[09:42:01] currently trying to rebuild lima-kilo from main and getting this error: [09:42:05] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/L0zSNxQL/ [09:44:10] probably wrong k8s API extension being used somewhere [09:56:45] blancadesal: I see also the registry admission rejected the pod [09:57:26] we probably need some additional config for the registry admission to allow for local deploys in lima-kilo [10:00:32] looks like that's the case, with https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/toolforge/lima-kilo/-/commit/62f379f2b4513c72ef0b76e6b0761e0798828b9d the only components that deploy properly are cert-manager and the registry-admission itself [11:04:18] fyi I have reverted the commit above that introduced the registry-admission controller in lima-kilo [11:19:50] ok [11:33:43] who is on clinic duty this week? [11:39:13] per the topic, dhinus [11:39:45] he's on PTO all week though [11:42:40] blancadesal: you might need to pass the registries that they are allowed to pull as config [13:11:41] * arturo food [13:42:44] * andrewbogott waves [13:43:22] morning \o [14:22:29] arturo, can you give https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T368965 a glance before we assign to jo.bo for approval? thx [14:22:47] 👀 [14:23:42] andrewbogott: the task title looks wrong [14:24:15] otherwise LGTM [14:24:28] OK. I don't know why the title is so vague but it does say 'This is covered by "Refresh of cloudlb2001-dev"' lower down [14:24:37] I'll add that to the title :) [14:27:14] andrewbogott: so, this is a replacement for one of the nodes in a 3-nodes HA setup. If we aren't going to introduce 3 HA nodes in eqiad1, then I'd say we don't need it [14:27:39] cloudlb2001-dev being replaced, the oldest, and also HP https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/zhBMH43I/image.png [14:29:32] wow! [14:54:10] FYI changed the default branch of repos/cloud/toolforge/registry-admission from master to main [14:55:32] nice! I think the ingress-admission needs changing too [14:56:29] ok let me check [14:58:11] done [15:00:41] thanks for finishing that up, when I did the changes for the others we had some PRs pending on those so I did not want to mess those up, and then I forgot xd [15:05:37] 👍 [15:09:58] arturo: at your convenience can you fill in racking details on T369523 ? thx [15:10:17] sure [15:13:03] I think fourohfour needs some care xd [15:13:04] -rw-r----- 1 tools.fourohfour tools.fourohfour 313G Jul 8 15:12 uwsgi.log [15:14:20] has it been eating too much cake again? [15:14:29] it prefers cookies ;) [15:16:01] wow :-( [15:16:17] xd [15:17:55] arturo: do you mind me trying this one? T369166 [15:17:56] T369166: toolforge: refresh kubernetes cookbooks for the 1.25 upgrade - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T369166 [15:18:29] blancadesal: you are welcome to work on that :-) [15:56:21] what is the task to deploy the registry admission on lima-kilo, if we have any? [15:56:52] I'm creating one [15:58:01] T369527 [15:58:01] T369527: toolforge: lima-kilo: deploy registry admission - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T369527 [16:02:03] * arturo off [17:33:50] * dcaro off