[03:18:25] Hello [03:19:46] Is their any property available for reality series/competition/Contest :- "Judge" or "Judges" [03:20:50] kb: hello 1997kB how are you doing [03:21:46] kb: Do you know about any property available for reality series judge? [09:34:19] hi [09:34:25] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=wbgetentities&format=json&ids=Q42 [09:34:58] do you know how to get the same request results through python [09:35:51] I didn't find any example python code to intrudction how to write it in python formate [20:58:40] What should happen when a reference gets changed? Specifically, a Rolling Stone article was used as a reference for a P570 statement on Q105396829, but the relevant part of the article was edited later. Someone removed the reference (after attempting to do something with P1264), but that doesn't seem like the right thing to do. References can't be deprecated though, so maybe just add a P1065 with a Wayback [20:58:46] Machine snapshot showing the pre-edited version plus some marker (similar to P2241) that it was edited?