[21:36:59] "(asking for general health of..." <- [21:36:59] I love this project and it's ready to use and I use it, but it's not really welcome for new contributions. Even changing 3 lines of code can require 3 weeks of code review, since current maintainers have no time to help afaik. [21:36:59] I don't expect much lifetime from such situation where people just like to don't have their changes merged to upstream to save everbody lifetime. [22:14:50] s///, s/3/2/ [22:16:42] * I love this project and it's ready to use and I use it, but it's not really welcome for new contributions. Even changing 3 lines of code can require 2 weeks of code review, since current maintainers have no time to help afaik. Other projects have tons of pull requests and burnout, here a single simple diff can stale. [22:16:42] I don't expect much lifetime from such community-brake situation, where people just like to don't have their changes proposed and merged to upstream, since it's too difficult, too time consuming, so don't collaborate save everybody lifetime. [22:17:52] * I love this project and it's ready to use and I use it, but it's not really welcome for new contributions. Even changing 3 lines of code can require 2 weeks of code review, since current maintainers have no time to help afaik. Other projects have tons of pull requests and burnout, here a single simple diff can stale. [22:17:52] I don't expect much lifetime from such community-brake situation, where people just like to don't have their changes proposed and merged to upstream, since it's too difficult (from both parts), too time consuming (from both parts), so Phorge community just decrease over time. [22:19:08] * I love this project and it's ready to use and I use it, but it's not really welcome for new contributions. Even changing 3 lines of code can require 2 weeks of code review, since current maintainers have no time to help afaik. Other projects have tons of pull requests and burnout, here a single simple diff can stale. [22:19:08] I don't expect much lifetime from such community-brake situation, where people just like to don't have their changes proposed and merged to upstream, since it's too difficult (from both parts), too time consuming (from both parts), so Phorge community just decrease over time. Everybody know this, and for me it's just sad since I love Phorge and I would donate 100€ if possible and contribute more if less time expensive. [22:23:09] For example I proposed a working patch that it's very short and fixes this bug but I received just the sound of silence :D https://we.phorge.it/T15137