[03:50:41] PROBLEM - testwiki.wiki SSL on server.testwiki.wiki is WARNING: WARNING - Certificate 'testwiki.wiki' expires in 15 day(s) (Tue 25 Jun 2024 03:48:07 AM GMT +0000). [15:22:41] RECOVERY - testwiki.wiki SSL on server.testwiki.wiki is OK: OK - Certificate 'testwiki.wiki' will expire on Sat 07 Sep 2024 02:21:07 PM GMT +0000. [15:23:33] !log renewed SSL [15:25:02] !log renewed SSL [15:35:45] [02mediawiki] 07MacFan4000 pushed 031 commit to 03REL1_41 [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/676e763bd504...229fa4c17e17 [15:35:48] [02mediawiki] 07MacFan4000 03229fa4c - Update LocalSettings.php [15:36:33] !log renewed SSL [15:36:34] Logged the message at https://testwiki.wiki/wiki/Test_Wiki:Server_admin_log Master [16:53:52] huh, did the master update PR remove the crat protection grant? [16:56:36] Yup