[12:56:59] anyone by chance knows if there is a way to get an IP address unblocked without logging in? [12:59:52] I cannot login because of the block, and from what I see I need to be logged in to request the block to be removed. [13:00:30] (this is a range block our company just got in the the middle of. so completly unrelated to us) [13:21:44] phschafft: there is a UTRS the unblocking ticketsystem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Unblock_Ticket_Request_System [13:27:36] but i think the best you are getting is an ipblockexempt. doubt they will unblock subnets out of hetzners /29 [13:33:56] my problem in part is surly also that this isn't about specific user activity. more speaking for the company at this point. and this might make people uncomfortable in general. [13:34:06] still thanks for the link. [13:41:43] well if the company size warrants it, get IPv6 PI space :-) [13:45:46] I feel like we had that discussion so many times internally already. ;)