[02:34:24] hey, is there any way for `phd` to stay in foreground somehow? [02:37:11] hmm, actually phd start call phd-daemon [02:37:19] calls^ [02:40:23] https://secure.phabricator.com/Q124 unhelpful as always :-) [02:57:25] after further browse of the internet, people have the same issue as i do, all the solutions are hacky bc theres no internal way of dealing with it. too bad. [16:04:17] I thought there was a “debug” command for the daemons for exactly that purpose [16:04:50] yeah, but it spits out enormous amounts of data [16:05:13] i am writing up a shell script that will poke status every 1s and it'll be my "foreground" daemon [16:05:27] and will take signals for graceful stop [16:06:26] there are some alternatives in the internet, some sketchy ways to make it run under supervisord, but they either spawn workers directly or do some code changes [16:06:55] nothing that just can be applied over the phd without risking future incompatibilities [16:08:42] best would be something like debug, but.. without enabling debug output ;-) [16:09:01] like redirecting logs from typical log destination to stdout and "thats it"