[13:53:41] andrewbogott: what is komla stuck on re the email list? [13:55:11] blancadesal: generating the user dump requires a cloudweb login; I think I'm done getting him the file he needs [13:55:36] 👍 [13:59:54] is it the wmcs-survey-mail-list scripts? [14:31:16] yeah [14:49:25] I'm able to run those as my user on toolforge, did komla try that? [14:51:42] I don't know. If it can run on toolforge can you update the docs? https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Annual_Toolforge_Survey/How_to#Bulk_emailing_instructions [14:58:38] sure. I'll need to tweak the scripts first though because the path to the sql binary is different (and there might be some other differences too, iirc I had to edit the script a bit to make it work) [15:18:15] Is there a nice way like this curl to tell me if a user has edits anywhere? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/lBMZmI2i/ [15:39:03] is there anything to consider for rolling out postgresql sec updates on cloudbackup? probably not, just doublechecking [15:39:15] Rook: `curl -X GET "https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&meta=globaluserinfo&guiprop=editcount&guiid=57461233&formatversion=2"` [15:39:43] taavi: Thanks! [15:41:08] for future reference, https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox is an interactive tool for figuring out the possible options [15:41:36] moritzm: I think you can do it whenever. I just updated cloudbackup1004 but it didn't fix the bug I was chasing :( [15:44:24] ok! [16:21:07] andrewbogott: Thanks for the survey list! It is in my home directory. [18:12:30] moritzm: regarding the postgres updates... I'm pretty sure that there was a database in /srv/cinder-backups/postgresql/15/main on cloudbackup2003 and cloudbackup2004. Did you upgrade those servers? And if so... anything in the logs about it deleting our database? [18:13:05] maybe it was never there and there was a latent config... [18:14:03] * andrewbogott tries copying over /var/lib/postgresql [18:17:34] moritzm: that fixed it, you can ignore me. This must be from a sloppy original setup [18:21:58] ack, I [18:22:07] ack, I've only just seen your ping anyway :-9 [18:48:23] did someone fix the toolchecker alert or did it just get better on its own? [18:56:47] * dcaro oaged [18:57:02] I'm ~30 min from a laptop [18:57:50] Is it still an issue? Anyone on it? [18:58:04] Otherwise I can ask an handle when I'm around anlaptop [18:58:06] I'm also far from a laptop [18:58:10] *ack [18:59:27] I have a few minutes but then I'm catching a flight [18:59:38] I don't know if it's a real disruption or not [18:59:53] I acked the alert for now, everyone's been already paged I think [18:59:54] Ok, let me know if you get to it and I'll take over [19:04:37] seems to've recovered, I don't see anything to fix at the moment [19:09:59] the tool itself seems just fine. So I have done nothing [19:24:08] * dcaro just back on a laptop [19:24:09] ack [19:28:06] I'll resolve the incident on victorops [19:28:31] * dcaro vanishes back to pto [19:28:46] thanks for handlning it!