[01:26:45] what wiki do I get LUA infoboxes [01:26:58] that I can export to mine [01:49:41] Why do you want to use Lua infoboxes [01:50:00] they're good [01:50:52] Not super sure, dev has some wiki text based ones [02:25:15] wikipedia /j [02:28:49] no plz [02:29:07] Also claire how cold does it get down under [02:42:06] yes [02:42:19] i have given up on trying to understand the temperature in victoria [02:51:28] Dang [02:51:40] im gonna be out and about in 22-32 degrees weather [02:51:45] (freedon units) [03:12:12] summerlike [03:26:47] You live in Australia? [03:26:53] now you know :) [03:31:33] literally 4891 [03:32:10] ⇂68߈ [03:33:48] It was about -18 here the other day lol but I've seen it -20 to -25 (and a couple times even colder) lol [03:37:31] In freedoms? [03:38:16] Yes lol [03:42:20] Which artic do you live in again [03:43:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337629821311647918/image0.png?ex=67a82459&is=67a6d2d9&hm=b4baa91f89ebc90c710a53db14392f8db9eb9853eb3f23999c03840d2bb28822& [03:43:31] -25 Tuesday lol [03:44:41] :SKULL_SKELETON: [03:45:28] Tavon can I crash at your place one day i dont think ill ever compain about jersey weather again after that [03:47:01] lol [04:10:53] [1/2] Copenhagen - Denmark [04:10:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337636749098221681/image.png?ex=67a82acd&is=67a6d94d&hm=7cdbb9e0454426a53990a32948baa5f79ce1df41c9c3175f4a2c21717d0f05f7& [04:11:44] Nice calm weather [04:16:40] Hey guys! I'm a bit new to this Discord thing. Please advise what is the best place to ask, why today my custom domain (capoeirawiki.org) returns "Connection is not private" (something with https/tls). While capoeira.miraheze.org works fine? [04:18:30] /auth [04:22:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337639766950150224/capoeirawiki.org_https_proble?ex=67a82d9c&is=67a6dc1c&hm=0165e569a598d083a9a6827fcf35c8c8c11b15378ef9fe13d489497b701dd6ac& [04:24:13] Ai ai ai [04:24:36] Let me take a look in our logs, see if any flags were raised about the cert [04:25:34] When did this start? [04:25:54] Actually, it works fine for me [04:26:10] Just today! I didn't touch anything on Cloudflare since custom domain setup. [04:26:26] hmmm... could be the public WIFI I use today? [04:26:37] or DNS cache? [04:27:30] [1/2] It says the "software Fortinet wasn't configured correctly". Not sure what Fortinet is. [04:27:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337640930370654321/Captura_de_Tela_2025-02-08_as_11.27.00.png?ex=67a82eb1&is=67a6dd31&hm=7bc4ff56b7b20ca25c6c230fef3e24729d517a6b12e8ed0fe9d430c55df031a6& [04:27:41] _sorry for my Portuguese_ [04:28:07] No worries! I’m Brazilian too πŸ‡§πŸ‡· [04:29:07] (My Portuguese skills are abysmal though since moved when I was 3) [04:29:49] I need to check, but I remember Fortinet being a company that makes routers [04:30:52] > Fortinet, Inc. is an American cybersecurity company with headquarters in Sunnyvale, California. The company develops and sells security solutions like firewalls, endpoint security and intrusion detection systems. Fortinet has offices located all over the world. [04:33:29] I suspect you’re right, I thought it might be related to a recent networking change but it would affect the miraheze domain, not the custom one ironically [04:33:59] (i'm originally Russian, who moved to China when I was 10 but then hooked up with capoeiristas when I was 19...so we are even πŸ˜„ ) [04:35:56] I double checked, I can open capoeirawiki.org without on my phone using 4G and connected to a personal hotspot on my laptop via phone - also worked. So I guess it might be mix of public wi-fi configuration and recent networking change... Not sure. [04:36:16] But thanks anyway! AbraΓ§o! [04:36:51] De nada amigo [04:37:21] (and yeah looking on google im seeing similar stories from others on reddit supporting) [04:39:25] I don’t think that networking change was it, it was rolled out to *.Miraheze.org and others but most custom domains didn’t get it before we freezed the rollout because of a widely used software using a framework last updated 10 years ago [04:39:46] Eu amo mediawiki [05:07:39] Could somebody explain the difference between all of the .css pages? [05:07:59] Like, why would I use Common.css over Timeless.css when Timeless is the default skin? [05:11:34] [1/3] Common.css is normally used for code that is not skin specific. [05:11:34] [2/3] Other users might use their own preferred skin (Like me who has vector-2022 skin globally set) [05:11:35] [3/3] Timeless.css only styles the pages for that skin only. [05:12:27] There are also templates that have their own .css too [05:13:41] Hm. [05:28:56] [1/2] I don't like how the clat looks on the FFU Wiki. And I'm only using it because fear of discord server hijackers. [05:28:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337656391346815018/image.png?ex=67a83d18&is=67a6eb98&hm=7a4f6856458cd1b79218f39042060b3c5750c577f07ef3ce9e568fa97fed14b7& [05:46:44] how do I change the "hang out with people who get it" in the discord widget iframe? tried `document.querySelector('.widgetFooter-2XBrUp .widgetFooterInfo-1qYCVB').textContent = 'Join the wiki community';` but doesn't work [05:47:23] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337661034303066113/image0.jpg?ex=67a8416b&is=67a6efeb&hm=b68dd1b2bcd7e2768599d65e365e5fa7dc42d614ba90395955430085446951ec& [06:44:37] [1/2] Is there a way to add tiers/subgroupings (not sure what to call them) to the navigation menu of Citizen in a somewhat similar way as Cosmos shown in the image? [06:44:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337675438318813254/Screenshot_2025-02-08_at_12.42.27_AM.png?ex=67a84ed5&is=67a6fd55&hm=6e3f51e110381750108e6d1d5dec310ca06bdeb6d9349b2d2d92daa88622d777& [06:45:24] [1/2] Since they're all in a single column currently on Citizen [06:45:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337675634771492886/Screenshot_2025-02-08_at_12.44.57_AM.png?ex=67a84f04&is=67a6fd84&hm=9a0f414edd5d4ecdb8c920d18f9c85a5754200104587dd6cf8d5b4caff3d7644& [06:57:42] [1/2] I think it's Cosmos exclusive, legacy from Fandom [06:57:42] [2/2] but I vaguely remember there being an extension [07:06:26] i remember being able to change this on fandom [07:06:32] hmm [07:10:00] nah i think you gotta use javascript lol [07:11:13] wait [07:11:26] you can add groupings [07:54:32] [1/2] I think I found it [07:54:32] [2/2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TreeAndMenu#Adding_a_tree_to_the_sidebar [09:46:32] Doesn't seem like the extension works [09:47:12] [1/7] I tried a simple test like ```{{#tree: [09:47:12] [2/7] *1 [09:47:12] [3/7] 2 [09:47:13] [4/7] 2 [09:47:13] [5/7] *1 [09:47:13] [6/7] }}``` [09:47:14] [7/7] but it doesn't show anything [09:50:02] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337722097887219752/Screenshot_2025-02-08_at_3.49.55_AM.png?ex=67a87a49&is=67a728c9&hm=9eaaffef4dc898d847010a9d30be9da354b8c97c7a43b87cc39261087007c39e& [09:50:23] removing `display:none` just shows a plain list [09:51:19] I guess I might have to write my own js to do this [09:53:07] maybe not adapted for 1.43 [10:43:31] Hello do you guys know why i get this message when i try to upload .mp4 or .mp3 files [10:43:33] Server returned error: HTTP 500. [10:46:39] how big they are? [10:46:54] 7-8 megabytes [10:47:25] Last time it was happening on our wiki the issue was space running out on one of Miraheze servers, wouldn't be surprised if it was the case again. [10:47:40] do you have TimedMediaPlayer extension enabled? [10:48:28] yeah [10:48:46] :ThinkerMH: [10:49:15] Claire you here? [10:50:22] BlankEclair [10:50:27] oh? [10:50:38] hi [10:50:41] meow [10:50:42] hello [10:50:50] 5xx on uploading media? [10:50:54] 500 error when uploading mp4/mp3 [10:50:58] yeah [10:51:02] yes [10:52:28] cannot repro ^^; [10:52:33] https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/Special:Log?logid=39159 [10:53:36] hmmmmmm [10:53:53] so the problem is me right [10:54:03] eh... i doubt it [10:54:20] I'm sure you can upload videos [10:54:25] i saw some before [10:55:36] [1/2] yeah it's a thing, but requires that player extension for them to work in the first place [10:55:36] [2/2] I remember there was some DB error w/ it but otherwise lack of extension shouldn't affect upload [10:56:07] an if some file format is not allowed upload form should give a warning [10:56:35] [1/2] Do you think i need to enable another extension too [10:56:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337738844534996992/image.png?ex=67a889e2&is=67a73862&hm=0e17a899dc823b4230839e53e1c0fd098d774abb857d2167d049fce6c0ea2a97& [10:57:08] how do you upload, on Special:Upload? [10:57:22] no i clicked edit on a page then insert [10:57:39] try Special:Upload please [10:57:43] ok ok [10:57:45] one second [10:57:48] huh, i got "[a918d57f7be66ce18baef112] 2025-02-08 10:56:30: Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError"" when uploading a video [10:57:54] chances are upload from editor can't handle it [10:58:10] Eclair, you uploaded from Special page? [10:58:38] yeah, Special:Upload [10:58:57] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13171 just gonna leave it here [10:59:36] > Error 1264: Out of range value for column 'us_image_bits' at row 1 [10:59:37] O_o [10:59:46] ok, guess its something else then lol [11:00:26] how useful is knowing db cluster code? [11:00:37] db cluster code? [11:00:46] ah, that indirectly maps to what db server the wiki uses [11:01:11] from core settings [11:01:56] here's the exception i got lol: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13213 [11:01:58] though it's not a 500 [11:02:37] thank you a lot it worked perfectly I have realized that anyone can edit pages is there a security setting i can do that you know of [11:03:08] well guess Clair's error is another error [11:03:34] yes [11:03:48] but worth to note that 500 is in editor upload [11:04:04] can you reproduce it on test? [11:04:22] ok let me test if it will wor [11:04:24] k [11:04:34] nah I meant Clair lol [11:04:51] nope i still got error lol [11:04:55] oh ok [11:05:14] ah, as in mirabeta? [11:05:48] [1/2] in Permissions settings, you need to remove edit and similar rights from Everyone group [11:05:48] [2/2] User group is registered Miraheze users, if you are ok w/ them then give those rights to User [11:06:03] idk thought you test on public one [11:06:14] yeah, i tested on the public test wiki [11:06:20] i thought you wanted me to test on mirabeta ^^; [11:06:46] I'd test myself but I'm on phone at work lol [11:06:49] thank you bro you are the best [11:06:53] np [11:15:23] <7seasofq> i had a question, is there a way to integrate dynamic categories into my wiki? [11:17:18] you mean when categories have image previews? [11:17:28] on Fandom [11:17:43] <7seasofq, replying to theoneandonlylegroom> yes like that [11:18:00] lemme find [11:18:01] <7seasofq> like they're little icons [11:37:38] [11:39:59] i give up on debugging my own problem lol [11:42:01] <7seasofq, replying to theoneandonlylegroom> I did everything but nothing seems to happen or change [11:42:58] [1/2] enabled all required extensions too? [11:42:58] [2/2] but give it some times, js and pageimages are a bit finicky [11:43:11] actually [11:43:49] <7seasofq> yes i had the extensions enabled prior to doing this [11:48:18] you done what in Customisation part too? [11:48:40] I don't use this so can't really help further [11:49:01] maybe @canyada can [11:51:14] [1/2] turn on the gadgets extension [11:51:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337752601139347588/image.png?ex=67a896b2&is=67a74532&hm=aec8acb460a9f6ab617dc449a4e37a535e1a4b7ddba33970e157ca5d7ad20ca7& [11:51:46] i thought that ones on by default did something change at some point πŸ€” [11:52:05] I don't remember it being default tbh [11:52:14] <7seasofq> yeah it was off for me [11:52:23] for second I thought maybe 1.43 broke something [11:52:32] <7seasofq> gonna wait a bit to see if it works [11:58:33] <7seasofq> [1/2] ok thankfully it worked but now this huge thing is on every page ._. [11:58:34] <7seasofq> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337754443260756059/Screenshot_2025-02-08_at_3.57.53_AM.png?ex=67a89869&is=67a746e9&hm=8fe7f08ee1df8b9139bd874b9e012f027735358658d6b985c8f89cac270a1e66& [11:59:20] ok yeah the css took a bit longer to kick in than the js, should be fine now [11:59:41] <7seasofq> nvm it went away, but now my background color is gone [12:00:41] <7seasofq> [1/2] now its all gray, should i wait it out [12:00:42] <7seasofq> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337754979129098350/Screenshot_2025-02-08_at_4.00.26_AM.png?ex=67a898e9&is=67a74769&hm=55102936833d149b56178a93700a3daf9193e7ceedf7352407c8d304d3a4f14f& [12:01:03] change the background colors at MediaWiki:Gadget-cosmostweaks.css [12:02:02] <7seasofq> tyty [12:04:54] <7seasofq> how i love miraheze, the ads on fandom are so annoying [12:56:29] <7seasofq> [1/2] in dark mode, how would i go about in adjusting the css of the drop down menu colors [12:56:30] <7seasofq> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337769022112137328/Screenshot_2025-02-08_at_4.55.32_AM.png?ex=67a8a5fd&is=67a7547d&hm=51b0425aaba8012be77a8b795c96d0731990d0d5390b4990afeed16a04ecb4be& [13:01:49] [1/2] ah change the dropdown background color back to this [13:01:49] [2/2] ```--dropdown-background: var(--content-background-color);``` [13:14:43] <7seasofq> tyty [13:15:20] <7seasofq> is there a way for the logo on the banner of the wiki to change based on light or dark mode? [13:16:17] <7seasofq> my logo is black which looks good on a light banner but i'd like to switch it for a white on the dark mode banner so it's more visible [13:20:08] <7seasofq> [1/2] shoot i also just realized the infobox data value and labels don't change with the dark mode, how would i fix this [13:20:08] <7seasofq> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337774971514261554/Screenshot_2025-02-08_at_5.19.23_AM.png?ex=67a8ab87&is=67a75a07&hm=2b0cf383ac2def58e1b56155056b4a73eb7a7a07eca42b4c0b9ba49bcb3ced6d& [13:33:36] ive just realised that visual editor is not working [13:33:40] at least for me [13:33:41] infobox dark mode being bugged is known and i submitted a fix to the extension developer [13:33:45] currently stalled on him actually merging the fix [13:33:47] [1/2] how do i remove the functionality of "Classic" for my own gadget [13:33:47] [2/2] [13:34:26] > [09/02/2025 00:15] <7seasofq> is there a way for the logo on the banner of the wiki to change based on light or dark mode? [13:34:31] 7seasofq: with css perhaps [13:34:52] depending on the logo, you probably could get away with inverting the colours [13:35:40] actually, re dark mode infobox: you probably could copy the css that fixes it if you don't wanna wait [13:36:04] <7seasofq, replying to BlankEclair> yes pls [13:36:17] https://github.com/Universal-Omega/PortableInfobox/pull/143/files [13:36:33] <7seasofq, replying to BlankEclair> where would i input the css to invert the colors of the logo [13:36:43] you'll need to adapt this a little bit (replace the @etc values with the literal #hex values) [13:36:55] 7seasofq: typically something like MediaWiki:Common.css [13:37:21] can you send a link to the wiki so i can test it? ^^; [13:37:34] <7seasofq, replying to BlankEclair> https://ivcuniverse.miraheze.org/wiki/Home [13:39:18] <7seasofq, replying to BlankEclair> question, id input the new code into MediaWiki:Common.css right? [13:39:28] yeah [13:39:43] html.skin-theme-clientpref-night .cosmos-header__wordmark img { filter: inherit; } [13:39:45] @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { html.skin-theme-clientpref-os .cosmos-header__wordmark img { filter: inherit; } } [13:51:44] ._. [13:53:16] <7seasofq> [1/2] im a bit confused [13:53:16] <7seasofq> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337783309912248392/Screenshot_2025-02-08_at_5.53.07_AM.png?ex=67a8b34b&is=67a761cb&hm=c59c175b85e3942560dea6e86aac17ea9eb3c793afeccd8eab919de164c0677b& [14:03:30] 7seasofq: ah, replace @pi-background-night with #dedede [14:03:35] and do the rest for the other @ values [14:06:18] <7seasofq> every @pi-background-night? [15:04:49] Why, when I requested a wiki, it say I made 12 previous requests? This is my first for this wiki, and even if you count my previous requests for other wikis, I don't think we've reached the total of 12 requests. [15:09:19] uh [15:23:42] [1/2] I dare to beg to differ: [15:23:42] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue?dbname=&requester=Jean+Boulanger&language=&status= [15:25:59] That's not me. [15:26:04] Not at all. [15:27:05] No that's why I removed it again [15:27:10] What is your username? [15:27:45] Darkrai18 [15:28:11] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue?dbname=&requester=Darkrai18&language=&status= [15:29:08] 11 requests were already handled. 3 declined, 8 approved. The 12th is now on hold [15:30:19] 5 of the approved wiki's are still active. [15:30:31] Right, OK. [15:30:40] I didn't realise. [15:30:42] Thanks. [15:36:40] https://luckyluke.miraheze.org/ by the way is closed. You are aware of that? [15:57:03] Yes, I asked for it to be closed myself some time ago. [16:49:54] bro just forgot [16:53:20] hello, do you know if it's possible to make a wiki renaming request (wiki name + url)? [16:54:16] [1/2] title/name of wiki you can change by yourself in Core settings [16:54:16] [2/2] subdomain/URL via [[Phorge]] [16:54:16] [17:11:11] We direct anyone with more than 5 total requests (any outcome) to human review rather than AI. There's almost always some nuance better suited to a human in those cases + mitigates request spamming by malicious folks. [17:11:43] (not insinuating anything negative, just providing insight into the why) [17:51:59] [1/2] it ain't letting me upload images [17:51:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337843385347735653/f5E3tMD.png?ex=67a8eb3e&is=67a799be&hm=7dc437c6bedcf3d9376b7cd0a0fc933b80e2875bb616b9b1463e32cf74cca049& [17:53:27] oh boy [17:53:49] Yep I've got it too [17:53:52] @paladox available? [17:56:06] Nope I’m mobile [17:56:55] entire tech team has been notified and is investigating [17:56:56] odd [18:00:22] should be back up now [18:39:47] are there any good guides for editing the css in citizen wiki? I dont know where to find all the commands and such I can use, and I dont want to just copy from other wikis either since they dont match the exact design idea I want [18:51:19] not commands, just code [18:52:06] idk if [[dev:]] has Citizen specific snippets [18:52:07] [18:52:37] but to understand you still will have to learn HTML/CSS basics, plenty free tutorials online like w3schools [18:53:07] [1/2] but the process if basically this [18:53:07] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1319311694979403849 [18:56:25] yeah I can handle most CSS, Im just confused on the citizen specific stuff [19:25:25] what is the difference between "wiki's extensions skins" and "wiki's additional settings styling skins"? [19:27:50] [1/3] skin is a type of extensions [19:27:50] [2/3] extensions are like add-ons, they bring additional features to the wiki [19:27:50] [3/3] settings sections is exactly settings, and the ones regarding the look of the wiki or skins is in Styling tab [19:28:27] [1/2] first you enable Cosmos skin in extensions menu [19:28:27] [2/2] after that you can give it colors in settings menu, styling tab [19:28:36] so they don't change design? [19:28:38] ohhh [19:28:49] skins do, they change layout [19:29:08] and on top of that skins can be modified w/ CSS and JS [19:29:26] some skins offer settings, like same Cosmos [19:30:09] so the extensions give additional settings? [19:30:31] depends on extension [19:30:36] but basically yeah [19:30:54] you get a feature, it might come w/ its own settings [19:31:31] i'd like to know what the citizen uhhh skin?? does [19:31:44] it's a skin [19:32:08] you can check info/documentation of extension by clicking on its name [19:32:18] a page on mediawiki.org will open [19:32:27] [[mw:Skin:Citizen]] [19:32:28] [19:33:15] miraheze settings are so cool and customizable i love it [19:33:56] does take a while to understand how they work but it is worth it [19:36:24] what about mask [19:36:31] mask? [19:36:35] yeah [19:36:52] what is it? where you saw that? [19:37:25] [1/2] this thing [19:37:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337869916694384711/Screenshot_20250208-163711.png?ex=67a903f4&is=67a7b274&hm=a54b2cb57b4c126bd027657d041f21b922c40c7c9fc626a6689e069d08bb15c6& [19:39:05] well, I can't say anything about this skin as I never used it nor seen on another wiki [19:39:18] doesn't mw.org have a screenshot? [19:40:18] [1/2] looks really weird [19:40:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337870643135385740/image0.png?ex=67a904a1&is=67a7b321&hm=fc0ebdfbf26af39c0484c67850d6abca422ce1e0a64a10563f25c2619e6e3d06& [19:40:28] lmao [19:41:02] looks like it was made exclusively for one wiki [19:41:26] although Citizen was too but it's very neutral so other wikis started using it [19:41:40] doesn't seem to have any features either [19:43:24] i guess it's only to look 'good' [19:43:34] I gues [19:46:29] (which fails miserably) [19:59:52] I don't think it has. But it is a good point. Same as for Cosmos. [21:10:22] Hello, where would I find a broad guide/FAQ? [21:10:57] [[FAQ]] [21:10:58] [21:36:27] how to style one page specific? like main page? [21:36:46] (css) [21:38:21] [1/2] you want the entire page to look different? [21:38:21] [2/2] or we talking the normal content area looking proper like on established wikis? [21:39:57] entire page i guess? [21:40:42] i see a lot of mainpages being different in layout [21:41:34] [1/3] (right is mine) [21:41:35] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337901163659530260/SPOILER_image.png?ex=67a9210e&is=67a7cf8e&hm=92fb7b95297fe1cd299c4b410b5150b34214d66ce1d566065c0923b41ea56347& [21:41:35] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337901164020105226/SPOILER_image.png?ex=67a9210e&is=67a7cf8e&hm=1f22f67e2b9324f91d6380b0edf723bd6a186f6fca2f1c180acc505301b2454b& [21:41:46] [1/2] well, on pizza tower wiki layout isn't different from the rest of the wiki, it just has nice looking templates in content area [21:41:47] [2/2] it's just, important to understand difference [21:42:49] making main page is mainly about understanding HTML [21:43:05] the blocks are
elements [21:43:14] was my account deleted on miraheze i cant log in at all and it doesn't recognize my email 😦 [21:43:21] ifmote [21:43:24] ifnore that wmoji [21:44:06] it's impossible to delete accounts on mediawiki, only varnish and total lock [21:44:14] are you sure email is correct? [21:44:50] bro i was logging into the wrong miraheze thing πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ [21:44:50] @jyan_ken_pon Too many emojis. [21:44:56] sorrydyno [21:45:38] account system is a bit weird, sometimes cookie purge might be needed [21:46:20] aight, good night people [21:46:37] goodnight [21:49:38] gooodnight [22:32:20] [1/2] pdfembed isn't working [22:32:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337913937332797460/pYcy4OV.png?ex=67a92cf3&is=67a7db73&hm=9cfd0e6a7ea0caed7d3050db715c7c4a8094eec25e521969cc269b4c21a46014& [22:54:19] Two different skins [22:54:34] Ah the message deleted as soon as i reply lol [22:59:50] irc remembers all [23:00:35] Why is Vector sharing a codebase with 2022? [23:04:42] how to move sidebar from one side to the other? [23:08:42] raidarr: I know what you mean, though kinda ironic regarding protocol that doesn't have message history built in lol [23:15:18] irc with retention, a smooth interface and isn't irccloud is what I dream [23:16:03] simple enough e2ee would be nice too [23:16:22] Depends on the skin, but I believe with CSS. [23:16:29] Hang on. [23:16:56] I see https://ircv3.net/irc/ has some specs for message persistence [23:17:06] Ping me then cuz i gotta sleep [23:17:08] Gn [23:17:11] And thanks in advance [23:35:40] I know I saw it somewhere. Better to create a Support thread. Cause I have to go as well now. [23:40:34] [1/4] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1231348603092602970 [23:40:35] [2/4] and [23:40:35] [3/4] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/744291512996593776 [23:40:35] [4/4] These are the only references. So ask Legroom perhaps. [23:48:46] Extension:TreeAndMenu looks nice [23:57:32] Link?