[11:46:58] =# =# =# =# =# =# =# =# =# =# =# [11:47:18] दशरथसिह [11:50:11] Guest16: do you need help with something? [13:36:11] hello, i need help with a query. what is the sparql query for "items with no label" [13:42:25] i mean items with no label name [14:00:25] Udehb: You'd need to specify a language and some other conditions to narrow it down, as I guess it would timeout [14:03:43]  thanks sasha for the response. yes  i know. but i just dont know the sparql query for getting items with no labelname. for the time out issue, i can set a limit [14:13:29] https://w.wiki/4cZ8 [14:13:57] Udehb: ^ Items about writers without a label in English [14:14:03] Just adapt it for what you need [14:15:04] thank you so much sasha [14:15:07] yw