[11:23:20] how do i enable gadgets on wiki??? https://xilamboss.wikiforge.net/ [11:54:50] Please enable "Gadgets" in https://xilamboss.wikiforge.net/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/extensions. You should be able to find it in your search [12:37:00] i already set it though.... where is the Hotcat gadget [14:46:35] you need to import the code [23:04:52] @Site Reliability Engineers Something’s up with Phorge, it’s loading with no styling whatsoever [23:05:04] my fault [23:05:10] I'm fiddling with S3 [23:05:23] I think Phab doesn't like our access key though [23:05:27] I'm guessing it can't parse it