[09:07:33] Hey team, have a doubt [09:07:56] Can we create an Wikidata item, without writing a wikipedia article? [09:40:55] why not? [10:28:10] @phschafft, Sir, how does it works. Any wikipedia article link [10:30:23] the wikipedia links are stored in the wikidata item as sitelinks and can be edited once the item is in exsistance. [10:31:18] however it seems generally a good idea, to keep quality up, if there is both (wikidata item and wikipedia pages). [10:38:41] Na na sir my doubt is [10:39:35] Lets say, Pschafft is subject who is not notable for Wikiepdia article or he has some news articles. [10:39:35] But pschafft is looking having knowledge graph on Wikidata, with all his links at one place and machine readable [10:39:40] Is it possbile [10:41:07] Maybe this one helps: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Notability