[09:21:21] Not really sure if this is the right place, but since there's a lot of WM folk: Is it possible to find previous Differentials in WM's Phabricator nowadays? [09:21:53] Had to go to Wayback for http://web.archive.org/web/20210530013327/https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/D775, since GitLab search brought up nothing for it [09:30:41] Tracked the commits down on Gitlab; Turns out I had to do a per-repository search to get commit info, and Hound/WMCodeSearch doesn't support commit message search :/ [10:14:04] plat0: No it is not possible, as we switched off Differential [10:14:37] plat0: but if you're looking for something specific, just tell :)