[14:48:51] I am collecting data on the revenue of large US corporations. I came to Fannie Mae and see some contradictory information. Can anyone help me resolve this? [14:48:52] The data for annual total revenue (around 20,000 million) on Wikidata (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q621096) lines up with what I see in Fannie Mae's Annual report (10-K) seen here: https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0000310522/000031052221000156/fnm-20201231.htm under "Net Revenues" for each year listed. However, when I go to [14:48:52] respectable sources I see much higher values. Fortune (https://fortune.com/company/fannie-mae/fortune500/) lists FNMA's revenue at 106,437 million - approximately 5x higher. The Wikipedia page for Fannie Mae (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fannie_Mae) also shows a 2019 revenue of $120.2 billion. Wall Street Journal [14:48:53] (https://www.wsj.com/.../financials/annual/income-statement) also shows high values. But Yahoo (https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/FNMA/financials?p=FNMA) shows the lower values that are in the 10k. [14:49:30] I think it may be the difference between net and gross revenue, but I can't find the larger numbers in the 10-K [14:50:00] I think Total erevenue in Wikidata is referring to Gross Revenue, so I would like to find those numbers. [14:50:30] Sorry that this is so specific - I was hoping someone here might be able to point me to someone who could help! [19:59:46] Hi [23:33:22] how to get the v1 commands from an existing wikidata item?