[11:04:58] markh: thanks, it works but I was thinking if there is something like window function sparql [14:59:26] ? [16:16:55] I have the impression that the wikibase tests are broken https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/job/quibble-vendor-mysql-php74-noselenium-docker/166557/console [16:18:08] 17:01:23 PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/workspace/src/extensions/Math/tests/phpunit/unit/WikiTexVC/en-wiki-formulae-good-reference.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /workspace/src/extensions/Math/tests/phpunit/unit/WikiTexVC/EnWikiFormulaeTest.php on line 37 [16:18:08] 17:01:23 PHP Notice: Undefined index: \intent{a}{b} in /workspace/src/extensions/Math/tests/phpunit/unit/WikiTexVC/MMLGenerationTexUtilTest.php on line 249 [16:18:09] :P [16:18:21] That is a loooot of errros though [16:20:54] the warnings are expected, but the MediaWiki\Config\ConfigException: MediaWiki\Config\MultiConfig::get: undefined option: 'Hooks' comes unexpected [16:21:57] It seems odd that a patch to wikibase and/or mw core would've passed CI and been merged if it was that broken [16:24:08] maybe I need to find another way to skip the tests... the setUpBeforeClass method seems to late if one uses a dataprovider that depends on a file which is not there [16:24:27] (works fine locally though)