[20:30:52] Does anyone know if the conduit api supports editing maniphest comments? [20:55:23] I tried passing the comment phid to maniphest.edit, but that didn't seem to work [21:01:58] hmm [21:06:58] brennen: wave :) [21:19:11] any ideas on who may know brennen? [21:43:23] jhathaway: not sure, but i feel like it's probably done somewhere [21:43:41] yeah, any idea where I might go splunking [21:43:47] hmm: https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/search/?q=maniphest.edit&files=&excludeFiles=&repos= [21:45:42] looks like only adding comments [21:46:04] browser does it via a post to https://phabricator.wmcloud.org/transactions/edit/PHID-XACT-TASK-2ng25xldw4ziepn/ as an example [21:46:19] can I call that endpoint with an api token?