[10:30:22] Hi there, could someone help me clarify the process for updating the official website for an entry? I'm trying to update https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q316029#P856 and I've added the new entry but I think I need to somehow say that the old entry is no longer valid or define a preferred rank, but I'm not quite sure how to do this exactly? I'm also not sure if the original website URL was ever correct - it says the data is from Wikipedia but [10:30:23] the URL on Wikipedia is different. I assume there's a way to look through the Wikipedia entries history to either prove or disprove if that URL was ever referenced but I couldn't work out how. [10:36:45] Hello :) See https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Ranking. [10:38:40] And the page history of the respective Wikipedia article is at https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Streets&action=history&offset=&limit=500 [10:38:40] looking at some revision there you can see that the article indeed referenced the other domain previously: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Streets&oldid=590843751 [10:39:17] a good way to check something like this is also to use the Wayback Machine: http://web.archive.org/web/20220000000000*/http://the-streets.co.uk/ [10:41:06] Oh of course, definitely could have checked the Wayback Machine! Out of curiosity how did you find the old Wikipedia revision with the old URL? Or did you just jump way back in the revisions and randomly check? [10:41:42] I did a binary search^^ I jumped way back but noticed that the article didn't even have an infobox back then and then picked the middle to find the above revision [10:42:01] Gotcha, thank you [10:42:25] And than you for the link to Ranking, I now understand what those icons are that I've been ignoring :) [10:43:09] you're welcome :) giving the new website a preferred rank seems to be the way to go