[08:49:37] Does the file system maintenance also affect wikiforge? @agentisai [08:49:45] Or is it just wt [08:50:16] Just WT [19:09:06] [1/3] Hey folks. I have some really basic questions. First, can someone with very limited technical skills set up a wiki with wikiforge? I work for a game studio, but am not a dev myself, just trying to figure out how much I'll need to loop in devs. [19:09:06] [2/3] On the other side of things, we have a very active and dedicated community/player base currently, and we want our wiki to be primarily contributed to by them, with us just establishing it, acting as stewards, and filling in blanks. It looks like the pricing is more based on amount of storage and features, but I didn't see anything about number of users/contributors, or how you det [19:09:07] [3/3] ermine who can contribute. [19:47:04] Hi, thanks for asking. Our plans don't cap the number of users/contributors you can have on your wiki, the main difference is more advanced features (and potentially dedicated hosting resources) [19:49:38] The vast majority of initial wiki setup and moderation doesn't require any especially advanced technical knowledge, but there is a bit of initial learning curve. [19:49:52] We're happy to help out with questions as needed, though. [21:01:31] That's fantastic! Thank you much, going to keep checking it out then. I appreciate the help 🙂