[00:10:43] what about the css [00:58:16] sysop can't really edit the settings [01:27:07] Anyone know how to change the skew of text in CSS? [01:28:39] [1/3] Like, I'm trying to change this to 0deg but it doesn't seem to recognize the code? [01:28:39] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340132634617057440/image.png?ex=67b13f46&is=67afedc6&hm=678376c8f4df4237487b1dc896216468888c183e96f9914a08b2575a411c1486& [01:28:39] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340132634902265939/image.png?ex=67b13f46&is=67afedc6&hm=c0669e68718378e97327641f1df4576a28eaca55fa650098b006276c871dca55& [01:28:48] Didn't work for skewX either. [01:40:12] Nevermind. [02:29:25] Does anyone know why the comment box suddenly disappeared from my wiki ? even though comment streams are enabled? I haven’t touched any settings in months, and I’m honestly stumped as to why it just vanished like that. [02:34:59] linkie? [02:39:46] [1/2] Anyone know if the colors of these icons can be easily changed? [02:39:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340150533557850294/image.png?ex=67b14ff1&is=67affe71&hm=5b1af7509bd70fc06c694833c7d9791081774c8c73d310af48fee48a77cf07d0& [02:42:30] likely with css, link please ^_^ [02:44:13] https://mythcommunity.miraheze.org/wiki/Myth_Community_Wiki [02:44:35] Just all of those little icons in general. [02:48:18] .mw-portlet-body a { filter: invert(1); } [02:48:19] .mw-portlet-body a span { filter: invert(1); } [03:02:27] [1/6] Hey everyone, [03:02:28] [2/6] What’s the best way to test CSS on my wiki without it constantly getting cached and having to purge the page a million times? [03:02:28] [3/6] Ideally, I’d like to create temporary CSS files and use @import in the main styles for debugging. Then, once everything is finalized, I would move the styles back into Common.css / Citizen.css. [03:02:28] [4/6] Is there a better approach to this? Would love to hear your suggestions! [03:02:29] [5/6] Thanks! [03:02:29] [6/6] my wiki: https://capoeirawiki.org [03:03:33] Works, thank you. [03:03:38] yw ^_^ [03:04:42] Hi again. I want to ask how long does the image import take on Phorge [03:14:57] what you could do is make a css file on your computer and edit it and expose to localhost and load there [03:15:09] @mayuxi_ ^ [03:41:53] How do I make a character infobox [03:42:43] you can make an infobox with the portable infobox extension [03:43:19] Check dev wiki at Miraheze, search for Infobox character [03:43:45] Hmmm, nice solution! Thanks [03:45:48] [[Infobox]] [03:45:49] [04:08:07] Btw, why do my article number is zero while I have imported all my content pages? [04:09:06] Probably because the regenerate statistics script hasn’t been run [04:09:54] how do i activate it then [04:11:23] its on the server, tech has to do it [04:13:34] how long do i have to wait [04:14:20] You said you have an image import request open? [04:14:39] yes i do [04:14:58] I don't recall if puppet is currently running maintenance scripts, but if so it looks like it updates twice monthly, it's not realtime [04:16:05] they’ll run when thats done [04:18:34] Just relax, it will update itself eventually [04:19:15] thanks. and one more thing, how do you make the title of the main page disappeared and the content area widened? [04:42:43] [1/2] I use Extension NoTitle and magic word NOTITLE in the page code, so it make the title disappear from the page. Alternatevly, you can use CSS to hide title from specific pages. [04:42:43] [2/2] As for the wide content area - this depends on your skin. [05:09:48] quick question [05:10:03] can u change the subdomain and name of the wiki post request [05:10:20] or the names that r written there will stay forever [05:12:45] (forgot to specify i mean request to create the site btw xd) [05:12:45] If you're talking about after a wiki request has been approved, then you can change the wiki name (displayed on the wiki) through Special:ManageWiki/core at any time [05:13:00] To change the URL requires a [[phorge]] ticket [05:13:01] [05:13:11] ight thx uu [05:13:21] If the request hasn't been approved yet, though, you can always edit the request at any time [05:13:53] wanted to make sure as atm we dont have a name for these and i didnt know if i had to wait for that or i could begin working already and swap it later xd [05:14:18] okok [05:36:13] To clarify: The wikiname can always be changed in the settings, but not the subdomain. [05:36:45] oh ye i noticed that [05:36:59] (also nothing to do but nice to see another one of us here ngl xd) [05:37:38] well im in second year but still [05:37:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1250847476357795932/1331247484433076275/a-2-1-9.gif [05:51:23] What do you mean? [05:51:39] librarian [05:51:45] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/955782924375031838/1149382913658462298/tuh.gif [05:51:45] ah [05:51:57] I'm not a real librarian [05:51:59] 😄 [05:52:03] oh [05:52:12] thought i found another one [05:52:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340199078461575289/20231021_205312.webp?ex=67b17d28&is=67b02ba8&hm=96302d41e1d3e0e45b2323e757c9be4d96b873665af015462d4e1ef0531864ba& [05:52:44] im a second year student of information managment, library science and archives [05:52:47] That's my library [05:53:00] looks really good ngl [05:53:13] I love books 🙂 [05:54:12] Username checks out [05:54:14] same for me, but what i love even more is all the work for the clasification process ngl [05:54:49] Yup. all my books are aranged after year of publication [05:55:20] Per subject also [05:55:28] u dont use stuff like ddc or cutter?? [05:55:37] Nope [05:55:40] o [05:55:42] Handwritten 😄 [05:55:58] It's just a hobby [05:56:09] makes sense xd [05:56:38] working with ddc can be kinda hard if u dont have the right training ngl [05:56:51] Likely [05:57:04] 1 single digit wrong and the whole number is messed up [05:57:32] amyway ur clasification is basically the same soo [05:58:04] if it works it means u r doing it right [06:14:03] [1/2] somehow I can as sysop on two wikis, the permission to edit settings is managewiki [06:14:03] [2/2] as for CSS same groups [06:16:04] managewiki should be default be just crat I think. CSS, would be interface, so either admin or interface admin I believe [06:20:08] ManageWiki does default to only bureaucrat having access [06:20:49] was it always like that? [06:21:21] I mean it's logical, I agree [06:21:56] but I don't recall those two wikis' bureaus messing w/ permissions, and they made me sysop [06:26:07] Pretty sure, that is the software defaults even, it's the main reason for the crat group really, it actually can't do much beside managewiki by default. If anything it is relatively recentish, that it got split into multiple managewiki permissions, used, to just be one for all of it, where you can actually give partial access now [06:29:24] Indeed, all used to be part of one single right until it was split during the WikiTide days [07:33:13] probably dumbest question ever but Miraheze own all URL's starting with miraheze.org and onwards right [07:35:48] Not dumb, but as expected, yes, anything at miraheze.org is held by the foundation. [07:36:27] if you're not aracham who's aracham [08:05:28] one of the most common questions in this server [08:06:59] where's armroom [08:07:01] did you kill him [08:07:06] 😢 [08:07:20] me [08:08:01] changing your pfp and name for shits and giggles is crazy work [08:40:46] my long lost brother i still haven't located [08:40:59] sadge [08:45:02] [say whaaaaaaaaaaaat](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1309897209294360586.png?size=160&name=say+whaaaaaaaaaaaat) [09:05:17] <_arawynn, replying to lasoyas> I work in a library. Not a librarian but I did an apprenticeship^^ [10:03:16] In which channel can I use /verify. When I write the cmd it says "No verifications are set for this channel" [10:08:02] #verify [10:08:14] just hit the button [14:41:57] oh nicee [14:42:07] ive met a lot of people who have worked like this [14:42:23] idk why i havent done personally myself tho xd [14:42:29] but its really fun [14:43:40] are you allowed to add "-" to a wiki's subdomain? [14:44:03] Pretty sure not [14:44:20] ah [14:44:20] ok [15:42:53] [1/3] how does the search decide what image to display because I want it to display this other image instead [15:42:54] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340347613425176646/image.png?ex=67b2077d&is=67b0b5fd&hm=c4bd53a7ca310cb9af9cab9c0b25acf0b1202d5d1ca419e3f1aba249c2cddac0& [15:42:54] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340347613672636466/image.png?ex=67b2077d&is=67b0b5fd&hm=6cdf5cda6678e49935caac747947d5412f53539f0000c761e640a2cb6e91f2e9& [15:48:25] [[mw:Extension:PageImages]] I think [15:48:26] [15:48:39] PageImages extension has its own algorithm of deciding what's the best image, you can force other image manually w/ WikiSEO extension fucntion [15:48:50] alright thanks [16:00:03] is that roblox [16:00:04] 🤩 [16:00:57] yeah [16:01:15] can i visit your wiki [16:01:19] sure [16:01:30] https://overborne.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [16:02:06] its just me working on it [16:05:35] Stackd is like [16:05:44] A happy puppy when he sees a Roblox wiki [16:06:41] [1/4] DiscussionTools just isn't doing anything [16:06:41] [2/4] I enable it in Special:ManageWiki/extensions, wait ages, still nothing. [16:06:42] [3/4] Tried turning it off and on tons of times [16:06:42] [4/4] Works on my other wiki [16:09:09] Others do work, seems to be just DiscussionTools that is refusing to work [16:09:22] Do you see it in Special:Version? [16:10:09] [1/2] Welp that'd definitely be a start [16:10:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340354472949452831/HoCqNR1.png?ex=67b20de0&is=67b0bc60&hm=2d40978be13760280b3f8ca5d9ee9ff45cb9aa9e488374e7432b084381523eb4& [16:11:14] Guessing it's Phorge time unless you have any suggestions [16:12:56] Do you guys think this is a bug or a configuration change request [16:13:10] It'd be a bug [16:13:46] 🤫 [16:17:57] [1/2] Cute nickname, but let's not do spoofing / riffing on others' usernames. [16:17:57] [2/2] Not personally bothered, but jokes have turned into full-on issues in the past. 😦 [16:18:04] ah [16:18:19] apologies [16:20:04] No worries, just a friendly heads up before we start creeping back into trouble. [16:21:00] All fun and games until some goofball decides to take it too far and impersonate a mod 'as a joke' (real story). [18:13:09] [1/2] hmm if i wanted to stack subheaders like this how could i make it work [18:13:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340385428263538779/image.png?ex=67b22ab5&is=67b0d935&hm=1d7918e5946f05686a99ad1a2fac363ed9f4c81d353ebbbfa1a3b05a84d429f0& [18:35:33] Hi! I just wanted to mention that i have started a property request related to Miraheze on Wikidata link:https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal/Miraheze_wiki_ID [18:36:55] Oh, dope! [18:37:04] Thanks mate [18:38:06] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340391706738299022/IMG_2482.png?ex=67b2308e&is=67b0df0e&hm=ed08154ddf3dd209871b35f0d171f2c41f1149d07e7f719d62af0f3431d04f07& [18:38:24] @Discord Moderators [18:38:45] oh cool, I just posted it on -offtopic [18:38:50] Damn it [18:39:12] 😎 [18:39:28] You did it WRONG!1!!1!1 [18:39:39] IT DIDNT DELETE ALL THE MESSAGES!! [18:39:41] I remember when I first became mod, I tried to ban a user but accidentally banned Wiki-Bot [18:39:42] oops [18:39:52] 💔 [18:41:12] I accidentally banned a once real user soooo [18:45:51] A reminder please not to comment on the wiki request unless you've got meaningful things to say. Please do not all just support because you think we're cool and you saw it here because it'll be seen as canvassing. [18:47:14] I don’t think we’ll vote brigade [18:47:22] very few people will truthfully care about that [18:47:56] Our average user age some days feels like 12, some users definitely would [18:48:49] Are you basing the average user age on the reception wikis? [18:49:09] Possibly [18:49:41] Hello from IRC too Guest55 [18:49:52] And thanks for raising the wikidata proposal [18:49:55] It's a great idea [18:56:41] might as well since we link to the wiki farm so much anyways [18:57:44] it's gonna be only on wikidata, not like on actual wp articles? [18:58:08] also thanks for you using pizza tower wiki as example [22:06:07] is there a way to make a page use a different skin then the rest of the wiki [22:06:38] main page for example [22:11:55] [1/2] in extensions [22:11:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340445514214412389/image.png?ex=67b262aa&is=67b1112a&hm=85bf9f667ddc5569f1787e02904d7996db269f704a0d001921e245f9bdc25ca3& [22:12:41] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SkinPerPage [22:24:09] thanks [23:31:33] [1/2] hey css gang what tf does ">" and "+" mean is this just math or [23:31:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340465554321965147/fpf0mfCSzLhGxlQi.mp4?ex=67b27554&is=67b123d4&hm=404d848719f79b50566b5f28be07034d39b29fb77e3a0ed596c62753f18a3300& [23:58:35] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_selectors/Selectors_and_combinators#combinators