[19:26:19] am I doing an IRC? [19:28:19] am I doing an IRC? I don't know how to get "in" the channel [19:31:14] JanC can you see this message? I think I might be talking to myself (IRC noob here) [19:32:42] ChanServ hello [19:40:50] Jerimee: welcome to IRC [19:41:07] thanks so much markh! [19:46:47] I want to create an item/entity/profile on wikidata for an artist whose name is Henry Fournier. [19:46:48] He has a (valid) name at birth "Louis Henry Fournier" so I'll add that as an AKA. LHF is, strictly speaking, his official name, but he preferred HF and is known as HF, so I'll use HF as the label. [19:46:48] Additionally, he is occasionally erroneously called "Henri Fournier" (an understandable misspelling) and "Hy Fournier" (a common misassumption based upon his signature). [19:46:49] Is there any way to add something to the effect of "also *incorrectly* known as?" Or "name is not?" [19:48:12] A related question is: can you add a qualifier to an alias or AKA?