[15:44:51] Justaran: for the record, the issue is that you also have to update the extensions submodule in the mediawiki repo [19:58:21] read the logs, thanks for the clarity, MacFan [20:06:09] [02extensions] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 031 commit to 03master [+1/-0/±0] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/extensions/compare/59f3fd745d8f...06e5eba5efa2 [20:06:10] [02extensions] 07Justarandomamerican 0306e5eba - Reapply "add submodule" This reverts commit 59f3fd745d8f5338a802f729988870e37483711d. [20:06:43] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 032 commits to 03REL1_41 [+0/-0/±2] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/477a0d9f69e6...5087b99d95ea [20:06:44] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 03bd51d85 - Reapply "Add report extension config settings" This reverts commit 477a0d9f69e6c422850d57939db1208d53e799c6. [20:06:47] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 035087b99 - Reapply "Load the extension" This reverts commit ca7ef2cad2fbb5e8e6047590ef407bb2e1cdfc15. [20:29:04] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 031 commit to 03REL1_41 [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/5087b99d95ea...1cd7400d333b [20:29:07] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 031cd7400 - Update extensions [20:53:55] PROBLEM - MediaWiki Rendering on server.testwiki.wiki is CRITICAL: HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error - 1613 bytes in 0.008 second response time [20:54:43] working on it [21:02:30] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 032 commits to 03REL1_41 [+0/-0/±2] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/1cd7400d333b...c2b59a023253 [21:02:32] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 03c213cd0 - Revert "Reapply "Add report extension config settings"" This reverts commit bd51d8566bc8ffb53ab0f18a1b3b83d477ccf714. [21:02:35] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 03c2b59a0 - Revert "Reapply "Load the extension"" Temporary fix [21:06:55] RECOVERY - MediaWiki Rendering on server.testwiki.wiki is OK: HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 27541 bytes in 0.137 second response time [21:20:42] MacFan4000: now the issue is that I have to manually push to the server and it doesn't appear to be fully pulling the report extension from the github mirror [21:22:07] Did you CD into the extensions directory and run sudo git submodule update —init [21:28:52] ah. i ran update, just not init [21:29:21] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 032 commits to 03REL1_41 [+0/-0/±2] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/c2b59a023253...054e6a3b685e [21:29:25] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 032a8e2a4 - Reapply "Reapply "Load the extension"" This reverts commit c2b59a023253a41af8122ff18f8be9da21f0e2ad. [21:29:28] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 03054e6a3 - Reapply "Add report extension config settings" This reverts commit c213cd0e1b979ccb2cafddc3e267308d915a3591. [21:30:35] !log ran update.php to finish installing the report extension [21:30:36] Logged the message at https://testwiki.wiki/wiki/Test_Wiki:Server_admin_log Master [23:51:23] [02extensions] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 031 commit to 03master [+1/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/extensions/compare/06e5eba5efa2...bd43bf688418 [23:51:24] [02extensions] 07Justarandomamerican 03bd43bf6 - Add UnusedRedirects extension [23:53:41] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 031 commit to 03REL1_41 [+0/-0/±2] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/054e6a3b685e...f17fdf4179c9 [23:53:44] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 03f17fdf4 - Add unused redirect extension