[01:34:25] Lucas_WMDE: Many thanks for the idea! I wrote this query to find humans linked to Ancient Egypt sorted by number of statements: https://w.wiki/B2jU I found many items that has not been modified since 2020 and have 4 statements. [16:18:17] the sorting is wrong, or? :D [16:18:43] or is that supposed? :D expected number of statements desc and not asc :D [16:28:47] hm? [16:57:18] ASC(?numberOfStatements) :D [17:05:38] * phschafft wonders if he should invite Getty to the micro meeting that might happen this evening. [17:07:13] hu? :D what is it about? :D [19:49:00] Getty: I *think* the meeting is going to be skipped today. it would have been about data cleanup and bookmarks. but in context of a few things I listed yesterday about our usecases.