[19:07:13] !admin@wikidata [19:07:35] yes? [19:09:18] Just got blocked IP after doing a full refresh on a bot and saw that I forgot to define the user agent (as per https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Etiquette). Now just specified the user agent and put an 3 sleep time on requests. Could I get access again? Also sorry [19:10:33] EmericusPetro: what's the error/block message you see please? [19:10:58] requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='query.wikidata.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /sparql (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 101] Network is unreachable')) [19:17:21] Also, the type of query I'm making, while read-only but still, is VERY intense. Can easily go after 30 seconds, despite breaking into smaller parts. I already was doing serial (not parallel), and by manual request (is not yet automated or some sort of cron), but the user agent was generic. The code is open source (including the data compilation) [19:21:06] EmericusPetro: that looks like your computer fails to connect to query.wikidata.org. I don't think it's a block [19:27:29] urbanecm: thanks. I will investigate. I imagined the same from the error message. Anyway, I updated the user agent and added another delay. I will try to check if is not another issue (despite trying to optimize, they are heavy). But thanks everyone! [19:27:45] happy to help [19:33:20] Anyway, maybe eventually I will add them on the SPARQL query service/queries/examples, but they are very specific, so could make more sense on the "maintenance" part. But in short: they are related to get translations from over 100 Q itens (identified one by one) and over 100 languages (broken into 3 parts). The use case is compile translations for things such as humanitarian organizations, names of food types, translation for hygiene items, [19:33:22] etc. The decision of Q items is quite manual.