[11:18:32] Hello, I'm getting an error about phabricator:20190718.paste.01.edge.sql, with "Table 'phabricator_pastebin.edge' doesn't exist". This is a brand new install, I've created all the tables in bin/storage databases, which didn't include pastebin, then had to create pastebin and grant permission, now it complains about no table "edge" there. [11:26:33] nm, I've basically removed everything and just did it with root [13:29:18] erez why didn't you use `bin/storage upgrade` ? [13:48:35] I did. That's what got me the error [13:48:43] Sorry for jumping ahead [13:50:01] I tried creating a user for the DB and use it for bin/storage upgrade [13:50:26] that's supposed to work [13:51:01] How? You can't give it a restricted user because you can't use a restricted user to create a DB [13:51:45] So I had to use the root user with bin/storage upgrade, and only then could add the restricted user, after I GRANTed it on all new DBs [13:52:00] you're right [13:52:26] I meant it should be possible to have a restricted user in the real config, and use a super-user for the bin/storage upgrade flow [13:52:58] the `upgrade` flow needs super-user [13:55:55] something is strange there, the `quickstart` file talks about `pastebin`, but the 2019 migration renames that db to `paste`. [13:57:18] it should work itself out, the migrations would run once and rename the db [13:57:37] unless it tries to run twice (because of some error in the first run?) [13:59:21] Yes, btw, can I just point it to a folder that has a bunch of git repos? [13:59:54] what, to import them as new Repositories? no [14:01:01] I've basically installed on the server that I use as my git server, and thought it would be as simple as. [14:01:50] I mean, these are all the "remotes" [14:05:41] no, it doesn't do that [14:06:34] you also can't use `/other/directory/repo/1` as the remote to observe, you have to go via http/ssh. [14:17:03] Alright, then. [22:55:01] If you don't want to use http or ssh to access the repo files then you can import the repo and have phorge host it