[09:39:13] AmandaNP, first, thanks for responding. Second: irc always have been this way, I am seeing netsplits and bounces continuously, when an (official!) bridge handles 500 users then 500 will fall off and on when the irc servers stop behaving. [09:39:59] Third: it seems other wikimedia channels bear with that, you're the exception. (People shall probably familiarise with the client's settings to hide leave/joins.) [09:41:40] Fourth and most important: by banning the bridge and _not_ notifying the other side admins you create a strain on the irc servers (continuous joins from the bridge), cause constant error notification for _everyone_ using the bridge and also probably a headache for your fellow admins over there. You definitely should take time to handle the whole issue instead of fire-and-forget. [09:42:22] That said, I'm not the admin there, and I tried to resolve it first without coming here, but I cannot command the bridge which I wasn't setting up the first place. [09:42:35] I just got the notification hourly. [09:43:01] The admin is called Lozenge, and you two shall have the discussion. [09:43:15] No, take that back, Lozenge is just a mod. [09:43:26] Admin is WMFGC. [09:43:55] And 1997kb aka pirhszm. [09:45:00] But generally banning a user shall be handled differently from breaking the connection with a bridged network of, what, one to eight million users. [09:45:29] mutante, TINW [12:14:03] fwiw I can confirm the above [12:25:55] I don't see why the load of installing ignore settings should be on the IRC users when the bridge was clearly set up in a wrong way. I'm sure AmandaNP is very happy to lift the ban if the bridges users and/or their admin do their job on configuring that thing correctly. [17:17:58] this is cool [21:05:37] (I'm writing my message first, will ping after) [21:07:57] Yes, netsplits we can't control. They do not happen *every single* day though, and are once in a blue moon. Other Wikimedia channels handle this just fine, because they do not have the same spread of users using the bridge. When this sort of thing happens in other wikimedia channels, it is just one user, and we do ban them until they fix their connection. [21:11:36] About notifying people, 1) It's not like it was blatantly obvious that it is a bridge from the hostname, I had to find that out from Libera staff actually. 2) It has never been the responsibility of channel ops to harass other network administrators into compliance. It's their server, coming on to our network of channels. The responsibility lies with the network admins of Matrix to make sure it is compliant in the first place. [21:13:16] If that takes every user they have contacting them to tell them to do what should properly be done in the first place, then so be it. 3) I'm not "fire-and-forget"ing this. I have been watching this channel and been responding to it, and will continue to respond, barring my regular job hours in a day. [21:14:44] To be clear, I'm part of the Group Contacts (WMFGC) and represent them. So there is no one "higher" that I discuss this with. [21:15:18] phschafft is correct. Should the network admins fix the issue at hand, I will lift the ban happily [21:15:32] grin ^ [21:16:07] (and to be clear, yet another sigterm today shows how this still remains an issue) [21:20:06] Wondering for a few minutes how to show my support for all that without sounding strange. So I would like to keep it to that I'm happy that we have you here as admin, and that you have my full (even if worthless here) support on the matter based on the very reasons you just explained.