[20:37:39] @logon [20:37:39] Channel is already logged [22:23:00] test [22:23:11] test achieved! [22:23:27] Yeah it is on the wrong server though lol [22:23:46] battling relays [22:26:16] test [22:26:23] test [22:26:33] Finally! [23:00:09] What is your wiki account name? [23:00:33] I see why [23:01:40] Ah [23:02:02] @solhando can you try again? Sorry for the inconvenience [23:02:26] Solhando [23:02:35] I'll give it a try👍 [23:05:32] Fixed thanks! No inconvenience [23:18:16] I was just approved for a premium wikiforge. Before making the payment, I just wanted to confirm I can host the wiki I'm seeing on cryowiki.your.wf on my own domain of cryowiki.com Thanks! [23:20:01] Yes, we can set up the custom domain for it. @agentisai can assist more with that probably. [23:21:09] Thanks. I'm sure there are instructions somewhere on your website that I'll take a look at tomorrow. If I can't get it I'll circle back for help.