon.miraheze.org/wiki/ [19:52:42] [3/3] The new one I want is [19:55:36] Put this on the Phorge task please [19:55:59] already did so https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13053 [19:56:35] Alrighty! (NotAracham and I are both only community volunteers currently, so neither of us have the ability to do this ourselves) [19:57:01] (Eh I mean I am a tech volunteer but doesn’t matter in this case I do t have the access needed) [19:57:27] The engineer folk should be able to get that done whenever they see it, these are easy [20:51:43] Can you show me an example? [21:01:07] [1/12] {| /this is main table/ [21:01:08] [2/12] | [21:01:08] [3/12] {{{!}} /this is nested table/ [21:01:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b! [21:01:08] [4/12] {{!}} ... [21:01:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [21:01:09] [5/12] {{!}} ... [21:01:09] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [21:01:09] [6/12] {{!}}- [21:01:09] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [21:01:09] [7/12] ... [21:01:10] [8/12] {{!}}} /end of nested table/ [21:01:10] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [21:01:10] [9/12] | ... [21:01:10] [10/12] |- [21:01:10] [11/12] ... [21:01:11] [12/12] |} /end of main table [21:01:27] thank you relay bot, very cool [21:02:05] don't pay attention, there's no need for template, this thing is a part of parser functions [21:03:27] [[Test]] [21:03:27] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Test [21:03:28] [21:03:36] [[Test]] [21:03:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Test [21:04:27] I have raised that being useless as fuck again [21:04:39] wiki-bot at least ignores code text in `, like `{{!}}`, but relay doesn't [21:04:39] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:! [21:07:42] @markusrost can WikiBot not ignore the relay for links? [21:07:56] @linke-off [21:08:10] Links will not be automatically translated in this channel now [21:08:10] @linkie-off [21:08:20] [[test]] [21:08:29] Can still be triggered manually [21:08:33] @link [21:08:33] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/test [21:09:10] [[test]] [21:09:11] [21:09:14] {{!}} [21:09:18] Good [21:12:51] yay [21:13:03] No, Wiki-Bot ignores all messages by bots or webhooks to avoid possible loops [21:13:35] Ok [21:13:36] Fair [21:13:39] Eh [21:13:45] @link works if needed [21:13:45] This is not a valid link [21:13:47] Maybe it would work for mw-bot to ignore links in messages from Discord? [21:13:57] Eh this works for now [21:14:07] IRC people wanting links will have to manually use @link [21:15:07] Wiki-Bot also ignores {{!}} in general because it's a magic word. The bot check the API for a list of all magic words like {{PAGENAME}} [21:25:04] Finally [21:25:13] Thanks for that [21:25:59] {{welcome}} (test) [21:26:00] [21:26:11] Nice! [21:40:29] Man my phorge issue is still pending [21:40:46] though it was started 17 december [21:42:23] @kingplaystation Tech are still mostly closed until Monday [21:42:37] ohh i see [21:42:38] np [21:42:42] Your tech issue has been pending while we've been closed [21:42:46] For Christmas [21:42:56] hmm np i can wait [21:43:16] i have patience [21:43:25] I question that one [21:44:44] I legit forgot about holiday break couple of days ago, not everyone aware too it seems [21:45:45] Tech is limiting deployments from end of Friday 13th Dec until Monday 6th Jan and is significantly reduced [21:45:56] nah its no problem [21:58:30] Is there a way to get the error log from Fatal exception of type. "Error" [21:58:51] That error message really doesnt tell much [21:59:08] you send the code from message to tech folks, or post here at least [21:59:19] obviously wiki's name too [21:59:33] amd what were you doing [22:00:20] Trying to {{GETSHORTDESC: to work with a {{{1}}} [22:00:40] It crashes the editor when i try to save or view preview [22:01:37] Kinda hard i dont have discord on my pc [22:02:26] login through browser? [22:02:55] but idk now if they'll be able to check [22:02:58] right now [22:03:19] considering time zone and Rhinos now reminding of holiday break [22:03:39] rip [22:04:21] already opened a ticket for my workaround which requires {{#fexist: [22:10:56] Ye we need that set of random letters and numbers [22:11:02] It's called a request Id [22:11:12] It helps us trace your error in our logs [22:11:37] If you can open an issue tracker task with it, we will look. We're still monitoring things and responding to faults. [22:38:45] sent you a pm