[00:13:52] thanks frisk deltarune!!! [00:17:47] me when bartomelow does "Frisk deltarune/undertale" (here is hope the image embeds on Discord): https://frisk.space/_matrix/media/r0/download/frisk.space/DOhoMqNoApPGxtWnJubAsqRy [00:18:08] (it does embed) [00:29:57] \o/ [00:39:06] oh my god you became a goat like toriel i cannot believe it frisk (deltarune) [00:39:13] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/675061019911127112/1274452528473575537/cat_blast.gif [00:40:22] (btw if you don't want me to keep saying that i'll stop) [00:41:15] (No worries, I'm fooling around just as you do ;) [00:41:55] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1338671324448690186/IMG-20250205-WA0009.jpg?ex=67abee53&is=67aa9cd3&hm=31bfa919b04f8313fab3d9c34144524885b21624f8181890ef99f323ab6547ce& [00:45:18] how is papyrus deltarune frisk deltarune [00:45:37] they are cool [00:46:11] when will we ever see him [00:49:13] if you ever succeed at making a good pasta, they might be interested [00:50:14] nooo I'm a failure in cooking [00:50:26] and in modelling and math [00:52:25] I cook like a generative AI tbh, I take like 2 recipes, average the ingredients and process and things somehow are still tasty. [00:53:24] im taking away your chip [00:54:11] I only said I cook LIKE, not that I'M a computer dammit [00:54:22] beep bop [00:55:23] the food must be yummy [05:31:43] Hi. I'd like to ask about the process of my image dump [05:43:04] <.lucrecio> Is there a way to make a private wiki public? [05:49:10] how do I remove "Switch to old look" from the main menu [05:50:09] it finished, but you was offline it seems [05:51:06] your wiki is Chidurian Language? [05:51:13] Thank you. Where can I get the dump? [05:51:15] yes [05:51:58] the IA link was posted here but idk how irc handles chat history [05:52:04] lemme scroll here [05:52:40] [05:56:22] Thank you very much for helping :D [05:56:58] np [06:38:37] IRC has no concept of history (as far as we need to know for here) [06:46:40] so eclair looks for old messages elsewhere? [07:29:28] We have public logs of the IRC relayed channels per the topics of them [07:29:55] Or at least it should be in the topic [07:31:22] it's there for #cvt but it exists for #general and #tech too [07:32:03] It's not part of IRC but a separate bot that Wikimedia provide [07:32:06] @theoneandonlylegroom [07:50:15] yeah ok [07:50:36] you didn't have to ping btw, I'd see reply anyway [07:55:46] Ok [09:07:14] [1/2] hey @atxatx, for the sticky table header, the width isnt set to the same width as the table + i cant sort the table [09:07:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1338798493371990037/ScreenRecording_02-11-2025_17-04-35_1.mov?ex=67ac64c2&is=67ab1342&hm=aaa96a2ca9b4c302dcb748e44994f22cd25788789035dc900f860a43ba1b89ce& [09:39:06] [1/2] I want to define a color in my common.css so I can use the id I gave it instead of specifying the hex code wherever I want to use the color. That way I can simply change the hex code in the common.css if I later decide that I want the color to be different. [09:39:06] [2/2] I have no idea how CSS works, so I need help: how do I do something like this? [09:39:42] <_arawynn, replying to .lucrecio> Yes, you can do it somewhere in the admin settings of your wiki [10:12:25] [1/6] Okay, found the solution. If any noob like me wonders, put this into your common.css: [10:12:25] [2/6] :root { [10:12:25] [3/6] --COLORNAME:#d160cb; [10:12:26] [4/6] } [10:12:26] [5/6] To reference the color on a page, use this: [10:12:26] [6/6] color:var(--COLORNAME);" [10:15:36] Yes in Manage Wiki Core settings. [[Special:ManageWiki/core]] [10:15:37] [10:17:18] Change "meta.miraheze.org" to "yoursubdomain.miraheze.org" [10:43:43] Does miraheze have any policy w.r.t. linking to 3rd party community Discord servers on a wiki that try to get folks to use a malware bot (Like an IP logger) ? Like, malicious links on wikis [10:46:19] Yes, links to sites like that aren't allowed [10:47:57] https://lpcwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page#Discord_server links to a server that requires going through an IP logger bot to participate [10:48:11] Could something be done about that ? [10:49:28] Is there any way you can provide proof that there's an IP logger bot? [10:50:51] [1/2] Does this count [10:50:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1338824567812132894/image.png?ex=67ac7d0b&is=67ab2b8b&hm=c19a51cce9161418bf23ee2b44e98ddc0c172cf9cff213cd577a9d9856f3b2b4& [10:52:43] Thanks, I'll raise it with the tech team and then we'll decide what to do [10:52:47] Oki ^^ [10:57:19] imo, as long as it's clearly delinated to mention that there's an IP grabber, then it's technically okay (even though i personally have gripes with doing that) [10:57:26] ...but, it is not clearly marked, so :p [11:01:44] I'd say that even if it's clearly marked, it's a problem, because regular users don't tend to understand the impact [11:04:40] hmm, true [11:04:45] idk, i'm kinda split on this >_< [11:04:59] Meow [11:12:12] i'm having trouble with calling tabber from mw.html [11:12:39] full example of what goes wrong here: https://arcaea.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Statsnerd/Sandbox [12:30:51] connection timed out ? [13:37:25] so I'm going to say no in my opinion, and this is as someone who personally loathes that bot and has no intention of sponsoring servers that use it because of privacy/other concerns: but on doublecounter's side, not the given server, as dc to my knowledge does not feed ip info back to server administrators [13:38:17] it's the grade of third party analytics basically. I think it would be a troublesome precedent for miraheze to involve itself in this though as the bot is rather common and while on-wiki scripting is the concern of miraheze, how discord servers run themselves mostly is not. [13:38:35] I loathe all discord verifer bot. [13:38:41] They're literally IP grabbers. [13:46:18] Yea ^ [13:46:32] Idk, I would say that the link is malicious since it concerns an IP grabber [13:46:44] And there is precedent for those IP grabbers selling the info they got [13:46:51] For money [13:47:58] that is probably true including for DC [13:48:21] so the question is if tech wants to step into regulating what discord sattelites of wikis can use on their servers [13:49:01] a possible compromise would be to require local privacy policy disclosure for 'official' wiki discord servers, and preferably in a way that it's not a buried link no one is gonna read [13:49:49] Based on a chat with the tech team, I've decided it's best to just ask the wiki admins to make it more explicit that IPs are being grabbed [13:50:05] Indeed, if it's not actually something malicious I don't think it's something that needs to be 'banned' if users are properly informed [13:50:27] it needs to be a bit clearer; is that an official disclosure they must make, ie, the same way wikis are otherwise compelled to make privacy disclosures for third party things glued in [13:50:47] if this is the case then this should be a referable policy on meta or part of one [13:51:00] and this isn't to block action but to try and improve the process for future examples [13:55:12] basically too little action will be easy to ignore, too much action threatens being too interventionist and puts load on cvt/et al to police, and in betweens are tricky compromises that are all too easy to flip either way [13:59:08] I would say that the average user does not know the consequences of being targeted by an IP grabber [14:00:43] Hi [14:00:45] IP logging/grabbing by itself isn't necessarily malicious, there are plenty of legit reasons for doing it. Ofc like anything, it can be used in malicious ways as well, but isn't inherently a malicious action. [14:01:58] That's probably true but I think it'd be too intrusive for Miraheze to completely ban links like that. If a user is explicitly informed that it's an IP grabber at some point if they're concerned they should probably do their own research [14:02:15] If they're not informed at all or too vaguely then of course that's problematic [14:03:22] It is a malicious action that can be used in a misguided process for seemingly legitimate reasons* [14:03:48] Hmm [14:03:54] My wiki opening request still remains on hold, plus I had to narrow my description, plus I know that Wikipedia-like Encyclopedias go against Miraheze's policy, but I want to make sth like Wikipedia, but in my conlang. I saw someone who managed to do sth like that years ago. Any feedback is appreciated. [14:03:58] Idk that feels kinda irresponsible [14:08:22] I guess every online service (including discord itself... so what are you even doing on this platform, if you think so), are going to be logging your IP (among other things) in some way. It is NOT malicious to log your IP. Your IP is public information, it is what is done with the information afterwards only that determine if it is malicious or not [14:09:30] ? [14:10:24] I also just realized that there's no reasonable way to really tackle this, because aside from the fact just visiting a discord link shares ip and so on with discord itself which people may or may not have any knowledge of or want to do, what if they're not using discord at all - what if it's a forum [14:10:57] standard forum software gives the ability to view ip addresses of any visitor not to mention logged in users to as low as the average mod with no expectation of NDA or privacy policy or anything else [14:11:21] basically any external link poses a threat in this way and communities can attach virtually whatever they want as long as it's not actively malicious [14:12:01] so the more I look at this the more my conclusion is that miraheze cannot effectively police it and the otus is instead on educating users to be cautious when exiting wiki space, since the rest of the internet is generally ruthless [14:13:08] and a bot like double counter is still less dangerous than a single visit to casual free forum software's front page or visiting any number of other possible links that can reasonably come up while a wiki is being operated [14:15:07] [1/2] and while miraheze puts a very high premium on IP the fact sort of is that it's one of the least protectable measures because of all ^, is rarely identifiable on its own, and as long as communities are not actively using personal ip grabbers which is another matter, is probably no worse a leak than the same user visiting most of the internet such as any news site, fandom, basically a [14:15:07] [2/2] nything with google analytics or facebook embeds or even scarier technology, so the game is really more about people learning this stuff and taking proactive defense rather than compelling miraheze to expand its grasp beyond its own borders to try and protect the wild internet. [14:15:12] the obvious answer is to ban all external links [14:15:52] putting one of those annoying 'you are leaving miraheze' interludes came up when I was talking to reception, but that tackles something rather different [14:17:20] hmm, that’d be interesting [14:17:26] GoToInterwiki did something similar [14:17:28] possible, will forward to the wc team [14:18:17] We could perhaps do a 'you are leaving MH' and have it as a setting so people who don't want to see that every time can disable it [14:18:18] I miss my time being a moderator of a wiki on Miraheze [14:18:32] Don't ask [14:18:57] Though it could have been a brand new start [14:19:25] Yes please make it a setting at least you can disable userside, if you make a "You are leaving MH", god I HATE that kind of popups... [14:19:37] I owe Miraheze for motivating me to learn HTML and CSS [14:22:00] if it has an easy turnoff perhaps linked in the message itself, it would be interesting [14:22:30] as someone familiar with that time on miraheze yes, I imagine it would have [14:22:54] I'm glad at least some people from that community took the chance to learn and grow and get skills like that [14:23:57] Thank you [14:24:39] Miraheze make me want to dive my head into the wall. [14:24:42] While still coding. [14:24:52] As per usual. Coding make you want to yeet yourself. [14:25:02] [1/2] "How does this work?" [14:25:03] [2/2] "If it's working. Don't touch it." [14:25:21] css is the main reason i somehow managed to reach 10k edits [14:25:24] What if it doesn't [14:25:33] Then touch it. [14:25:36] if it doesn't, break it to fix the original problem but now you have a new one [14:25:41] Just don't break the thing. [14:25:52] I love it when you touch it, fixes it but something else broke. [14:26:06] story of my life there tbh [14:26:13] Fixed problem A but problem B is now broken cause problem A was fixed. [14:26:42] much more likely if you're slapping tweaks into css testing with only one browser and have no idea how the backend of the css is written so it's just whack a mole until it might personally work for you [14:26:44] I'm trying to figure out how to make Module:TNT link with Wikimedia Common and I somehow broke all my invoke commands. [14:26:47] which is generally how I css [14:26:55] [1/2] When things don't work: "Why doesn't this work?" [14:26:55] [2/2] When things do work: "Why does this even work?" [14:26:57] I categorically avoid modules and crap so... good luck [14:26:59] So now I'm redoing all the invoke commands. [14:27:10] Fortunately I fixed almost all of them. [14:27:18] Still couldn't figure out how to hotwire a link to wikimedia common. [14:27:39] The command (invoke) works but the dataset to link with wikimedia common isn't. [14:28:05] [1/2] When things that was broken suddenly work: "How the hell?" [14:28:06] [2/2] When things that was working suddenly broke: "What the hell?" [14:38:12] [1/2] admin of that server (please lower the pitchforks 😭), we cannot view any IPs from anybody using that bot. it is an unfortunate necessity as there's been a history of people using VPNs to bypass bans from raiding. @alu19_ waitroom on the server is there for people who do not wish to use double counter or are literally unable to for govt censorship reasons - i wis [14:38:12] [2/2] h you just brought up the concern with me or someone on the server directly [14:39:01] of a bad industry DC does have the most mainstream reputation and I can affirm it doesn't go back to individual owners [14:40:31] yeah i am unsure what the raised tension was about, i'll gladly put a warning on the main page but the option is there for people who dont want to use it (and i have already seen this for people who can't use disc without a VPN) [14:41:00] if there's a clear on-server alternative that's really the best thing you can do short of I guess making it more apparent to avoid confusion [14:41:06] @raidarr thank you so much😃 [14:41:58] the server waitroom and welcome text both say something along the lines of "we use double counter for alt detection if you're not ok with this please say so in waitroom" IIRC but def it can be added [14:42:03] if you already have it tightly set up to be clear this is what to do, this is an alternative, reach out with inquiries, then that's probably the best you can get [14:42:14] I wouldn't even trouble with an on-wiki note at that point [14:42:42] gotcha, just woke up with a scary looking talk message and was concerned something got false flagged as legitimate malware lol [14:43:15] I have another question: now that the wiki is created, how can I add a language (not a natlang/natural language, but a conlang)? @raidarr [14:43:46] I couldn't have brought it up with you or anyone else on the server for the simple reason that I was muted for disagreeing with a moderator, and I thought you were aware since I bought it up with the person who invited me to the server who has said they brought it up to the mods [14:43:53] I don't know if you can arbitrarily add languages to the interface short of modifying interface messages themselves to be in the conlang [14:44:43] all interface messages on a page can be found by adding `?uselang=qqx` to the url (if I'm remembering properly) [14:44:47] huh? when were u muted? DMs exist and are a lot better of an option rather than dragging it to the main wiki hoster's server [14:45:09] groupnebula never said anything about it to me [14:45:13] yeah, I'd second that local resolution would be preferred, even waiting a bit in case people were sleeping etc to resolve before going global [14:45:35] A few hours ago, frankly had no idea you would be open to DMs considering how the moderation team behaves, and that is why I went directly to here [14:45:43] exactly it's not a good look anywhere, i super dont want people to get the wrong idea about what goes on 😵‍💫 [14:46:01] ??? makes absolutely no sense if you were to DM me i could have explained why [14:46:05] now this just looks ridiculous [14:46:08] O huh [14:46:10] Strange [14:46:14] yeah um [14:46:18] I thought they did [14:46:19] Sorry x3 [14:46:19] so how would anyone have known lol [14:46:30] girl you scared me 😭 [14:46:32] lessons learnt aplenty [14:46:35] Yea ahahah [14:47:00] Sorry sorry, I thought you were aware x333 Miscommunication ftw [14:47:01] and for what its worth [14:47:31] other mods disagreed with the mute and i was asleep, it already passed the 1 hour mark but i will have a talking with said mod [14:47:49] O, thank you ! [14:47:53] ^w^ [14:47:56] Sorry for the confusion, I'm glad everything seems to have been clarified [14:48:15] with that being said - is it OK if i reply to said talk message with the server's current practices? i dont want the message to look like it was never acknowledged [14:51:29] that would be very good as there's no way to tell everything was cleared up through a different platform [14:52:04] very packed schedule today but it will happen asap :DoneMH: [14:52:19] What de heck I miss [14:52:31] where is the talk page, I might just drop something in early if it would help [15:01:04] <7seasofq> [1/2] I just noticed the css I have for some header and infobox templates in MediaWiki:Common.css look perfect on desktop, but they don't load in mobile mode when i check on my phone [15:01:04] <7seasofq> [2/2] do I just copy everything from MediaWiki:Common.css to MediaWiki:Mobile.css or is there a special process [15:01:58] [1/2] Mobile.css is simply for mobile extension which ignores Common [15:01:58] [2/2] css [15:02:54] to make things nicer on mobile additional styling is needed, whether on normal or mobile CSS pages [15:03:28] `@media` queries are usually used to define how elements should behave on different screen size [15:04:00] <7seasofq> [1/3] for reference this is my issue, this is the same page but desktop and mobile [15:04:01] <7seasofq> [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1338888275565346858/Screenshot_20250211_070256_Chrome.jpg?ex=67acb860&is=67ab66e0&hm=2b340659ef388d763851300f0d9ae4719948f441fec11adf89df2b7b77d51860& [15:04:01] <7seasofq> [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1338888276169199747/Screenshot_20250211_070309_Chrome.jpg?ex=67acb860&is=67ab66e0&hm=eac06717e88ac603ef072b1f5ccf9d5a32195addb8ab15b347cc8e33203bbaa3& [15:04:22] <7seasofq> like in mobile its like the headers don't even exist [15:04:36] this goes to Canada, since they developed this tabber thingy [15:04:43] as I said before [15:05:03] maybe some styling is missing [15:05:29] I'm on mobile so can't analyse [15:05:34] <7seasofq> the tabber thing is something else, but the header where it says profile/art is just a basic header i believe with some styling [15:05:48] <7seasofq> Lemme find the source code [15:06:01] well, that's another thing [15:06:15] <7seasofq> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1338888840160739399/Screenshot_20250211_070608_Chrome.jpg?ex=67acb8e6&is=67ab6766&hm=1c11589c7888b0c7f319298becf36179479f12bac11f82f79f86016ab09e3a4d& [15:06:26] again, you can use media query in CSS, flr example make header smaller [15:13:44] thats some good looking tabbers [15:16:37] https://lpcwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Talk:Main_Page#Link_to_Discord_server_containing_problematic_bot [15:18:21] <7seasofq, replying to theoneandonlylegroom> should I dm them or ask and mention them here or in another channel [15:18:22] looks like someone did the duty there [15:22:57] pspsps... is there any way i could get in contact with a steward privately so i can ask them something? [15:24:10] You can always email stewards[at]miraheze.org [15:24:43] [1/2] ooh gotcha [15:24:43] [2/2] will keep that in mind!! [17:24:32] ok I figured out the misconception here [17:25:02] I talked to mods to tell them they were having issues with doublecounter when they first joined, not about the mute [17:25:31] as for doublecounter problems, see the above message [17:26:03] at the end of the day i would follow this example [17:26:22] what's said was said what's been done was done etc etc [17:35:08] Yeah. Verification bots are whack. [17:57:26] tbf, I don't really have an answer that isn't more work when asking how to deal with people who splash around with vpns [17:58:14] though discord makes life noticeably harder using one anyway and unless the attacker is extremely determined they will run out of options [18:51:52] question [18:52:31] there's a wiki which was made private as a WIP right after creation and keeps falling into closure notice state [18:53:12] from what I know the admin doesn't have time to work on it, but also doesn't seem to want to share adminship of it [18:54:24] at first I offered help (which was ignored), but later seeing how they manage thematic server, I've lost any desire to do so [18:55:40] if it gets deleted, and someone else request a wiki w/ same domain/topic, it's gonna be all new wiki? since the old one was private? [18:56:22] because I recently met another person who would like to work on it, but ... yeah [18:56:43] Would it be gounds for a fork? [18:56:52] basically the current wiki is just rotting taking the place of needed subdomain [18:57:11] no forks or topic dupes are allowed on Miraheze [18:57:32] Is there any way the wiki could be taken over? [18:58:57] We aren't really understanding how to even use the tool. [19:05:02] it would be a new wiki indeed, though note that deletion is one time period, and then being dropped from the database is another - the latter is where a wiki can be made over that subdomain, and there is no mechanism/procedure to 'usurp' a deleted wiki's domain (though that would be interesting to have come to think of it) [19:05:14] not without authorization... [19:05:27] if there is good cause stewards can authorize [19:06:20] thanks [19:08:30] THis seems like it may be a "good case" [19:08:38] Have you used @WikiBot? [19:10:05] Only volunteers can use it tbf [19:11:32] it would be worth considering although there's not much steward attention to do that at the moment [19:11:39] No, unsure about that. [19:11:42] most stewards are busy/in reduced mode and NA is in a very busy spot [19:23:01] We generally don't permit adoption of a private wiki, but in the case where there's a private languishing project and a public wiki planned on the same topic, approval would be possible. [19:23:12] And if the original wiki gets hard-deleted, than yes, all bets are off [19:31:56] Hi again [19:32:16] I'm having some trouble with an infobox [19:32:44] [1/2] It gives me this [19:32:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1338955905672151132/Screenshot_2025-02-11_203225.png?ex=67acf75c&is=67aba5dc&hm=f221cb6a0896be725633be24d1f38d2472f2718e39a5ceafca1390168f0e8c2a& [19:32:57] (it's a film infobox btw) [19:34:35] film infobox needs another template called just infobox [19:34:41] imported from wikipedia? [19:35:32] https://dev.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_film [19:35:38] I followed this [19:36:18] yeah, see, it says that it has dependencies [19:36:42] so just copying the code won't suffice, it needed to be imported w/ all included templates [19:38:18] So you're saying that I should copy all the other templates? (still a novice btw) [19:38:38] As if each one of them? [19:38:57] yeah, but again the proper process is importing, it hooks everything together [19:39:11] I need to check something, wait a sec [19:40:14] Waiting for further replys btw [19:40:21] Thanks anyways [19:45:30] as I thought, the import explanation in the beginning misses the important bit [19:45:47] it says "Leave the other settings as they are" [19:46:10] [1/2] but this should be checked [19:46:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1338959284955906128/2025-02-11_22_46_04.png?ex=67acfa82&is=67aba902&hm=3cc524099f4e134c9f4217780c6b02cdeba60a46a37f3d89522e1bd2cf77b740& [19:46:32] this way you'll get all the stuff [19:53:49] Did that a few minutes ago [19:53:57] It worked apparently [19:54:09] Is there a way to edit the infobox? [19:54:47] infobox is a template, so you edit template page [19:54:52] (I'm working on a wiki in my conlang, therefore I'm translating the words from English to the conlang) [19:55:29] yeah, you need to edit film infobox, like give it diferent labels? [19:55:37] parameters [19:55:52] tbh I don't work w/ Lua infoboxes so can't really guide here [19:55:59] Is there a specific link? [19:56:09] Thanks anyways [19:56:14] same as here, just your wiki URL [19:56:29] subdomain [20:18:12] @theoneandonlylegroom may I dm you for a sec? [20:32:54] ```mw.loader.getScript()``` do not work! [20:33:02] ```mw.loader.getScript()``` [20:33:05] Do not work! [20:33:08] huh [20:33:13] no ping [20:35:51] ? [20:42:47] I was ghostpinged [20:43:23] ```mw.loader.getScript()``` [20:43:25] Do not work! [20:43:48] #support [20:43:51] mate [20:44:01] you are spaming irc by posting ad deleteing messages [20:44:13] can confirm [20:47:02] IRC? [20:47:09] [[IRC]] [20:47:10] [20:47:23] Uff [20:47:25] @justman10000 please learn this little thing called patience [20:48:32] It should work though [20:48:36] Check the dev console [21:02:59] Hey, how can I adopt a wiki? Came across a wiki that's abandon and had a custom domain attached to it but is now sitting broken as the domain expired. [21:03:33] The domain should be removed if it's expired [21:04:06] It's half removed but still tries redirecting. The wiki I'm refering to is jsal.miraheze.org [21:04:11] @paladox u up? [21:04:25] i am [21:05:01] Hey guys I posted something on #support half an hour ago. Any feedback is appreciated [21:05:15] @rhinosf1 [21:06:28] Can you remove the custom domain from jsalwiki [21:06:42] ok [21:07:17] @fukazirohggo you can follow https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Adoption to adopt the wiki but we'll take off the expired custom domain to unbreak it [21:07:28] thanks ❤️ [21:07:30] We're happy to help with reasonable requests while you follow the process [21:07:49] done [21:07:56] Thanks [21:07:59] ? [21:09:08] It's Lua. Might take a bit to get someone to reply. [21:09:20] We don't recommend importing templates from Wikipedia [21:10:05] Gotcha [21:13:15] it was Lua infobox from Dev sadly [22:07:47] Why not import the infobox from wiki.gg instead? Much easier to use [22:09:42] https://support.wiki.gg/wiki/DRUID_infoboxes [22:11:05] idk man [22:11:23] I looked at it once and it felt very much like Lua [22:11:53] or some cargo thing [22:16:16] they're written in lua yeah [22:16:27] more confusing than PI and said to be more flexible but doubt it [22:16:34] very much seems like something to just say "we built this" [22:19:12] We’ll see who’s laughing when PI dies a horrible parsoid and JavaScript bloated death [22:23:50] Well yea it's Lua but you only have to very small part of it [22:24:13] Learn very small part [22:24:33] Similar to PI xml [22:24:36] no because i made my own [22:28:45] [1/4] I have updated [[Template:Template_list#Human_life_userboxes]] [22:28:45] [2/4] I also created user templates per age that put them in decades, rather then years with the latin name like "quinquagenarian" which is synonym of "fiftysomething" thus showing "50+" [22:28:46] [3/4] You can add it yourself too. [22:28:46] [4/4] There are other userboxes that might be eligible for you to use on Meta, or you can copy to your own wiki. [22:28:46] [22:48:21] well if PI is more widely used and more easy to learn and more compatible with most things then I don’t understand why to not use that [22:48:59] also they seem pretty dependent on external JS and CSS(?) [22:49:10] back in my day we had tables [22:49:17] that was how we organized things [22:49:31] on websites in general I mean [22:49:50] though I don’t doubt there’s some tabling in early MW [22:54:38] [1/6] I have updated [[Template:Template_list#Human_life_userboxes]] [22:54:38] [2/6] I also created user templates per age that put them in decades, rather then years with the latin name like "quinquagenarian" which is synonym of "fiftysomething" thus showing "50+" [22:54:39] [3/6] You can add it yourself too. [22:54:39] [4/6] There are other userboxes that might be eligible for you to use on Meta, or you can copy to your own wiki. [22:54:39] [5/6] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1339006713860460544/image.png?ex=67ad26ae&is=67abd52e&hm=ecf9bc40f0e98aa07bd985197ad699e9452c41de112a3f240489044b76225295& [22:54:40] [6/6] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1339006714141347900/image.png?ex=67ad26ae&is=67abd52e&hm=4cf849983a20f0fc80255d165f4cad15444456d10153d43ee9ef60aaea48e25d& [22:54:40] [22:54:44] I am not a bot I don’t think [22:55:08] I can delete that message for you if you want, but trash can reactions don’t work [23:18:49] I heard PI is gonna stop working once Parsoid is forced [23:20:53] CA spent two months trying to get it to work to no avail [23:21:06] Although I don’t think we can let PI die [23:21:15] give its used on like 4k wikis [23:21:18] well I don’t think there are any plans to do that in the near future yet, so they have plenty of time to work on it [23:21:32] that’s the beauty of open source software: anyone can improve it [23:21:47] It’s probably gonna be on WMF to have mercy on us and let it work [23:21:50] If not [23:21:57] the WMF gods [23:22:05] we can invoke the other side of that beauty [23:22:19] you know what we need [23:22:35] MediaWiki compatibility layers for extensions and such [23:22:43] Hideous but barely functional patches to our pull of core [23:23:02] true [23:23:12] God please no that’s worse [23:23:21] that or reimplement the parser in Pi [23:23:53] https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/AU7VTzhg6snAnmqnK_pc [23:24:39] ward bless tim [23:25:28] I mean I could probably do that [23:25:51] I’d have to learn how first but I have like 3 hours until vinny vinesauce goes live so that’s enough time right [23:26:37] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1339014761991376967/lWxIWHi.png?ex=67ad2e2c&is=67abdcac&hm=d51e9fa1ca8ef7c21b4f1dd4723b1c2b15f849e9ec21c86c294c537e1900547d& [23:29:44] SO TRUE BESTIE [23:57:14] Bruh [23:57:23] it wont affect my wiki [23:57:28] it will [23:57:34] it'll affect everyones wiki [23:57:36] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407504500136607745/1339022376712671263 this is kinda miraheze [23:57:37] its just built different [23:58:48] Bruh, I thought we all get maintainace now [23:58:54] 💀 [23:59:34] that means your wiki will be DELETED!!1!!! sent to the point of no return!!!