[02:38:10] reviews.llvm.org (phabricator) has a huge differential_changeset_parse_cache: 443397.97MiB. is it safe to clear the table to mitigate disk size problem? [02:39:05] https://gist.github.com/MaskRay/4c16ea3a25d6adb272b7cdd1f3c18c0c [02:54:27] <^[> The migrations have cleared that table in the past, so it seems safe, but maybe someone else here can give a more certain answer. [02:55:52] <^[> Sorry to hear that LLVM is moving away from Phabricator. [03:01:30] ^[: thx. i am sad as well, so i wrote https://maskray.me/blog/2023-09-09-reflections-on-llvm-switch-to-github-pull-requests [04:30:08] Hi Admin. I signed up last week using email ken@kni.... (and clicked the email to verify) but not received approval yet. It just says "wait patiently" . [04:31:57] who should i speak to in order to get this approved? [06:14:28] @meowray: you can use `bin/cache` to safely clear caches - it should include this cache as well. [06:14:28] This table sounds like it should be ok to clear... [06:15:16] Guest32 / `ken@kni..` - I've approved your account. [06:16:05] thanksĀ  for approving. much appreciated [06:16:16] Avivey: `./bin/cache purge --all` prints `Purging "changeset" cache...` but differential_changeset_parse_cache is still very large... [06:17:58] err, I don't have the code in front of me, so I'm hesitant to commit to a better answer... [12:37:42] Codewise, is there a performant way to find out how active a user account has been? I'm aware of $user->getDateCreated() to get account age. But I'm wondering about activity. Basically like "First contribution of this user!" badges in GitLab. [13:02:10] to answer my own question above: use the array length of the $stories in the feed on the user page [16:04:45] https://reviews.llvm.org/D149759 hmm, clearing harbormaster has caused a problem: Argument 1 passed to idx() must be of the type array, null given, called in /srv/http/phabricator/src/applications/harbormaster/storage/build/HarbormasterBuildUnitMessage.php on line 158 [16:10:19] ok, fixed with `return $this->properties ? idx($this->properties, $key, $default) : $default;`