[08:00:48] morning [08:01:02] looks like I have a bunch of cloudvirts to work with (thanks Andrew) so I'm just going to start moving stuff [08:39:47] ack [11:07:14] has anyone seen 'cinderclient.exceptions.ClientException: Unable to update attachment.(Invalid volume: duplicate connectors detected on volume 1c5e694b-7771-4fa2-825e-9cb8c317f31a).' while resizing an instance before? [11:08:33] no :-( [11:10:08] no hits from phab either [11:12:24] I don't remember seeing it before :/ [11:13:07] and I see two attachments: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P65154 [11:13:24] I guess I could remove the duplicate ('reserved'?) one, reset the state to shutoff, and then try the migration again [11:13:28] thoughts? [11:14:48] makes sense, I would maybe try removing both and re-attaching after the migration, but not sure if it will help [11:16:22] I don't remember if I ever resized/migrated an instance with cinder volumes attached, in theory it should work just fine but I wonder if there's some hidden bug [11:25:55] no, now it's back in ERROR [11:45:29] Hi, Do I need to file a quota request even if I need some it for a couple of hours only to do the bullseye migration for codesearch? [11:46:47] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T367479#9902922 [11:47:05] need 80GB volume so I can attach it to the new vm [11:47:44] OTOH, If I can attack a volume to two VMs, maybe I can try that too but I'm not seeing it in horizon [11:47:50] *attach [11:50:38] seems like I got lost in a netsplit - did I miss anything? [12:10:33] taavi: this is what I have [12:10:34] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Sfon78sG/ [12:10:59] Amir1: yes, please, file a ticket [12:19:17] andrewbogott: when you're around, can I ask you to have a look at the stuck VM (fastcci-nfs-1.fastcci)? [13:44:59] taavi: I'm looking but I'm also about to have a meeting so it might be a bit before I get anywhere [13:45:31] taavi: also, if you don't need to go then after the meeting I'd like you to supervise me moving some VMs so i can help migrate stuff later in the day [13:45:50] sure [13:49:15] taavi et al, what I did for that fastcci host was: [13:49:23] openstack volume attachment list --all-projects | grep cf6dc802-f95c-48c1-a07b-8791185a5e45 (the instance id) [13:49:32] and then [13:49:40] openstack volume attachment delete [13:49:42] and then [13:49:52] openstack server reboot --hard cf6dc802-f95c-48c1-a07b-8791185a5e45 [13:49:58] and now I'm putting it back together [13:50:59] (and now that I've read the backscroll, I see that taavi already did 90% of the work there) [14:52:45] Raymond_Ndibe: I just +1'd https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T367878, they have some momentum with their OS migration so would be good to get it filled quickly [14:52:55] (oh or maybe I'll just do it if he's out) [14:53:15] taavi: how are you prioritizing projects for the OVS move? [14:53:34] andrewbogott: I'm going through the list in alphabetical order [14:53:41] that's easy! [14:53:48] btw can I get a second +1 for T367878? [14:53:49] T367878: Extra 80GB volume to allow migration of buster VM to bullseye - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T367878 [14:54:34] i just implemented it instead [14:54:38] fair :) [14:54:50] * andrewbogott backspaces over his command rather than hitting enter [14:56:29] taavi, do I need to observe any selectivity about projects or does the cookbook already skip things with g2 flavors and other unmovable things? [14:57:37] it has an allowlist of flavors to migrate, so any weird flavors are totally fine [14:57:49] the only thing to be careful about at this point is magnum things [14:58:51] ok. is there a checklist? [14:59:30] Well, I should have started with this question: is this sufficiently automated that I should just leave it to you? I'm just trying to share the tedium :) [14:59:37] 1. check that project does not have any magnum instances [14:59:37] 2. run the wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs cookbook [14:59:37] 3. ??? [14:59:37] 4. profit [15:01:24] ok, so e.g. sudo cookbook wmcs.openstack.migrate_project_to_ovs --cluster-name eqiad1 --task-id T326373 --project xtools [15:01:25] T326373: Migrate Cloud VPS to Neutron Open vSwitch agent - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T326373 [15:01:36] Oh, by 'checklist' I meant, 'how do I know how far along in the alphabet you are?' [15:02:00] please don't add a --task-id there, I don't want that to fill my mailbox [15:02:24] ok :) [15:03:14] so far it's automated enough that I can deal with the standard cases by myself. so far I'm up to 'fr-tech-dev' [15:04:03] I think it'd be more helpful if you helped with the "things that worry me" list. so far that includes trove, magnum, toolforge nfs, and all the bastions [15:04:56] ok, sounds good. I'll make a magnum test case [15:05:09] the other annoying thing that would help at this point is all the VMs with non-standard g3 flavors [15:05:13] do you have specific reason to suspect magnum? [15:05:15] * andrewbogott nods [15:05:39] magnum is configured to automatically create VMs, and I doubt that changing existing VMs will change what it'll try to create in the future [15:06:08] true [15:15:03] taavi: I think in most cases the right thing is to just redeploy after something like https://github.com/toolforge/paws/compare/main...ovs [15:15:13] (assuming that I know how to do that) [15:17:33] oh, and apparently I need Rook to give me r/w access to the quarry repo [15:20:43] andrewbogott: can you stamp https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/cloud-vps/tofu-infra/-/merge_requests/5? [15:22:30] approved [15:22:58] andrewbogott: You're not an owner on the GitHub toolforge org? [15:26:36] all I know so far is that I can't 'git clone git@github.com:toolforge/quarry.git' [15:26:44] but I can w/paws [15:26:46] * andrewbogott double checks [15:27:26] oh wait, I can't do that either. So how did my paws checkout get here... [15:27:44] Rook: sounds like you should ignore me for now [15:29:50] OK, I'm sorted now [15:42:43] 👍 [15:45:17] FYI experimenting with haproxy for k8s @ toolsbeta [15:45:58] Rook: have a minute to help me deploy quarry? I copied quarry.key from your homedir to mine, ran 'git-crypt unlock ~/quarry.key'... [15:46:09] deploying says [15:46:12] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/vuZZ8dw5/ [15:53:34] I will but probably not for 30 or 40 minutes [15:53:40] taavi: I just experimented with this in toolsbeta, wdyt? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/1047113 [15:53:58] Rook: at your convenience :) [15:57:09] arturo: that seem sfine at least at a glance [15:59:20] taavi: thanks, I will follow up tomorrow [16:19:48] * arturo offline