[08:54:52] PROBLEM - procs on server.testwiki.wiki is WARNING: PROCS WARNING: 257 processes [08:55:52] RECOVERY - procs on server.testwiki.wiki is OK: PROCS OK: 200 processes [17:27:38] [discord] @Stewards a bot has been granted crat without your authorization [17:27:40] [discord] https://discord.com/channels/1120379200428326912/1138926103252189335/1327688621050036287 [17:32:20] [discord] esolved by justa [17:32:24] [discord] resolved by justa (edited) [21:58:19] [discord] it's inevitable that ai driven captchas are going to be busted by bots [21:58:58] [discord] the value of captcha isn't even the captcha tbh, it's an algorithm rating the riskiness of your connection, unfortunately spam has increasingly varied sources. If you use a VPN you will have more of a pain in the ass experience than connecting from a residential IP just for example