[10:30:26] Phorge cloaks? [10:36:42] cesar[m]1: in irc jargon, a cloak or a vhost refers to a custom text displayed instead of the actual host where you are connecting to the network [10:37:17] not sure if it displays on the matrix side, but I'm currently cloaked as "mediawiki/majavah" (which shows that I'm affiliated with the mediawiki project) [10:39:35] taavi: Okay, I'm not familiar with IRC, and I can't see your cloak here. It just displays as taavi [11:09:35] maybe if you click or hover over taavi's name [11:35:50] Nope. It comes up with @ taavi:libera.chat [11:35:58] Withou tthe space [13:55:42] Yeah, it might not work the same way on [13:55:45] matrix