[05:55:40] Hello everyone. I'm brand new to wikidata and I'm wondering if anyone else was initially disappointed by SPARQL. To me, the heavy dependence on unique IDs and resulting heavy dependence on external tooling makes this one of most counterintuitive QLs I've ever approached. My immediate thoughts as I'm browsing tutorials are "okay, how am I going to automate the generation of these queries?" which I've learned is a massive red flag. [05:56:55] I hope this doesn't come off as flaming, I'm just severely disappointed and wondering if anyone had a similar initial reaction or knows about techniques for finding IDs internally (in-query) [06:10:42] maybe my comment is not appropriate, but maybe it this visual solution is worth of mentioning https://query.wikidata.org/querybuilder/?uselang=en [20:25:41] haugh: fwiw I agree. :-)