[02:18:57] [Q] What technology do you recommend using for creating an interactive visualizator for Wikidata (i.e. nodes with edges) in a web browser? I'm asking this because I want to create a web application that would show a graph of the data at Wikidata. [07:11:44] Like https://angryloki.github.io/wikidata-graph-builder/? [07:12:43] That uses d3, which is fairly common library for data visualisation [08:41:37] pintoch: starting with the description, that sounds easy enough! [08:41:40] let me look for that endpoint [08:59:56] addshore: for the English version of the Wikidata endpoint I run, it is https://wikidata.reconci.link/en/api [09:00:17] epic [14:50:44] addshore: one of the main things that has been holding me back from starting this Wikibase extension is the lack of a dev environment for PHP. What editor should I use? How do I run tests there? Is there a best way to set up a Wikibase to develop an extension in it? and so on :) [14:51:05] I have looked at things like https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Developing_extensions but they do not talk much about this [14:51:47] What IDE do you normally use? [14:52:34] I might actually use you as a perfect person to figure out some sort of onboarding flow :P [14:59:16] I use Eclipse for my Java work, and plain old text editors for other things (vim or emacs depending on the language) [14:59:39] so, either Jetbrains IDEs or VSCode I'd recommend [14:59:51] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Visual_Studio_Code [15:00:00] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/JetBrains_IDEs [15:01:59] nice! [15:04:15] in both cases I need to get some licenses, right? is it easier to get a license for the PHP tools for VSCode or for the JetBrains IDE? [15:04:46] If you're a student, you get all the products for free—that license process is super easy to go through. [15:05:30] Otherwise, you can just follow the "How do I get a license?" instructions on addshore's second link [15:06:05] Yeah, for both afaik you need some sort of licence [15:06:15] not for vscode itself, but for the plugin I use for PHP at least [15:06:27] in both cases we have open source licences availible [15:06:37] vscode i can send you in a PM right now [15:06:54] PHPStorm is, from what I've heard, super crazy great. And I can say that from personal experience the rest of Jetbrains's products are spectacular.. [15:07:13] Yeah, I used to use jetbrains, but switch to vscode in the past 2 years [15:07:34] the automagical PHP support isn't quite a good, but prefered being able to just use 1 IDE for all my languages [15:07:53] I also really like the vscode remote mode development [15:07:59] ok… well if that's easy I'd be happy to have a license for the PHP tools for VScode [15:08:06] but I have a feeling jetbrains is going to catch up with all of these things soon [15:08:13] Pretty sure Jetbrains added some sort of remote mode thingy [15:08:23] yeah, I think they did in the last release [15:08:25] not tried it yet [15:08:25] I guess it could make sense to also have a fully open source option for people who just want to try things out and are daunted by this step :) [15:08:47] yeah, I guess thats the nice ish thing about VSCode, is it is actually open source [15:08:54] just the plugins are not always [15:09:11] there is another PHP plugin for vscode that I believe is open source etc, but at least the last time I tried it it wasn't quite a good [15:09:14] but that again was over a year ago now [15:22:38] in terms of a dev environment [15:22:41] I'd give https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Cli a go [15:22:57] (If you have docker and docker-compose) [15:23:02] I hope it would make everything super simple [15:30:20] cool ! Thanks a lot :) I am going to give it a go in the coming days :) [15:48:31] epic [15:48:39] I'm more than happy to stare at commits along the way [15:49:30] if you want a really simple REST api example in a mw extension, see https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-WikibaseManifest/blob/master/includes/RestApi.php [15:49:53] and read https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:REST_API/Extensions