[08:44:04] 10Data-Engineering (Q3 2024 January 1st - March 31th), 10Dumps 2.0: Modify code to dump all slots - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T384945#10531264 (10pfischer) 05In progress→03Stalled While implementing I came across a content-slot-property named **origin**, that obviously does not have a counterpart i... [11:23:22] 10Data-Engineering (Q3 2024 January 1st - March 31th), 10Dumps 2.0, 13Patch-For-Review: Modify code to dump all slots - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T384945#10531508 (10xcollazo) >>! In T384945#10531264, @pfischer wrote: > While implementing I came across a content-slot-property named **origin**, that o... [11:54:29] 10Data-Engineering (Q3 2024 January 1st - March 31th), 10Dumps 2.0, 13Patch-For-Review: Modify code to dump all slots - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T384945#10531557 (10daniel) >>! In T384945#10531507, @xcollazo wrote: > I guess my specific question is: why would `slot_origin` ever be anything other tha... [12:50:14] 06Data-Engineering, 06Growth-Team, 10GrowthExperiments, 10MediaWiki-extensions-WikimediaEvents, and 2 others: statslib: Add support for tracking histograms for non-timings - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T383563#10531599 (10Michael) 05Duplicate→03Open Reopening and clarifying that this is about tra... [13:01:03] 06Data-Engineering, 06Growth-Team, 10GrowthExperiments, 10MediaWiki-extensions-WikimediaEvents, and 2 others: statslib: statsv support for histogram metricas - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T383563#10531623 (10Michael) [13:02:39] 06Data-Engineering, 06Growth-Team, 10GrowthExperiments, 10MediaWiki-extensions-WikimediaEvents, and 2 others: statslib: statsv support for histogram metrics - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T383563#10531625 (10Michael) [13:42:39] 06Data-Engineering, 06Growth-Team, 10GrowthExperiments, 10MediaWiki-extensions-WikimediaEvents, and 2 others: mw.track: support for histogram metrics - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T383563#10531738 (10colewhite) [13:44:14] 06Data-Engineering, 06Growth-Team, 10GrowthExperiments, 10MediaWiki-extensions-WikimediaEvents, and 3 others: mw.track: support for histogram metrics - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T383563#10531739 (10colewhite) [19:41:31] 10Data-Engineering (Q3 2024 January 1st - March 31th), 10Commons-Impact-Metrics, 10Commons-Impact-Metrics-Requests: Update Commons Impact Metrics allow-list January 2025 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T384259#10532632 (10GFontenelle_WMF) 05Open→03Resolved [22:23:10] 06Data-Engineering, 10Charts (Sprint 15), 07Schema-change: Deploy patch-gjl_namespace_text.sql on x1.commonswiki for JsonConfig - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385917 (10bvibber) 03NEW [22:29:05] 06Data-Engineering, 10Charts (Sprint 15), 13Patch-For-Review, 07Schema-change: Deploy patch-gjl_namespace_text.sql on x1.commonswiki for JsonConfig - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385917#10533008 (10bvibber)