[00:12:23] Is anyone else having trouble uploading files to wikis? Because I am. [00:13:08] Just getting a error :/ [00:13:34] What’s the error? [00:13:38] Is it all files? [00:14:49] quick question, how do i access the wiki i requested [00:15:07] it got aproved like 5 hours ago but didnt see the message until now xd [00:17:03] [1/3] yep, I just tried posting a file, I tried using the editor and the upload file section, the upload file section says "something went wrong." [00:17:04] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340477006449737728/image.png?ex=67b27fff&is=67b12e7f&hm=a977c65e5652867ee05c232bc7255f219187bcfff1a70e1eea9347caa4a8384a& [00:17:04] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340477006764048414/image.png?ex=67b27fff&is=67b12e7f&hm=d2c5e6c9a6ccb8790a9a94ce116f552c02214907b2f7159a8a0f3f37916b6c62& [00:17:53] wait, just making sure, was I allowed to send these images here? [00:19:18] It should give you the url [00:19:33] in the format of subdomain.miraheze.org [00:20:11] Oh totally man haha [00:20:51] If it isn’t violating any conduct policies confidential NSFW or disruptive you’re good [00:21:12] these are annoying since they don’t give an error code for us to lookup and trace the issje [00:21:43] Does the normal Special:Upload work? [00:21:45] Ah, thanks for letting me know. These errors are very annoying indeed haha [00:21:55] ye just found it thx uu [00:21:55] going to try that real quick [00:21:58] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1250847476357795932/1331247484433076275/a-2-1-9.gif [00:23:04] IT WORKED! YES! [00:23:21] Alright, seems to be an issue with the visual editor then. Let me try [00:24:02] Drat, I’m logged out and left my key at home, so I can’t test [00:24:15] And I don’t think beta is a good replacement haha [00:24:38] The joys of needing a physical key to logij [00:27:33] uhm,bro [00:45:56] see this [02:09:39] [arson](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1340255663103672332.png?size=160&name=arson) [02:09:41] arsoj [02:11:25] arson [02:52:05] i keep getting a notif that theres a 5 file limit to BatchUpload, is there a way around this, or another option (outside of UploadWizard) to mass upload files? [02:53:02] Hi claire [02:59:01] hi [02:59:02] for reference me and another editor are forking a wiki currently and we need to mass upload images with their descriptions [03:04:51] i use msupload [03:04:59] really useful no limit 🙂‍↕️ [03:05:26] are you able to add descriptions when uploading through msupload? [03:05:26] only downside is that it adds "Uploaded via MsUpload" in the file summary [03:05:32] no unfortunately [03:05:49] you could mass edit them via regex [03:07:27] not terribly interested in going through that route, esp when im not an admin. with 900 images manually editing one by one doesnt sound great either [03:23:41] i dislike the video [03:37:46] did u not see the caption. [04:34:36] down? [04:35:19] what.. [04:35:31] saying refused to connect [04:35:40] … [04:35:50] I’m going to sleep :zuka_content: [04:36:42] @Infrastructure Specialists NGINX drove off a cliff and died [04:48:55] or is it cp36? [04:48:59] > [16/02/2025 15:33] PROBLEM - cp36 Nginx Backend for swiftproxy171 on cp36 is CRITICAL: connect to address localhost and port 8207: Connection refused [04:51:46] hm [04:52:06] and it's back :3 [04:55:40] the power of claire [05:31:13] Hi. I want to ask how to enable ShortDescription and Previews extensios? [05:36:13] Special:ManageWiki/extensions [06:05:58] I have enabled but in the article page it exists the line"[Short description:] that I cant delete it [06:33:26] After enabling the ShortDescription extension, you will need to edit a page and add {{SHORTDESC}} code. Example: To add Bacon ipsum dolor amet turkey as short description, simply add {{SHORTDESC:Bacon ipsum dolor amet turkey}} on the page. [06:33:27] [1/2] [06:33:27] [2/2] [06:35:43] I've already did that. Do it conflict with the Short description template bc I also imported that too [07:51:27] how would i add category to all files in a page [07:57:54] [1/2] the last 3 were 1000 pixels what the fuck do you mean theyre smaller [07:57:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340592984844009473/image.png?ex=67b2ec02&is=67b19a82&hm=976303c730178a1e1d5b99799c3c061956d906c9b1baa519c4d0d56d015deb09& [07:58:01] @theoneandonlylegroom [07:59:00] that sounds mean [07:59:09] sorry [07:59:28] why pinging me [07:59:36] uhh this [07:59:44] id ping for assistancew [07:59:58] you are in volunteer support server [08:00:05] you don't ping random people [08:00:11] oh tthat [08:00:17] besides, I don't even have support anymore [08:00:26] damn [08:01:27] idk what's your problem here, is this social profile extension? i don't use it [08:02:09] yes [08:20:26] Hi. I am asking my question about the short description above, I just reconnected [08:22:08] userprofilev2 solos icl [08:22:20] you want manual/custom descriptions? [08:23:02] WikiSEO offers that too, but I'd say doing this for each page might get tasking [08:23:26] textextract extension + some settings in SEO tab add automatic descriptions from page's first paragraph [08:24:19] No I mean I have activated the ShortDescription extension, but when I type in the {{SHORTDESC}} it gives  me this: https://imgur.com/a/Yn3w0h3 [08:24:55] The extension still works, but it just gives this unnecessary line [08:58:28] [1/4] Hello! For the past year or so I've been putting a wiki together on Wikidot but I'm getting tired of its poor documentation and support that seems to have died many years ago, so I'm looking to move to something more modern. [08:58:29] [2/4] I'm considering making the jump to Miraheze, but the issue is that my wiki has over 100 pages and I want to make sure I will be able to make the transition easily enough. Will I be able to copy stuff over without much hassle? How would I go about this? [08:58:29] [3/4] Here's the wiki: video-game-compilations.wikidot.com [08:58:29] [4/4] Thanks! [09:06:40] [1/4] Wikidot is a different wiki engine, contrary to MediaWiki, the most widely used atm [09:06:40] [2/4] there's a script which supposed to convert Wikidot format to MediaWiki, but such cases are so few and we can't tell how successful it can be [09:06:41] [3/4] check this Miraheze migration guide [09:06:41] [4/4] [[Moving a wiki to Miraheze]] [09:06:41] [09:06:59] Thanks, I'll give it a look! [11:15:18] [1/2] Hi, does anyone know why the template switcher on my wiki doesn't work like on wikipedia? [11:15:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340642658577813524/Screenshot_20250216-175044.png?ex=67b31a45&is=67b1c8c5&hm=bf459eb53344295cbe3750636dd7744c1b0be337425bd37f55f61fd26d8c31f9& [12:29:26] > ...Switcher uses [MediaWiki:Gadget-switcher.js](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-switcher.js)... [13:27:08] [1/2] how do I do this [13:27:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1340675835132117012/image.png?ex=67b3392b&is=67b1e7ab&hm=66ccacce08388c57c107f7b8b1e8c6fcb95adab5e94b6f3a1dcb9cc007d237e4& [13:42:53] very dangerous fyi, you'll need to prohibit all users from editing your wiki if you wanna enable that [13:46:16] on miraheze you don't [13:46:29] arbitrary html is an absurdly high security risk [13:48:05] ^ [14:19:11] There should be some wikidot to mediawiki converters, I’ve never used them but am interested, if you try and move forward let me know, I’d be glad to help troubleshoot or such in the process [14:30:11] it's on 2.9 python [14:30:20] according to our migration guide [14:32:27] Oh gods [14:37:29] b [14:56:41] I see found https://github.com/bodekerscientific/wikidot-to-mediawiki also if that helps at all [14:57:01] I think this one may work on more modern version of Python then the linked one [14:57:05] that's awesome, I'll check this out. Thank you so much [14:57:39] Course [14:57:49] Wikidot is fun [14:57:58] Actually I wonder [14:58:05] it's dying ... [14:59:20] @digitaldragon has wikiteam made a wikidot script by chance? [14:59:25] Yeah.. [14:59:34] I won't be surprised if its biggest wikis will look into MediaWiki in the near future [14:59:53] Actually [14:59:58] SCP Wiki has made its choice [15:00:03] https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/wikidot [15:00:04] hmm [15:00:11] or try to make something very close to wikidot [15:00:28] That’s what they’re doing [15:00:40] wikicomma! [15:00:49] wikicoma [15:01:07] The SCP Wiki is going forward with Project Foundation, a.k.a. WikiJump [15:01:19] smh lame name /lh [15:01:20] https://github.com/scpwiki/wikijump [15:01:21] ah [15:01:32] interesting [15:02:12] Yep. Feels like I've been pouring hours into a sinking ship, wanna get out asap [15:03:24] We’re here to help [15:03:40] I really appreciate it. [15:06:44] and hopefully if it works well we can better document the process in the future for people also wanting to wiki jump before wikijump [15:07:23] I'll try to keep a log of how it all goes as I do everything. I'm not super technical so it might take a little while. [15:07:43] Bey [15:07:53] Python can be a pain at times [15:17:43] https://github.com/archiveteam/wikidot-grab archive team themselves made a thing huh [15:30:59] Stumbled on this, it may be a nicer experience then messing with the command line if that isn’t your jam: http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Warrior [15:31:29] This definitely looks more my speed. Thanks! [15:32:30] Thank the ArchiveTeam for their incredible work [15:32:42] although this is just a downloaded, not a converter [15:33:40] Im not actually sure if it’s the same format that’s needed to convert, but worst case sen, you can rest a bit easier knowing that if wikidot dies tomorrow your contents will be backed up [15:35:44] For sure. If it comes to it, doing a few things from scratch might not be the worst thing anyways. [15:35:45] Maybe one day I’ll have the time in my life to write something that can use Warrior’s export format [15:50:10] Ahh yes, the good old "Maybe one day" xD [15:51:37] One my friend called the American education system stops steam rolling me [16:27:16] Is there a built-in way or an extension I could use to set up a page that has checkboxes at the top that enable/disable sets of content on the rest of the page? [16:30:27] I be glad when uni finishes and I get a day of my life back [16:34:14] Can I ask a question related to fandom here or should I ask in #offtopic [16:34:24] What do you mean related to fandom [16:34:45] As in the question isn't about Miraheze [16:34:48] In relation to moving to miraheze, general pan-fandom, or fandom support [16:34:56] Fandom support for the lack of a better term [16:35:10] You’d probably be better off at discord.gg/fandom [16:35:38] Cheers [16:36:34] :ThinkerMH: [17:59:02] i'm not aware of one, no :( [17:59:17] Apparently there is lmao [17:59:24] It’s in Warrior [17:59:31] . [17:59:45] I don’t think/know if it’s in the same format as the common conversation scripts [18:00:06] If so there’s plus one hacka project if anyone wants to mess around:p [18:00:35] yeah, that's a DPoS project and not a standard dump script [18:01:52] DPoS? [18:03:45] the distributed projects that go into the Wayback Machine, use https://tracker.archiveteam.org and so on (Distributed Denial Preservation of Service) [18:05:36] They exist to preserve, not export) [18:06:00] I need to be very careful to not nerd snipe myself [18:06:40] You still supposed to be doing maths? [18:09:27] Among other things [18:09:46] Study for math on Wednesday and finish two more pages and other stuff of a paper by Friday [18:10:30] What sort of exam is it? [18:10:45] Like a mock or a genuine important one [18:10:52] [1/2] Good luck with the exam~ [18:10:53] [2/2] (Whether mock or genuine.) [18:12:16] Uh import but not the huge ones [18:12:38] Like every unit we do we have a test then every so often we have a BIG one combining previous stuff [18:16:04] @pixldev are they grade counting? [18:16:13] I have no idea how Americans do exams [18:16:26] Same ngl [18:16:33] I don't either. [18:16:37] dont they have something called the GPA [18:16:47] Weird way to do it but aight [18:17:01] Yes a GPA is an American thing [18:17:16] But is it like here with GCSEs and A-Levels where it's one big bang [18:18:06] Or do you like a paper every term and that adds up at the end [18:19:40] Grade point averages are numerical scores from 0 to 4 that denote how well a student is doing in a particular class, calculated by taking the average of all grades a student has received for said class and scaling them down to fit the 0-4 range [18:19:40] Also evening @originalauthority [18:19:47] HS or college ones? [18:20:01] Pix age exams [18:20:19] Yes; odd way to do it imp [18:20:22] Good eve [18:23:13] I have a 4.1 smt [19:10:25] new wiki engine mentioned!!!1!!!!11!!1!!1! /HJ [19:11:31] the inevitable will eventually come to us - the "Tổ chức SCP" [21:09:18] Why is scp moving? [21:17:53] Because wikidot sucks and is basically unmaintained and falling apart [21:18:07] wikidot is on a deathbed [21:18:52] http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Wikidot [21:18:54] funny, I saw once someone on twitter bashing on Miraheze an saying they'll go to wikidot [21:21:23] deranged [21:46:20] someone who thinks like that is welcome to go there tbh, made for each other [22:15:03] does miraheze have any cons? [22:15:12] thats sad [22:16:20] lack of seo advantage I guess [22:17:01] some people would name slow support but that's due to volunteer nature of the project, not an issue to me [22:17:36] and total newbies getting confused at first [22:17:54] I already was an experienced admin when I joined here [22:18:06] <_arawynn> There's a lot you need to/should learn that comes with the many options provided [22:19:23] it's worth it, because you'll get better as an admin overall too [22:24:28] patchy support and being more DIY are definitely things to weigh in [22:24:47] it's not instant get in and go like fandom is designed to be, doesn't have the paid devs to gloss over various rough edges and such [22:34:31] if the wiki uses custom "something.wiki" domain, no issues are expected w/ switching to root domain (removing /wiki/)? [22:34:55] in indexing I mean [22:35:19] not like our indexing has recovered after going custom