[18:59:27] Can one of you look into this since Agent is clearly busy? @notaracham @reception123 [19:32:28] That one's unfortunately outside my expertise/access [20:18:11] Works for me, can you try again? [20:18:21] Seconded, just tested as well and cannot reproduce the issue. [20:21:13] Okay what the hell. It's been like that for days (I checked the minute before my ping and it was still like that), and as soon as you respond the issue goes away [20:21:34] Did Reception or someone else do something, or is this just the universe fucking with me lol [20:22:39] I blame some goofy caching thing, for obvious reasons >> "If it's a stuck value, it's a cache problem" [20:25:15] I didn't clear the cache in between the ping and now though [20:25:26] And I did clear my cache several times when the issue first arose [20:25:31] Server-side and cloudflare caches are what I was referring to [20:25:38] Ah okay