[08:51:18] morning! [10:07:32] HI :) [10:16:14] o/ welcome back jobo :) [10:24:10] I could use a little assistance on if three toolforge account requests are reasonable [10:24:10] https://toolsadmin.wikimedia.org/tools/membership/status/188[234] [10:24:59] The requests seem mostly reasonable, maybe one of them doesn't need toolforge to do, my main question is around them all having new accounts [10:34:42] Rook: I think we can leave 1882 and 1883 pending until they answer your questions. 1884 I'd be tempted to approve, it's quite a well-defined project, though we could also ask to write some code first and come back later [10:35:09] I'm more inclined for approving though, it's a reasonable request and I don't see good reasons to decline [10:35:41] Sounds good, thanks for the guidance [13:03:39] I'm on PTO [13:04:09] but wanted to share +1 to the idea of addressing T386921 from the volume admission controller rather than kyverno [13:05:56] oh hi jobo! I finally spotted your username :) [13:08:03] Haha hi Adam, welcome to the team. [13:09:17] welcome! :) [13:10:09] arturo: ack, patch ready (writing functional tests) [13:51:38] welcome addshore :) [13:59:58] dcaro: I'm upgrading mariadb on tools-db-4, it might trigger a page [14:00:11] dhinus: ack, thanks for the heads up [14:01:09] I tried creating a silence, but I'm not sure I got the params right :) [14:03:29] xd [14:05:50] shutdown is taking longer than usual [14:06:51] I can no longer connect, but the mysql process is still running, at 10% cpu [14:07:36] I'll wait 10 minutes before force-killing it [14:07:49] nothing significant in the logs [14:10:09] got the page now 👍 [14:11:08] it did complete the shutdown eventually [14:11:16] upgrading and restarting now [14:13:38] we're back! [14:13:56] disable-tool.service seems to be affected by the db being down [14:14:12] (back up now) [16:23:35] dcaro: I discovered that Heroku added official .NET support, maybe we can remove the custom buildpack? https://blog.heroku.com/dotnet-support-on-heroku [16:23:57] I will create a phab task if there's not one already [16:28:21] dhinus: nice! [16:29:29] yep, it's in the cloud native buildpack version too https://github.com/heroku/buildpacks-dotnet [16:30:20] yes it looks like they released both a CN buildpack _and_ a classic buildpack for it, even if they say classic buildpacks are deprecated :) [16:30:44] * dhinus feels like heroku moving off classic buildbacks is probably their equivalent of "moving off the grid" :) [16:30:45] they also say the cloud native ones are 'preview only' xd, confusing [16:30:51] yep hahahaha [16:31:11] I'm sure they have a ticket in their bug-tracking system opened around 2015 [16:32:43] this is new also https://github.com/heroku/buildpacks-deb-packages [16:34:06] ah nice! [16:34:35] T387140 [16:34:36] T387140: dotnet: migrate to Heroku buildpack - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387140 [16:34:41] thanks! [16:34:49] I'll open a separate one to consider the deb buildpack [16:36:03] yes please :) [16:38:08] T387141 [16:38:09] T387141: migrate from apt buildpack to Heroku's .deb packages buildpack - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387141 [16:40:10] thanks! [17:06:31] ooh, welcome addshore! [17:54:15] addshore: feel free to join #wikimedia-cloud-daily if you want to post updates/read the updates of the rest of the team [17:54:23] * dcaro off [17:54:25] cya tomorrow!