[01:21:13] How could I get a list of the most recently created 'instance of human' entries? My naive SPARQL query `SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . } LIMIT 50` times out when I add the sorting `ORDER BY DESC(?item)`. I'm not terribly surprised by this since there are presumably a *lot* of humans in the database. But is there a more efficient way that avoids this? [14:18:16] JAA: If you need help with a SPARQL query the people at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Request_a_query are usually very helpful [16:47:11] markh: Thanks, I'll try that. [21:07:09] Hi ! I'm looking for a matrix-IRC bridge to discuss with wikidata users. But if there is no, I can continue to use IRC though I'm not familiar with it [21:09:21] On another subject, I'm looking for a way to have my personal wikidata. I would like to have my own little instance where I can add item with some private informations to do some experiment with ontologie database. Do you know a way to do that? [21:11:36] I found out :p [21:11:54] * out :p (for the matrix thing)