[05:28:02] Hello [05:28:48] I have created an account on wikidata yesterday but I have forgot the password can you pls help me ?? [09:15:32] hi all, is anyone able to tell me how to create predefined "templates" to do data entry for Wikidata? [09:20:59] ah... I just discovered quick statements [12:06:27] hey again, sorry to be a pain - I'm importing a CSV file and want to import lat/log coords - how do you acheive this? they have commas... [12:55:43] chris_wot: The format is @latitude/longitude in degrees using '.' as the decimal point (no commas). The example @43.26193/10.92708 is given on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:QuickStatements [12:56:05] markh thanks!!! [12:56:22] oh... somehow I missed that in the help [12:58:55] It's under the V1 syntax but that part should be unchanged from V1 [12:59:14] ah... that could be why I missed it - thanks so much for your help [12:59:20] I'll test it on the sandbox item [13:07:06] markh awesome the test on the sandbox worked like a charm! really appreciate the help [13:07:22] no problem [19:50:53] afhsfsfusshsfsdudfhddysxcdsxydi412