[00:20:35] [1/2] this is my nsfw wiki -> https://wiki.giantesselsie.net/wiki/Main_Page with the domain giantesselsie.net and subdomain wiki. [00:20:35] [2/2] how do i change that i bought a domain from cloudflare it is giantessdimension.net so it be wiki.giantessdimension.net [00:23:56] @rhinosf1 [00:28:24] @nibblypup [00:28:32] sorry for the pinging [00:58:32] Please don't do that going forward, follow the instructiosn on https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains like you were requesting a custom domain for the first time. [01:17:12] @notaracham can i ask u for help now [01:17:17] i am abit lost [01:17:43] on cloudflare or on miraheze must i use wiki.giantessdimension.net [01:18:20] [1/2] like on miraheze this link on custom domain url [01:18:21] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSL [01:18:34] or must i use subdomain on cloudflare to make it work [01:19:22] `CNAME records normally can not be on the zone apex. We use CNAME flattening to make it possible` i also get this message on cloudflare [01:47:01] Unable to assist on this, but maybe a community member or the @Technology Team can assist [01:50:31] i tried hopefully it was done correctly [02:27:05] <.guardianx.> [1/3] am I beating myself up over the wrong issues? [02:27:06] <.guardianx.> [2/3] I've been pushing through trying to understand WikiBase and to attempt to implement user friendly (LOL) systems for data connections, should I have just asked for SMW to be installed? [02:27:06] <.guardianx.> [3/3] I really doubt that our wiki will ever break more than 5000 pages on even the most extreme estimate. [03:15:06] What is SMW? [03:15:31] [1/2] I think I found the categories glitch and it is likely unrelated to thw wanted pages issue. [03:15:31] [2/2] I think it is because categories do not refresh when just edited with regex replacements [03:15:31] semantic mediawiki [03:15:37] What is the purpose of it? [03:15:50] My wiki has a relatively large amount of pages so would it be useful? [03:19:45] Structured Data [03:19:54] [[mw:SemanticMediaWiki]] [03:19:55] [03:20:05] see also [[w:semantic web]] [03:20:06] [03:20:25] Actually is [[w:Semantic Mediawiki]] a page [03:20:26] [03:20:29] yes [03:37:05] <.guardianx.> [1/3] SMW and WikiBase are basically 2 types of linked data systems. If you have items that interact with other things and you want them to be connected in an "Easy" to observe way then SMW and WikiBase could be a solution. [03:37:05] <.guardianx.> [2/3] The idea is you create descriptions (properties) for things and then attach those properties to items (wikiBase) or pages (SMW) and then if you have multiple things that connect with a given property, you can link them all together or grab them all at once to display. [03:37:06] <.guardianx.> [3/3] A good example would be like a RPG game where an action may cause positive or negative faction or reputation to say "The Gnomes of the Deep" if you wanted to collect ALL of the ways a person could interact with "the gnomes of the deep" you could, using SMW or WikiBase. [03:40:49] Is that how wikimedia commons does short descriptions? [03:41:04] <.guardianx.> A really good example of it's use in a massive way is the FFXIV Console wiki [03:45:31] <.guardianx., replying to kamidere> Hmm, I don't think so? not sure though, usually short descriptions are handled from the first paragraph of content automatically as long as you don't do like I did and put a header content block as your first block on a page LOL [04:00:16] Semi [04:00:38] Wikipedia I know has its own shorts descs but they use wiki data as a fallback [04:25:45] <.guardianx.> Pulling data from WikiBase is easy enough but setting the Item's and sitelinks and then adding properties to items is a CHORE with a capital C [04:26:47] rest of the letters seem captizaled too [04:29:31] <.guardianx.> LoL, it earned it [04:31:12] Leauge of Legends???? [04:34:41] <.guardianx.> Both for certain! [04:34:57] <.guardianx.> they are both a test of patience [05:29:23] is it true that miraheze wikis can only stay inactive (without any edits) for 60 days [05:29:59] one of my friends said she has a wiki in the website that has been inactive for over a year and it's still up [05:33:37] [1/2] Our wiki deletion process is a little long. Your wiki can remain without edits for a year but after 2 months, you get a notice warning you that the wiki is inactive and after 4 months, the wiki is "closed" (locked) to prevent unattended spamming but it's still visible. It's not until the one year mark that the wiki is hidden and then a few months (or up to a year later), it's perma [05:33:37] [2/2] nently deleted from our servers/ [05:37:39] <.guardianx.> is there anything I should do prior to getting SMW enabled if I have a wikiBase currently? Its pretty dang small. [06:51:56] lupe1512: you can also apply for a dormancy policy exception [07:08:32] BlankExlair are u part of the tech team [07:33:21] giantesselsie: yeah, why? [07:55:26] BlankEclair i talked to @reception123 he said everything is fine but my new wiki domain doesnt work and i sended him screenshots [07:55:38] link? [07:55:48] which link [07:55:55] old or new domain [07:56:28] https://wiki.giantessdimension.net [07:56:39] that is the wiki link i signed up [07:57:14] [1/2] see CNAME that is how i wrote it [07:57:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327546853079777330/Screenshot_484.png?ex=678375da&is=6782245a&hm=3b015bc5de52384f2e4cf45e612f11ca77936b3aa0bc9066fdfacf48f30f7891& [07:57:29] or should i do @ for root [07:57:46] because there it stands wiki so that should work with my domain [07:58:01] if i hover over it is says this [08:02:42] BlankEclair [08:03:44] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSLQueue/318 [08:03:49] i think this is all that's needed for your end [08:04:02] i don't have access to cloudflare config so :p [08:04:32] so what [08:04:35] what must i do [08:04:52] basically wait until it gets set up [08:05:07] must i wait for u guys or cloudflare [08:05:18] us to set up cloudflare [08:05:24] oh [08:05:27] (i think, i'm unfamiliar with the cloudflare process) [08:05:50] can u ping or dm someone who is familiar to cloudflare process to check for me [08:06:16] be patient [08:06:18] i guess [08:07:00] eh, they should check the request ssl queue soon enough [08:07:20] i sended the request 9 hours ago +- [08:07:59] okay, maybe not soon :p [08:08:12] XD [08:08:35] but i mean, i can't really do anything, and those who could would do it when they check the queue :p [08:16:53] Worth remembering - an overly large number of our tech folks are based out of various bits of europe. that would have been at 11PM-1AM their time [08:17:19] A volunteer will get to it when they can. [08:25:28] also it's weekend [08:30:21] Ye [08:47:46] and today i mostly use source editor [08:50:02] I never use visual now [08:51:02] [1/2] sadly its the end day of weekend. [08:51:02] [2/2] friday and saturday are weekends here [08:51:31] fandom really gave me knowledge but [08:51:47] fandom also destroyed our wiki [08:52:12] it was hell for mobile users [08:53:20] I have never used VE in my life. I've been used to SE since I started editing Wiki's 15 years ago. [08:54:22] did i mention the ads? [08:54:26] VE is unreliable for Source Editing templates. [08:54:31] oh i see [08:55:11] VE just gives a simpler version of SE when editing templates [08:55:23] honestly i selected miraheze because people wanted miraheze + a clean ui [08:55:57] Then you came at the right place indeed [08:56:09] i didnt like ads being placed in the main page [08:56:22] im glad i made that choice [08:56:29] if i didnt i think i would've been suffering [08:58:11] All the adds make Fandom slow.. So I never used it. I have a userpage. That's it. It was hell to get that up. So I never continued there. [09:18:04] Jesus, 15 years? You're a veteran. [09:19:18] VE is fine if you don't do any technical stuff I suppose. So say you just fix grammar or add basic text to a Wiki. If you're doing ANYTHING source related though, you have to use SE. Trying to edit a template in VE is simply more work when SE does it 100x better. [09:19:36] If you're setting up your own wiki, you're going to want to use SE [09:19:55] since you'll be setting up a lot of your own infoboxes and stuff as you create pages [09:21:11] I switch between the two, but I mainly use SE for simple conveinence. Not to mention VE compresses infoboxes so it's not even as accurate as clicking "show preview" in SE [09:23:41] I see the appeal for people unfamiliar with source and who find vertical bars scary lol [09:24:01] https://tenor.com/view/vertical-bar-gif-10039414315747319396 [09:27:37] Yeah... a bit. But hey, I am 50+ old so... I've had the time šŸ˜„ [09:33:50] [1/3] Indeed. But back in the day, we didn't even have VE. So if I wanted to edit something in a table, I had to learn how to edit tables, same with templates, etc. [09:33:50] [2/3] We didn't have Modules or Wikidata either. Everything was manual. The focus was mainly on editing articles. [09:33:50] [3/3] On Dutch Wikipedia they were very strict with Templates, not so on English Wikipedia. They were created as fast as mushrooms. The craziest things were made, because everyone was creating things to their own style of editing. Hence we now see ENWP as Chaos. It's better now, but in the old days... my my šŸ˜„ [09:35:59] What Wikis did you like to edit? Or maybe more accurately, what types of pages. [09:41:34] This is fine [09:42:51] can u check my stuff or did u already approve it and make it work with cloudflare @rhinosf1 [09:43:33] I can check it looks correct but I can't complete the setup [09:43:36] What's the domain [09:44:19] the new domain [09:44:31] https://wiki.giantessdimension.net [09:49:21] Looks fine to me [09:49:28] It'll be handled soon [11:23:07] [1/2] is anyone else getting errors logging into their wiki with 2FA on firefox? always says this and locks me out after some time [11:23:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327598664478359594/image.png?ex=6783a61b&is=6782549b&hm=e5204740c218c25870816901da706872b13004cf9e9f39cc0a4b7d558fbbdb4e& [11:54:07] @paladox can you check my SSL Request if u know how Cloudflare works [11:55:08] [1/2] anyone know how to replicate this using css [11:55:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327606722906296332/RobloxPlayerBeta_xx6ivtMy2d.gif?ex=6783ad9c&is=67825c1c&hm=17835142fcd2797c87a83341b1e32da34b5a66063e5fc4a1b2988d2b69362bf0& [11:56:03] I told you 2 hours ago that it looks fine [11:56:07] And someone will get to it [11:56:14] Please don't chase it constantly [11:56:15] Okay [11:56:20] Okay [12:00:42] [1/2] Ughhhh [12:00:42] [2/2] Someone edited the fandom wiki and annoyingly made a category page for 1 character [12:01:02] [huh](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1318913619035160636.png?size=160&name=huh) [12:01:03] I am extremely tempted to delete it [12:06:14] Oh for fucks sake [12:06:46] What [12:07:05] [1/2] keyframes [12:07:06] [2/2] animation [12:07:56] They originally made the page on the wiki's namespace (usagi shima wiki), they realised the mistake, so they redirected it to a category namespace instead of main [12:09:52] Ugh its a redirect mess cuz it turns out they did make a main namespace of the page [12:11:51] unable to figure this out rn lol [12:11:53] And now I have to parrot that mess onto my wiki because redirect pages don't work with IWB even though I feel like they used to [12:12:31] is there a way to make a gallery slider, like it automatically slides to the next image? [12:13:57] there's slider mode [12:14:09] idk if it's automatic [12:14:21] fandom's sliders are their own things [12:14:28] and they modified default one [12:14:51] ah [12:14:55] wait, not slider, that's slideshow [12:15:03] oh. [12:15:12] there's css/js/template that initiates slider [12:15:16] i thought both of them were the same šŸ’€ [12:16:10] [12:16:49] lemme test this out [12:17:02] [1/2] Looking at the edit history, turns out I'm wrong [12:17:03] [2/2] THEY HAD IT ON THE RIGHT PAGE THE 1ST TIME [12:17:04] because i dont want this to fill the entire screen [12:17:13] kinda want this to make it a small section [12:19:55] [1/2] you probably was thinking of slideshow after all, but yeah, fandom's is different from default [12:19:55] [2/2] can be CSS'd [12:20:26] [1/9] ```css [12:20:27] [2/9] @keyframes grahgrahgrah { [12:20:27] [3/9] from { transform: rotate(-1deg) } [12:20:27] [4/9] to { transform: rotate(-5deg) } [12:20:28] [5/9] } [12:20:28] [6/9] .thethingtorotate { [12:20:28] [7/9] animation: grahgrahgrah .5s infinite alternate [12:20:29] [8/9] } [12:20:29] [9/9] ``` [12:20:41] "grahgrahgrah" šŸ˜­ [12:20:44] but thanks [12:23:00] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327613733190504508/waterfox_U0qGmjlcsY.gif?ex=6783b423&is=678262a3&hm=83aa27f432ca81c5ad81b2a2c99d8d3400f4fd1cb6ded3410626bc319680890f& [12:23:23] https://tenor.com/view/getting-jiggy-with-it-jiggy-cat-gif-cat-bob-bobbing-cat-gif-8181308640098872583 [12:29:08] [1/9] ```css [12:29:08] [2/9] @keyframes grahgrahgrah { [12:29:09] [3/9] from { transform: rotateZ(1deg) } [12:29:09] [4/9] to { transform: rotateZ(5deg) } [12:29:09] [5/9] } [12:29:10] [6/9] .thethingtorotate { [12:29:10] [7/9] animation: grahgrahgrah .5s infinite alternate [12:29:10] [8/9] } [12:29:11] [9/9] ``` [12:37:32] [1/2] how do i prevent this from taking 4 seconds to load [12:37:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327617393484234822/Screenshot_2025-01-11-20-36-38-08_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg?ex=6783b78c&is=6782660c&hm=7bfaebc5c5abba0a448b7f59ca482da24529815fdb3da8f4675f7680828dc469& [12:38:30] why is the image so big? [12:43:22] its not that big though,,, [12:46:20] You can upload a smaller version instead, just resize it, so it becomes less big (in Mb) [12:53:41] [1/2] Lighthouse should tell you what to do to increase the load time but if its a lot of fuss I wouldn't bother. [12:53:41] [2/2] Google has yet reiterated that Page Speed is not a significant ranking factor and that you should only worry if people begin to notice that its slow when they're browsing. [13:51:53] [1/2] im trying to put this text on the image [13:51:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327636104945336370/image.png?ex=6783c8f9&is=67827779&hm=6ddeb5cfd1f7da76c2ef18f0a2efa5eaa999e846fb493ff1cecf74daccad8fdc& [13:51:58] does anyone know how to do dis [13:53:59] [1/2] trying to replicate this (this is an ingame screenshot) [13:53:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327636629866676327/Bookemoji_kit.webp?ex=6783c976&is=678277f6&hm=a87ce4f8bbb33fb335a02b0647bc8fd03e8e59d4d20e1ca41a1e3e8b02138063& [13:54:55] oh and also how do i use twemojis [14:24:22] download them [14:24:25] upload them [14:24:28] šŸŽ‰ [14:29:59] div w/ css background-image [14:49:42] [1/2] its saying that its expecting an end but i dont see where is it missing [14:49:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327650652679045132/image.png?ex=6783d686&is=67828506&hm=777eb3ac9021db473c7ae2023d8b786ae9cf0ae510b83d265c182ed33ea4415a& [14:52:15] [1/2] ok i found it but i thought i did it correctly??? [14:52:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327651293770022980/image.png?ex=6783d71f&is=6782859f&hm=66e4386aec36132f13d318d7a6deab5d1874769229e346747701e041665a404a& [15:08:01] aligning text is proving to be quite a challenge [15:08:38] table inside div [15:09:10] can you give an example [15:11:45] Unfortunately, yes. I am still reviewing it, and I am not really sure when I will be done, TBH. Apologies for the inconvenience, @.guardianx. [15:12:30] Jesus, this thing is a beast [15:15:05] How do you solve the "lua error at line" like that, bro? [15:15:56] i didnt? [15:16:18] but i technically added all the gaps in the `end` but its an error [15:25:08] [1/2] look at your screenshot [15:25:08] [2/2] I see it as 5 row table, w/ second row having 2 cells (or 5, if we go deeper w/ `rowspan` [15:25:53] [1/3] you just [15:25:53] [2/3] make a div w/ bg image [15:25:54] [3/3] and inside that div is table [15:29:20] [1/17]
[15:29:20] [2/17] {| ... [15:29:20] [3/17] | colspan="3"| /book icon/ [15:29:21] [4/17] |- [15:29:21] [5/17] | rowspan="2" width="50%"| 80/80 [15:29:21] [6/17] | >> 15 [15:29:21] [7/17] | ^ 50 [15:29:22] [8/17] |- [15:29:22] [9/17] | Ɨ 1x [15:29:22] [10/17] | 0% [15:29:23] [11/17] |- [15:29:23] [12/17] | colspan="3"| simon's book [15:29:24] [13/17] |- [15:29:24] [14/17] | colspan="3"| earth tome [15:29:25] [15/17] |- [15:29:25] [16/17] | colspan="3"| bible [15:29:26] [17/17] |}/div [15:30:30] obviously you needs precise styling to cells like font size [15:36:56] <.guardianx., replying to redmin0> TY and don't worry about it, sorry for making a mess >< [15:41:48] thanks [15:41:58] im getting the hang of aligning it [15:59:42] this aged wonderfully [16:13:15] [1/3] Hi, is there any way to translate page categories? I'm not sure how to approach this. [16:13:15] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327671676359540796/image.png?ex=6783ea1a&is=6782989a&hm=823a5e03d233de369507874053049c98bf45e6b6d4fb5e0e37abe289d98a2e87& [16:13:15] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327671676745289769/image.png?ex=6783ea1a&is=6782989a&hm=3a7dc86d57aaab3fed66f6113b3ca95bb520104b2363d393f58d3c6a0597cb83& [16:15:40] a tad lost what you mean but you can check Meta Wiki, if you're using Translate extension [16:15:51] I mean, how it's done on Meta Wiki [16:16:04] I remember translating category pages titles [16:16:43] Right, that's a good call, [17:42:02] Keegan has closed my BB wiki for dubious reasons when I made sure no private info was posted (none of it was there at all). [17:42:30] It was made to document the history, lore, and community behind that group. [17:43:54] He only did that in retaliation of expelling him from the group. [17:44:10] what [17:53:32] RoboticBloxxer I believe is referring to this - https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log?logid=1297423 [17:58:30] Yeah, I made sure that the wiki didnā€™t have ā€œprivate infoā€, like none of that happened. [17:58:48] Besides, Keegan himself has done worse. [17:59:12] Once I showcase all the acts Keegan did, the stewards are gonna have to listen. [18:00:01] I shall construct my request to re-open soon, I have some other stuff to deal with. [18:44:13] [1/2] As the person who saw the initial report and investigated before handing it off for stewards I cannot see that wiki being reopened, the content I found with just two searches was egregious and Iā€™m honestly surprised it wasnā€™t closed on early investigation. This is not my authority, and youā€™re free to file a request, but as far as Iā€™d say some serious c [18:44:13] [2/2] leanup work needs to be done. [19:38:20] does it cost miraheze when people use their own domain? [19:39:02] no? users are the ones who should buy/keep their custom domains [19:40:09] yeah but yall issue the SSL certicates [19:40:11] surley that costs [19:41:18] Nope [19:41:41] Anyone paying for TLS certificates is daft. They are so many ways to get perfectly fine free ones [19:41:43] @ashley.cornwall [19:41:54] oh nice [19:42:30] <50_55> am I the only one for who miraheze seems to be loading slowly? [19:48:01] <50_55> it doesn't seem to be loading at all [20:49:55] [1/2] is this normal for audio and video files [20:49:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327741303051518072/image.png?ex=67842af2&is=6782d972&hm=e1d8b9d27a82fff1c8e823753500316209b6b57cd8176da8b61be1f934e53f31& [20:51:29] gotta enable timed media player extension [20:53:18] [1/3] The Barney Bunch is satire. [20:53:19] [2/3] Also, the stuff regarding Keegan, he was overreacting when I wrote about his controversy, he only made that report because he was butthurt he was expelled from the group. [20:53:19] [3/3] I can hand over stuff in DMs for further context. [20:53:25] thanks [20:54:35] the less dramas we have the better tbh [20:54:44] And no, despite what the report said, there was no leaking of private info, I literally made sure there wasnā€™t any. [20:55:24] I donā€™t care if itā€™s satire or not, rape jokes and homophonic slurs arenā€™t exactly things weā€™re eager to host. [20:55:50] Again, Iā€™m not in authority here. Iā€™d advise you email stewards@miraheze.org detailing the situation to appeal this decision. [20:55:57] Aight. [20:56:05] @notaracham or another active steward can review the situation [20:57:30] As a courtesy, hereā€™s the full report. https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Wiki_reports?oldid=448645. Include this in the email for reference please :) [20:58:56] Aight, and I shall bring out all the evidence against Keegan, since he did say very queerphobic stuff himself. [20:59:04] Which is a pot and kettle moment. [21:04:16] Whether he was butthurt or not, if you were making rape jokes, that's not satire [21:04:53] Satire must be clearly identifiable to a reasonable person [21:05:01] You can't use it as an absolute defence [21:05:32] Nor does the satire exemption allow the promotion of violence or hatred [21:05:36] Which rape is [21:08:02] [1/3] Is there any version of Star Citizen's Module:Translate lying around somewhere? When I try to retreive it I get timeout errors there. [21:08:02] [2/3] I was able to get the previous revision via Wayback Machine but I get this error. [21:08:03] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327745864344801280/image.png?ex=67842f32&is=6782ddb2&hm=721857af72e6ff1c5dbff5a152142803dc3bf2da112c083d95e2465aaf3472d1& [21:20:36] I would assume probably not other than the Star Citizen wiki itself [21:20:46] If the page is timing out you should probably report that to them [21:26:03] Hi im new into here, im wanting to creat a wiki and already made a request, how much time it takes for it to be reviewd? [21:26:16] Found the repository: https://github.com/The-Star-Citizen-Wikis/SharedModules/blob/master/Translate/Translate.lua [21:27:31] [1/2] Still, it seemed like it was transcluding a template that I was missing, now it's working. [21:27:31] [2/2] Now I need to get the icons. I wonder if it's possible to mass download files from any wiki (not just Miraheze's) [21:30:54] couple of days, request reviewers and everyone else working at Miraheze are volunteers, so that means doing things whenever possible w/o payment [21:32:47] Understandable, thanks [21:36:37] [1/2] Just so i know is there any rule for type of wikis? the wiki i want to do is about a parody universe created by a brazillian comunity with over 30k people, i want to make a repository of its absurd amount of countent in the form of comic style memes and even animations, and also make a encyclopedia about the worldbuilding and characters, they are parody versions of anime a [21:36:37] [2/2] nd comic book characters. [21:45:19] <_arawynn> you can look at the [content policy] for what is or isn't allowed [21:45:26] <_arawynn> https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Content_Policy/ [21:50:19] Ok it seems that it dont have any problem, just wait for my review [21:50:21] Thanks [21:51:36] wikis are not closed willy nilly by single reports, it comes after stewards themselves have looked at the wiki and determined there was problematic content [21:52:09] if the reopen is with the intent of reconstructing it to be acceptable that is one approach, if it is to deny there was problems which lead to the closure and to shift blame to another user then it will not progress far [22:21:55] [1/2] can someone help me get these things on my wiki? [22:21:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327764457396506796/image.png?ex=67844083&is=6782ef03&hm=4bb4eb323c4125a64472051f2cd6d481c1ea88fcc93423f140c1a95f4539dea7& [22:23:48] I could suggest template from my wiki but I forgot how it works [22:24:30] since you are taking from another wiki, you literally can see what they are doing and using to achieve that and copy/import to your wiki [22:25:04] these gotta be some template, possibly w/ other templates dependency [22:25:07] tbh id do it myself but i havent got my glasses on rn and cant find them [22:25:12] so i couldnt write code atm [22:42:40] Its pretty much a div within a div [22:42:44] The outer div has a bord et [22:42:46] Border [22:42:59] And the inner div has no border but a width that corresponds to how much percent [22:43:05] And a height to match the parent [22:51:52] [1/2] Hopefully the infrastructure will be able to handle this... They are SVG icons so about 300kb all told. [22:51:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1327771995366232084/image.png?ex=67844788&is=6782f608&hm=2caa1a649d6523d7471f2686eef63113b88749c9a16b7e35572ae51ed8197172&