[18:48:59] 06Data-Engineering: [SPIKE] Learn and document how to use Flink-CDC from MediaWiki MariaDB locally - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T373144#10128450 (10NoZeroDay) @Ottomata, I'm made a couple of updates that address some of the items raised. The catalog type has been updated to `hadoop` and using the local fi... [18:50:44] 10Data-Engineering (Q1 2024 July 1st - September 30th): Migrate and re-deploy eventstreams using service-utils - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T361769#10128451 (10tchin) 1. Eventstreams is currently deployed in the beta cluster successfully with service-utils 2. It turns out that KafkaSSE uses bunyan, so log... [23:31:33] 14Analytics, 06Data-Engineering, 10MediaWiki-extensions-CentralNotice, 10MediaWiki-extensions-EventLogging, and 2 others: Eventlogging should transparently split large event payloads - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T114078#10128526 (10jeremyb)