[00:09:31] Yo I have an issue with my infoboxes, the ``padding`` property of the ``.infobox`` does weird things. [00:10:42] It only changes the space between two table boxes and not the space between the infobox border and the content. [00:13:17] [1/2] What I want it to do: [00:13:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326705318281089116/Logopit_1736381541841.jpg?ex=6780661c&is=677f149c&hm=dce5db941122f5e91c73ee4e7c1953a90036a88147acc2b150f6f7a3dd70b178& [00:13:36] [1/2] What it does: [00:13:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326705400501899365/Logopit_1736381562824.jpg?ex=67806630&is=677f14b0&hm=3dee339e2b38f3316c79138e38d0a9e0303b7e360ea7a5282e1afbbb1006c233& [00:14:04] Infoboxes: https://mfgw.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:SMM2_infobox [00:14:28] given the depth and long embeds I would probably recommend a support thread so it is not buried [00:15:00] same for your issue @mx.lilasekhmet, as I'm really not sure on that one and as you see it has already been buried a bit [00:17:43] though someone could always pop in with an answer while it's quiet... [00:17:46] an example page of where its being used would be more helpful so we can see what exactly is happening since there's no example on that page [00:18:15] lastro moved to https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1326706387077693461/1326706387077693461 [00:18:36] oh [00:18:40] still no example there so heh [00:18:42] yeah, it was just posted [00:18:48] there's actually a link there, it's just a bit malformed [00:19:07] and now fixed [00:19:11] Hehe [00:19:26] though an 'in field' link may help as well for a practical page to see [00:19:37] Yeah, it only links to the common.css though; what would be more helpful is an actual page where the code is used so css can be tweaked to see the effect in real time [00:21:24] [1/2] What am I supposed to put here for the interwiki form? (trying to add a more direct interwiki to a specific Fandom wiki) [00:21:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326707360261214248/image.png?ex=67806803&is=677f1683&hm=6916ede28f53e71fc4b8c43d2eb7f903f8802a074e9bbf32dd78831836371bba& [00:21:51] I got a good idea for the other parts but not API [00:25:28] the link to the api [00:25:38] community.fandom.com/api.php et al [00:25:52] (obviously don't use communities API, use whatever the specific wiki is [01:31:42] is there a way to make the website dark mode on by default [02:00:38] [1/11] is it possible to align this good boy of an image to the center next to the text without it looking weird in other skins [02:00:38] [2/11] ```[[File:MP Hero.png|right|350px|frameless|link=]] [02:00:39] [3/11]
[02:00:39] [4/11]
[02:00:39] [5/11] The free and editable wiki for the ROBLOX tower defense game, Tower Heroes. [02:00:40] [6/11] /div [02:00:40] [7/11]
[02:00:40] [8/11] '''{{NUMBEROFPAGES}}''' articles and growing since November 17th, 2024. [02:00:40] [9/11] /center``` [02:00:41] [10/11] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326732334615232554/image.png?ex=67807f46&is=677f2dc6&hm=3198f9ad4f8ba1e4c14fc1a2c1157efa223edfa1525cb20ed5658dce1c9ec962& [02:00:41] [11/11] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326732334849982534/image.png?ex=67807f46&is=677f2dc6&hm=0185b06f72b0f83bb360a26cb4ba435674c794482c307ad03fbcde8bbad2c263& [02:00:51] [1/2] left: timeless [02:00:52] [2/2] right: vector [02:31:05] Are there statistics out there about what the largest Miraheze wikis are? [02:32:07] Yeah [02:32:14] if i can find the damn thing [02:32:37] biggest is subjective [02:32:53] do you mean as in pages or viewers or database size or...? [02:33:21] ? [02:33:26] I assume there would be statistics on all of those things [02:33:39] they're not in one central place [02:33:56] https://wikistats.wmcloud.org/display.php?t=mh [02:34:04] that shows pages [02:34:08] not viewers or db size [02:35:10] so like im just confused at one point [02:35:24] And users [02:35:30] hubba hubba hubba [02:35:37] I just found a nice Content Policy violation [02:35:43] Why is a private wiki on 4th place [02:35:46] do tell [02:35:55] (preferably in MCR) [02:36:06] well, I mean, it doesn't really matter [02:36:13] Closed? [02:36:29] librepedia is a WP fork duplicate [02:37:43] Wait is it just like all of wikipedia copied here? [02:38:03] essentially, yes [02:38:19] Lmao really? [02:38:37] they have a bot, WPBot, whose sole job was to mass import eswiki pages [02:39:56] That sounds like it would be HUGE in terms of db size too then [02:46:19] @agentisai what say you? [02:46:33] text takes up far less space then images though [02:52:59] asking again, is there a way [02:57:57] i'll ask on #support instead since it's the proper way i guess [03:05:07] Our community CSS experts are pretty widely distributed across timezones, so that's probably best path forward to get an answer [03:07:38] I'd actually be interested in some stats for what skins are put to use, preferably default but enabled could also be of interest [03:07:52] may put some science behind my otherwise BS estimations of skin popularity [03:08:50] last time we saw, Vector was #1, followed by Cosmos, followed by Monobook [03:19:27] monobook is higher than I thought, but I figure it is at least moderately popular [03:19:50] vector is an obvious default, it would be interesting to see the proportion that reverts to 2010 [03:45:53] [1/2] is it possible to modify the border of the table? [03:45:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326758822131404913/image.png?ex=678097f1&is=677f4671&hm=e6c04b85b4237ed5ff78f51a0859d2613f2494ddbf5423eafad61ffcfa072cdd& [04:06:30] [1/2] `.class table, .class td, .class th { border: ...; }` [04:06:31] [2/2] inline method means you'll have to put border into every cell [05:31:06] FYI, You could ask to be autopattrolled, so we do not have to check your edits 😉 [05:35:32] Anyone know if i can force an image to be the page image for the pageimages extn [05:35:40] Its scoring is a bit off for some of our pages [05:38:49] So are all wiki times in utc? [05:43:17] [1/2] image from wikiseo syntax can overwrite pageimages, if such setting is enabled [05:43:17] [2/2] if you want exactly pageimages scoring, that's an enigma to me [05:43:33] Oh sweet that works [05:45:40] not sure but there's user setting for time zones [05:47:02] How do you change it? [05:51:04] click on Preferences somewhere near your username [05:55:04] [1/2] need to make left buttons more packed on small res in Timeless, not enough space for the right ones w/ topic and purge buttons added [05:55:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326791332903129088/IMG_20250109_085240.jpg?ex=6780b638&is=677f64b8&hm=cd1b42e4f36ec3077b9a4ca5fa7d6cab70915613eac86a7fbd0eb00d3ac8b387& [06:38:47] I got it [06:39:05] I think default settings should be changed to display from browser [07:00:24] Autopatrolled is not a right to ask for. It's long being held that most people that request it don't deserve it. If patrollers think someone doesn't need patrolling, they can leave a request on AN. [07:00:33] And a meta admin will grant it [07:00:44] But it's not up to users to request it [07:54:24] [1/3] why does [07:54:25] [2/3] > There seems to be a problem with your login session; this action has been canceled as a precaution against session hijacking. Please resubmit the form. [07:54:25] [3/3] happen? [07:54:32] and how can i fix it [07:54:39] it literally wont let me login [08:00:12] ok i had to clear cookies [08:02:21] resubmit it [08:03:43] it's almost always cookies yeah [09:50:47] usually its nothing to worry about, just resubmit it as they said and continue on with your day [11:59:26] If someone requests AP for you, then it's a sign that you are being productive and can be trusted [11:59:42] Yup [11:59:57] If users request it, it's normally cause they want a hat [12:00:56] [[WP:HATSHOP]] cases have always been funny. [12:00:57] [12:01:31] The irony is that users who don't actively seek a role or want it are usually the ones that deserve it. [13:00:27] sysops should have the necessary right piece added on to them in this case [13:01:53] [1/2] personally I do not like and have never been sold by the patrol system; there is little inherent to what I do that should exclude me from review and I've always had a review style that omits the patrol marks system anyway. My eyes admittedly do glaze over certain types of edits/username combinations but otherwise I don't feel anyone should be particularly excluded from review in that [13:01:54] [2/2] way, nor do I think meta is that busy that a handful of people can't glance over everything. And if it's repeated that's not necessarily for the worse. [13:03:23] iirc the only reason I even accepted ap in the past is because it has abusefilter/permissions related tie in that made it practical, which are overwritten by sysop access [14:35:15] <.guardianx.> [1/2] Anyone have any suggestions on getting this to sit on the page in a visually appealing way without sacrificing any (or maybe MUCH) information? [14:35:15] <.guardianx.> [2/2] https://ecopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Races#Class_and_Race_availability [14:36:27] in a ascending order would be good because its overflowing through the page [14:36:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326922648823005236/Screenshot_2025-01-09_at_20-36-37_Races_-_EcoPedia.png?ex=67813084&is=677fdf04&hm=471864b08d1669dfcfb08f833275178df8d6fb50149e8f9424142bc4e7ce6035& [14:40:54] <.guardianx.> Hmm true, ty [14:45:33] does removing the images from the first row make it narrow enough? it's not as pretty but the rest of the table is just short words and check/crossmarks and should be pretty slim [14:46:16] [1/2] ^test case [14:46:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326925013202239519/image.png?ex=678132b8&is=677fe138&hm=98c5850abb4a39c2c6ea854faa4a070f82c0e093c0bd5390d6603fbbff9fb7bc& [14:46:51] <.guardianx.> It would, I just liked the idea of having a character select image for each race >< [16:30:46] [1/2] how could i make this [16:30:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326951311098249236/image.png?ex=67814b36&is=677ff9b6&hm=6a5d29a52818208327649e082f9eeff436125fdedebd6ff3227c1f4218d015f7& [16:30:59] its a simple template [16:31:20] simple and template do not belong in the same sentence 😭 [16:31:36] where did u get this image from [16:31:39] wikipedia [16:31:40] just gimme source [16:31:48] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Cornish_flags [16:31:50] ill get it for u 😎 [16:31:53] k [16:31:53] ty [16:33:08] here is the wiki text [16:33:18] [1/13] > {{sidebar [16:33:18] [2/13] > | title = [[List of United Kingdom flags|List of UK flags]] [16:33:19] [3/13] > | image = [[File:Flag of the United Kingdom (1-2).svg|110px|border|center]] [16:33:19] [4/13] > | content1 = {{ubl [16:33:19] [5/13] > |[[List of English flags|English flags]] [16:33:19] [6/13] > |[[List of flags used in Northern Ireland|Northern Irish flags]] [16:33:20] [7/13] > |[[List of Scottish flags|Scottish flags]] [16:33:20] [8/13] > |[[List of Welsh flags|Welsh flags]] [16:33:20] [9/13] > |[[List of Cornish flags|Cornish flags]] [16:33:21] [10/13] > |[[Royal Standard of the United Kingdom|Royal Standards]] [16:33:21] [11/13] > |[[Flags of cities, towns and villages in the United Kingdom|City, town and village flags]] [16:33:22] [12/13] > |[[Historical flags of the British Empire and the overseas territories|Former British Empire]] [16:33:22] [13/13] > }}}} [16:33:33] tweak it to ur according [16:33:44] so when i make a template it should look like wikipedia? [16:33:45] its actually very simple [16:33:54] it should [16:33:59] one min while i ry [16:34:00] try [16:34:56] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326952352531349576/image.png?ex=67814c2e&is=677ffaae&hm=932c2ae54407e058325839738b719c380ab22ed9223f484142fecad0111ed752& [16:35:07] ehh [16:35:21] ohh u will need another template i g [16:35:26] lol [16:35:30] wait [16:36:14] ahh its a rabbithole of lua modules [16:36:22] ill do that for you [16:36:26] whats ur wiki? [16:36:31] thanks and one sec [16:36:37] https://www.stret.org/wiki/Main_Page [16:36:47] ok wait [16:38:12] @ashley.cornwall send a request accept pls [16:38:40] request accept? [16:38:54] oh right i forgot i had that thing on [16:38:54] i mean its in pending [16:38:56] one sec [16:38:57] my edit [16:39:06] approved all [16:39:58] if i make a confirmed user will you be able to bypass the moderation wait [16:40:17] okay [16:40:46] ive put it on now [16:40:52] it should let you bypass the wait [16:41:03] holy [16:41:04] shit [16:41:09] its a huge rabbithole [16:41:13] oh is it? [16:41:18] i think you can make it by yourself [16:41:22] or should i? [16:41:33] i could try but i barley know what im doing haha [16:41:43] ahh okay [16:49:59] no no no no nonono [16:50:02] [[wikipedia]] [16:50:03] [16:50:08] oof [16:50:18] i forgot about that [16:50:29] my bad [16:51:01] hopefully caught it before the import hell began [16:51:28] we didnt use the import feature [16:51:28] bottom line, use simpler devwiki versions or portableinfobox for alternative structure [16:51:31] i wrote it in munual [16:51:37] you will be copying all day if you're basing off enwiki [16:51:50] tbh i just wanted that infobox i shown [16:51:51] i just got into more rabbithole [16:51:58] importing would be easier [16:52:01] you can get far simpler equivalents [16:52:06] yea [16:52:22] again via dev or even the sanitized version I know was floating around [16:52:32] tbh ive not had much luck on dev [16:52:33] people want the look of the wikipedia version but the wikipedia version is dependency hell in practice [16:52:35] or using the builder [16:52:42] the look is very easy to recreate [16:52:53] [1/2] like look how messed up this looks [16:52:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326956875459203216/image.png?ex=67815064&is=677ffee4&hm=35865472ad23ec9e3727440e4a6b32018473e61e501ec2f3c6783dd2aca0dc0e& [16:53:09] css can overhaul that [16:53:18] idk anything about css [16:53:38] i am another idiot i tried to do that when there was no lua modules for any of it [16:53:40] the [[infoboxes]] guide (which I think is linked in the wikipedia essay) should get into some of this [16:53:41] [16:53:56] yeah i cant follow written guides that well tbh [16:54:06] im dyselexic asf and a visual leaner [16:54:11] although it doesn't do a great job in this case I admit [16:54:18] and english does not compute with me lmao [16:54:21] its my 2nd lang [16:54:30] miraheze still struggles to make the procedure simple and realistically this is the kind of thing I would want to be selectable when creating a wiki [16:54:45] coming out of the gate with a workable infobox system and some resources how to tweak it [16:55:10] the guides has images of visual builder [16:55:24] the problem with it I think comes down to making it look different [16:55:37] yeah i need like videos [16:55:40] [1/2] W3Schools can help with that [16:55:40] [2/2] Css is very simple [16:55:41] if there's a resource, probably prefab css that converts the PI look into a wikipedia look that probably helps [16:55:51] w3schools is mainly text though, I don't think they do video [16:56:02] though they do have interactive examples and get down to the very basics [16:56:09] tbh i didnt even make the front page [16:56:17] i found the boxes from another wiki and changed the text [16:56:32] it could be something to present to the help desk and see if there's someone willing to walk through it who will not get into dependency hell [16:56:57] if you clarify exactly what you're looking for when asking (wikipedia look, simple usage sort of stuff) [16:57:04] i just wish wikis were just simple lmao [16:59:40] actually almost made it [17:01:11] wikis are deceptive, simple upfront but you can get confused [17:01:17] I'm not very good with infoboxes myself tbh [17:05:33] for real man [17:06:42] I managed to ask an LLM to alter an infobox made by humans and they ended up making an whole new infobox that kinda resembles portable infoboxes [17:08:58] @ashley.cornwall approve those edits [17:08:59] brb [17:09:26] done [17:26:09] wait ill do a bit of sandbox [17:26:14] alrighty [17:26:18] its still got some stuff [17:26:18] just approved ur edits again [17:26:19] like [17:26:21] thx [17:26:24] idk why its not just letting you do it [17:26:26] it will be done now [17:26:28] i gave you the confirmed user [17:27:27] [1/2] @ashley.cornwall just a placeholder [17:27:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326965576035471452/Screenshot_2025-01-09_at_23-26-56_Editing_Template_Flags_-_Stret_Merdhin_National_Wiki.png?ex=6781587f&is=678006ff&hm=b28cd08fd04acdef737dc5c5dc1e364578db52eebd562fd537db105d59167e43& [17:27:30] u can edit the rest [17:27:32] thank you for your support its really been a huge helping hand [17:27:59] [1/2] its my pleasure [17:28:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326965709238173727/Screenshot_2025-01-09_at_23-27-42_Template_Flags_-_Stret_Merdhin_National_Wiki.png?ex=6781589e&is=6780071e&hm=4cc298cf876c854662bc9a9a0ed57c7f850c7481be1b0575c5c0ec75b500f496& [17:28:19] would you be able to resubmit [17:28:25] i accidenty pressed reject [17:28:59] oh no problem [17:29:01] oh wait i can reaprrove [17:29:15] thats all done now [17:29:17] thanks again [17:29:21] no problem [17:29:25] its my pleasure [17:29:34] doing some actual help [17:30:18] btw nice wiki u got there [17:31:11] thank you [17:31:18] its for the country i run [17:32:06] ohh similar to ours [17:32:17] but our community is 3k members [17:32:28] kinda big tbh [17:32:30] oh nice [17:32:33] is it a micronation too? [17:33:16] urmm wait lemme show map [17:33:33] alright [17:33:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326967143069257738/Globe.png?ex=678159f4&is=67800874&hm=b7a218bc2d4932b466a776a3c1c9b895c001f24e4678ac63e11a889ae730bd52& [17:33:42] not really [17:33:53] huge landmass in the indian ocean [17:34:01] ohh is yours a mock gov? [17:34:08] nice [17:34:10] mine is a micronation [17:34:15] one that runs as a real country [17:34:15] ohh nice [17:34:23] IRL? [17:34:26] yeah [17:34:31] we have over 600 registered citizens [17:34:37] holy thats amazing [17:35:42] thanks [17:36:40] welcome [17:40:11] [1/2] will this blank space show the page your on when its used on a page? [17:40:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326968779070242896/image.png?ex=67815b7a&is=678009fa&hm=4e2091ea52e6ab2b4ea822fd4c312834f6608b8d0e8038eef368dad6a9894a98& [17:40:24] huh [17:40:27] lemme see [17:48:22] thanks for fixing it [17:48:26] i approved your changes [17:51:06] did my wiki just crash? [17:51:40] nvm slow wifi lol [17:52:40] oh [17:52:44] check now [17:52:50] lmao same [17:52:52] btw i sent u a dm [17:53:27] i saw [18:12:35] shit my bad [18:12:40] sorry [18:12:49] if i did anything [18:13:38] it's a learning experience, I just wanted to avoid a situation where a wiki operator would end up worse off by having a hodgepodge of templates [18:14:30] but hey i managed to recreate that :D and didnt enter any rabbit hole [18:15:09] of template, module and other stuff 😶 [19:11:34] oh dw they didnt do anything bad [19:11:44] i already did an import hell a few days ago myself lmao [19:12:07] but he managed to help me sm and even fixed an issue i didnt even notice at first [19:20:41] [1/2] does anyone know how i messed this up so badly [19:20:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326994070324772967/image.png?ex=67817308&is=67802188&hm=837fcaa853a638d9ee6d0c317d78d9600e7445938e11ba9297ef5df17ed7b18a& [19:21:26] seems to be browser cache bug [19:21:35] or server cache [19:21:56] oh wait, is that infobox? [19:23:21] one is a infobox [19:23:45] [1/2] it seems in editor the infobox ate the tables from what i wrote? [19:23:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326994844165472346/image.png?ex=678173c1&is=67802241&hm=4027cc23c9ef4082257b4e93ee965dd5dd067fef6581a4d8189ce5eefdedb7c8& [19:24:18] lmao what happened here [19:24:22] i have no idea [19:24:57] i can fix that [19:25:03] please do if you can [19:25:08] ok [19:25:11] wait [19:26:44] check [19:27:36] @ashley.cornwall [19:28:41] i approved your change and its still the same [19:28:55] and now the infobox is gone# [19:29:12] what [19:29:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326996247793373285/image.png?ex=6781750f&is=6780238f&hm=b42d9e0a94896cd7528a4aaca9a54da92bc86170bccdf61758d46741ada86a3c& [19:29:41] huh [19:30:03] i have an idea [19:30:03] oof [19:30:07] ill undo your edit and try something [19:30:25] okie [19:30:40] i think div should work [19:31:37] [1/2] hm no my idea didnt work again [19:31:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326996824694980682/image.png?ex=67817599&is=67802419&hm=fdb32f7d31d49a35ed79b75d334e7e119cd7eaa2cf95083c17bc63fd3a5dcee7& [19:32:39] [1/2] i wonder why the info box is eating the page content [19:32:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1326997082489487441/image.png?ex=678175d6&is=67802456&hm=eb8c4b3b3fdec8c34b94a10e7f69a64fea49b69fd8585ff167bb900817a16ddb& [19:37:56] oh my [19:38:32] wait [19:45:56] i got it [19:48:36] @ashley.cornwall fixed the config code try approving [19:48:43] ive approved [19:48:45] i think that was casing problem [19:48:53] ill remake the page to see if it fixes [19:49:22] [1/2] yes you got it [19:49:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327001288906510356/image.png?ex=678179c1&is=67802841&hm=83f86b24a0a8c0ddb0a946b90844e5c2fe9e7ab32fe8ece7cb7d5d85f076fce9& [19:49:24] thank you [19:49:27] its fixed [19:49:31] thanks [19:49:34] np [19:49:55] always pleasure to help [19:50:04] okay wait it broke again but i see the issue [19:50:06] its all good tho [19:50:21] it seems to break if you try put it above the text [19:51:32] i perfer the look of it being under anyhoo so its all good [19:52:45] huh how though? [19:52:50] i have no idea [19:52:56] it seems to eat the content if its put above text [19:52:59] but below its fine [19:53:58] weird [19:55:57] see if removing duplicate helps [19:59:00] nope [20:04:52] now? [20:05:11] still the same [20:06:00] hmm [20:10:29] Also ideas for a wiki portal for say an age of history in a fictional world? [20:12:37] maybe countries of that universe flag show case with slideshow? [20:12:50] wait [20:13:03] wdym by age of history? [20:13:48] [1/2] I was thinking for eg the Shattering Age to show things like place history for that age or a group that existed in that age [20:13:49] [2/2] My world has "ages" of history marked off by events/tech progession [20:19:37] ohh [20:19:42] cool idea [20:23:31] @ashley.cornwall templates tend to merge. so use a alternative to table ig [20:23:38] for now [21:18:54] hey someone found the issue [21:19:10] they said the tag was incorrectly closed [21:23:36] [1/2] issue solved [21:23:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327025007049838745/image.webp?ex=67818fd8&is=67803e58&hm=c78ec2e706347bf6b405ea28ae6666f9441457c06e6d0eea6a3328e7dd72c8ca& [21:37:48] great [21:38:03] oh my bad [22:21:50] <0.n.e> Does Miraheze support YouTube embedded videos? [22:23:23] Yup [22:40:55] this might be dumb to ask [22:40:59] ive asked a few times here but forgot [22:41:04] how to i link my wiki to discord [22:41:09] i forgot what someone said last time [22:41:40] You can activate that in your Manage Wiki Extensions section [22:42:28] Special:ManageWiki/extensions#mw-section-parserhooks [22:51:00] how did the donations end? [23:03:00] Very well, 120% the original goal I think? [23:03:06] hey i got news [23:03:06] Expanded into January a bit [23:03:17] [1/2] i learnt how to make this [23:03:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327050090510155836/image.png?ex=6781a734&is=678055b4&hm=4943187f4ec2578c30de2c545d085215d4610ba9c82baf49d27cb1fbb95aeed5& [23:03:21] without anyone else helping [23:04:59] Congrats! [23:05:35] ty [23:05:38] do yk how id cetner the text [23:05:46] thats one issue i got across every box [23:54:00] Hi folks