[09:15:26] Hi! I am quite new to wikidata and have a question regarding citations: If there is an existing citation in the Wikipedia that references a website article as external source and there is a corresponding wikidata object for the article that provides identical or additional information and context (e.g. by having additional data fields or [09:15:27] referencing the author as an object), is it ok to change the citation to use template https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Cite_Q or it this a big no go? Here is my example for this: I think https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effet_Sandbox#cite_ref-1 should be changed to point to https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q128602509 as the author goes by multiple [09:15:27] names as described here https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q127775949 [14:19:56] A little while ago I once got this message that I can now enter a default label for ALL languages where it is appropriate, for example for persons. But then it kinda disappeared again and I now don't see that default label field anymore. Would I have to change something in settings to get it permanently?