[01:40:02] Anyone around who knows how recoin works? [01:41:17] It works for instances of 'satellite campus' (Q4819632) but not 'main campus' (Q107715905) [01:42:10] What I get is there is some table, somewhere, it looks at, lol. [15:21:45] inductiveload, https://cocatalog.loc.gov/help/regnum.htm [15:21:58] (pad to 12 characters) [15:22:44] Not that the actual reg # is padded, but search urls ar the cocatalog site are. [15:26:25] inductiveload, https://www.copyright.gov/historic-records/admin-classification.pdf gives the prefixes [18:24:08] Lol, the 'official map' of this University shows the whole town and can be summarized as 'on the west side across the street from the movie theater'. [20:59:17] Jarnsax: hmm these don't seem the same as the ones I'm used to [21:01:13] Eg https://exhibits.stanford.edu/copyrightrenewals/catalog/RE430761 [21:02:43] Oh I see [21:06:35] Hmm so I guess the format is actually something like [A-Z]( [a-z]+\. |[A-Z a-z]+)\d+ [21:19:16] Is there a central URL for looking them up? [23:59:27] not as far as I know